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SMILE!!!! It Can't Be That Bad.

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  • SMILE!!!! It Can't Be That Bad.

    I hate people who say that. I really do. Especially when they don't know what is going on. I mean a person could be upset about a loved one having cancer, and some moron tells them to smile. How fucking insensitive can you get.

    Or if there is nothing wrong, you just happen to not be smiling at that moment. Someone says that to you. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! I'm not the fucking joker from batman. I don't have a permanent smile plastered to my face.

    I smile only when I want to. The shiny happy people that holler "SMILE" every 30 seconds can fuck off.
    If I can't bitch, I'll explode- blas87

  • #2
    Right there with you. How the hell do they know what is going on in your world?

    If I am actually in a GOOD mood, they get my most patronizing, contempt filled grimace.

    If am am in a bad mood, they get the "ReallY? It's not?" followed by my most patronizing, contempt filled grimace.


    • #3
      Respond with oh it's not (detail then the most horrific event you can think of then at the end smile sigh and say your right it's not that bad)
      Jack Faire


      • #4
        I just look at them, raise an eyebrow and say "I am smiling."


        • #5
          I got that a lot when I was working retail. Goodness' sake, I can be polite to my customers without having a corny grin pasted on my face, which I'm sure people would notice isn't genuine. People will also often ask me "What's wrong?" or "What are you so angry about?" when it turns out I'm just thinking. I guess I get one of those intense, angry looking faces when I'm in deep thought about something.
          A.K.A. ShinyGreenApple


          • #6
            I look like I am always scowling. I can be having a great day and feeling awesome but because I am not smiling I am in a horrible mood and suddenly people want to cheer me up.
            Jack Faire


            • #7
              I used to get this a lot when I worked at Wal-Mart. Odd thing is, I'm not one of those people who always looks like I'm scowling. I just tend to have an unemotional expression on my face most of the time.

              Looking back in hindsight, I think I should have said, "Well, actually, my mother just died of lung, breast, and stomach cancer, and my sister just committed suicide due to the grief."

              I honestly don't understand people who do this "Smile!" stuff. Do they think they are the anointed saints of happiness or something? What really used to get me was that I was almost never rude or grumpy while I worked, so I don't see why anyone would think they had to "cheer me up." They only time I ever did get this way was when someone acted like an a-hole, and even then, it was mild, because my emotions often have a hard time showing themselves.
              Last edited by guywithashovel; 12-11-2009, 07:09 PM.


              • #8
                Heh, never once have I gotten the smile thing, guess it's because for some reason people pick up on just how wolfish my smile is, I'll smirk if I'm amused or happy.... I smiles like all other great apes... meaning if I'm smiling, especially a rictus grin... well people are creeped out by it at the least, and usually look like they might wet themselves at worst.

                Any time someone says this, I do the rictus... almost immediately it's... OH GOD STOP!


                • #9
                  My natural reaction is to say, "Actually, I suffered a miscarriage" and watch their jaws drop in shock. Arseholish of me, I know, but it might actually stop them saying it to someone who has actually suffered a tragedy.

                  This guy smiles a lot.

                  Should we all emulate him?
                  "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                  • #10
                    No, it's not assholish at all, the next person they do this stuff to might HAVE suffered some horrible tragedy!

                    Fuck those people. Seriously.


                    • #11
                      I had someone say something similar back in April of 2008. Let's just say I lost it, and said something like... "Look asshole, I've had two cats die in 6 months. A friend attempted suicide April Fool's morning, plus some dipshit rear-ended my car today. Excuse me for not fucking smiling. Go fuck yourself."


                      • #12
                        I've seen my husband respond to "Smile!" commands with the most demonic grin I've ever seen. People take a step back and don't ask again.

                        Personally, I like to say "This IS my smile." And then look very dejected.


                        • #13
                          If you insist

                          Originally posted by guywithashovel View Post
                          Looking back in hindsight, I think I should have said, "Well, actually, my mother just died of lung, breast, and stomach cancer, and my sister just committed suicide due to the grief."
                          I catually got to do the once, my uncle had just died and someone was like "comeone gremcint we need to be more upbeat" She wasn't buggin me or anything but I was not in the mood to deal with it.

                          I once had a teacher in highschool nickname me smiley because I didn't smile much.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by gremcint View Post

                            I once had a teacher in highschool nickname me smiley because I didn't smile much.
                            Ah. Maybe a good nickname for her would be "Brainy."


                            • #15
                              "Smile, things could be worse"
                              So I did, and they were.
                              ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

                              SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.

