God needed an angel? Maybe it's just me but I think that would be a terrible thing to say to someone who just lost a child. 17 years ago my mom was pregnant with twins, there was a complication an she ended up losing both of them. I don't remember anyone that came over saying "God needed 2 more angels." They all said how sorry they were and asked if there was anything they could do. It could have been said with the intention of comforting the parents, but in my personal opinion to me that phrase sounds hurtful.
No announcement yet.
Ok look I get it...
5 more days and I just heard another one that unfortunately I could not keep mouth from engaging...
A friends mother was talking to me and asked how I was so sure that it was going to be the 23rd... I informed her that my doctor had scheduled a c-section so if I didn't go into labor it was defiantly the 23rd... then she spouted off..
SFM- stupid friends mom
Me- a very pregnate and in pain due to hips so she is bitchy to begin with person.
SFM- Oh you are takeing the easy way huh?
Me- No I am doing it in a way that is safest for me and Abby.
SFM- you should have it naturally that is what women were made to do.. c-sections are over used and are for sissies.
Me- Excuse me?
SFM- There is no reason that you should have a c-section other then your afriad of a little pain..
Me- *totally lost it* Look.. I have to have a c-section because the chance of my uterus rupturing and me bleeding to death is extremely high. Considering I almost bleed to death last time, I rather not try and repeat that experience. It is not a choice of a little pain.. it is a choice that I would prefer not to fing die. *insert biker language here*
SFM- Oh I am sure that they are just saying that cause they will make more off of it.
Me- Look last time due to complications of early labor and my body deciding to come out of the spinal early and other factors... when I finally got to go home.. My husband watched as I ruptured and fountained out blood from the incision. So pardon me if I take the advice of a High risk OB who runs the freaking resident program over some stupid ass *insert another biker tirade* woman.
SFM- *looks at her daughter* I dont know why your friend is so hostile. *storms off*
If my friend had NOT been in front of her knife drawer I think I would have actually stab her mother a few times.
must repeat my mantra.... 5 days and I will be holding Abby... just 5 days... I think I am going to stay home the next 5 days.... it might be safer for the dumb shits out there.
Originally posted by DesignFox View Post*jawdrop* wtf is wrong with that person?
Again thanks for the support.. even on the web it is nice to know that I have a place that understands... now off to stab stuff in WoW... stabbing things is so... satisfying... wait that doesnt sound right lol
Originally posted by Fryk View PostIt sounds EXACTLY right.
Although, stabbing "stuff" is kinda what got you into this predicament in the first place :: )
Oh my gosh I want to hit that woman! And a c-section is nowhere near the easy way out. My friends who have had vaginal delieveries are fine 6 weeks later. Me, 3 months later and I still have pain.
I think depending on the circumstances a c-section can be one of the most unselfish things you do for your child, and a woman who chooses to have a c-section to protect her child should be commended instead of told she needs to do the vaginal birth.
One of my hot button issues because my little guy was breech and I certainly got comments due to the planned c-section.
What an effing idiot your friend's mother is. I wonder if your friend was standing in front of the knife drawer precisely because she knew her mother was an insensitive know-it-all?
Is she a doctor? Any kind of medical professional at all? Unlikely. To hell with her stupid "opinion". Your doctor knows what is happening and what to do, nobody else need pipe up.
Originally posted by Kimmik View PostI think I am going to stay home the next 5 days.... it might be safer for the dumb shits out there.Take care of yourself; the idiots can go play in traffic.
Originally posted by Fryk View PostNext time you see my name at the top of a post, for gods sakes, put the beverage down! Glad I could help calm the homicidal rages :: )
4 more days... and I want to thank those that make video games... working in retail.. and moronic people... it is good to have things to stab... now if my hubby would let me play my shooting games again the meanie.
He banned me from Halo.. he is soooooooo mean.
Originally posted by Kimmik View PostSFM- There is no reason that you should have a c-section other then your afriad of a little pain..
Kimmik - I would have asked the friend in front of the knife drawer to hand me the sharpest knife she had.
AS for c-sections are for sissies? I had to have a c-section with Child Rum as my blood pressure was 190/120 and my kidneys were shutting down. Thankfully, my epidural held throughout everything, but I was very scared. It did take a while for me to actually grow numb though.
Good luck! I hope everything goes smoothly.*hugs*
Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey
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