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Movie snobbery (could also apply to TV shows)

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  • Movie snobbery (could also apply to TV shows)

    When I watch a movie, TV show, or any form of media, I watch it for my enjoyment. I don't want to be educated, I don't want some hidden meaning, I don't want "reality", I just want to enjoy my time exploring an alternate universe where the good guys usually win. Apparently, this means I'm just a simpleton who can't appreciate real "art".

    I see this attitude online all the time, mostly on TV forums and movie boards *coughimdbcough*. These are the people who like those artzy movies hardly anyone hears of and won't be caught watching the "mainstream" movies. Look, I don't have a problem with anyone having far our taste in anything. I'm all for people having their own preferences, but don't think you're better than everyone else because they just want to be entertained.

    Those movies that are either so ultra depressing they make you feel like shit afterwards, or super confusing movie that only a few people can understand the "true meaning" off are praised for that very reason. What pisses me off is that those people bash the movies that are enjoyable to watch, claiming that the fans of those movies are too stupid to appreciate their stuff. Typical counters to any criticisms of their movie are "Well it's not meant to be entertaining!", "You're just not smart enough to understand it!", "Sorry you didn't get your hollywood ending!"

    GAH!! That attitude pisses me off so much! They bash people who find solice in something just to make themselves feel more superior! WELL THAT'S WHY I LIKE ACTION AND COMEDY YA LOONEY'S!! It's an escape, something I don't have to take so seriously, and something that I can enjoy. Why must these snobs look down on others who like to enjoy themselves WITH A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT?!

    I had to get that off my chest.

  • #2
    I agree so, so much.

    I'll elaborate when I get home and have the time to rant


    • #3
      I agree totally. I see this a lot with horror movies, especially on IMDB. Look I enjoy the Saw movies, yes okay, I know there are 6 of them now, and you know what, I've enjoyed every single one, so sue me! Don't give me crap because I didn't enjoy whatever classic horror movie you did.


      • #4
        I have mentioned it elsewhere but let me elaborate and add to here.

        I used to do weekly movie nights it was fun the movies were great. Then we got "film geek" See now I am a film geek too but my first qualification for a movie it must be entertaining.

        Movies are first and foremost a form of entertainment for me. I don't think this makes me better than those that like art films but it means I won't always agree with them about what movie is good.

        That being said when I hear them spend twenty minutes explaining why every Adam Sandler movie in existence is trash, changed his mind after watching 50 first dates but I digress, and repeatedly using the word stupid has no right to feel superior and definitly nor the right to get pissed off when describing why I don't think the documentary on Linux is the best movie ever I use the word stupid.

        Get over yourself you may want to "elevate entertainment to an artform" but to me it's not art unless humans take enjoyment from it. That may not be the official destination but it is mine so stop judging my idea of art and I won't judge yours.
        Jack Faire


        • #5
          My opinion: Like what you like.

          I hated Slumdog Millionaire. HATED. It was a perfectly boring romance with so many British Empire, post-colonial overtones that it was ridiculous. The only good part was the dance break during the credits.

          My loose definition of "art" is something that entertains, educates, and enlightens. I like a lot of movies that don't fit that definition, and that's okay. It doesn't have to be art to be a good time. But something that can hit all three (like No Country for Old Men)....awesome!


          • #6
            Amen to you.

            I'm sick and tired of being assumed a braindead twit because I enjoy some reality shows and talent shows, on the weekends my TV is stuck on E! channel (that alone is enough for people to start their eye rolling and "I'm better than you because I watch *The Deadliest Catch* and *Ice Road Truckers*).

            Or because I DO enjoy a lot of "popular" movies and myself tend to snob the artsy fartsy kind of movies.


            • #7
              You obviously just don't get it, do you??

              Art films are... well... they' know..... they just are....!

              And those Hollywood films - they're all....not. They're just full of... stuff.

              So, there!

              I hope that explains everything quite clearly for you!
              ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

              SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


              • #8
                So movies aren't meant to be entertaining?


                That's ALL movies are supposed to be. Think about it. Even if you like intellectual films that you have to struggle to 'get', that struggle to you is entertaining. Ditto with ultra-depressing films. The emotional catharsis is something you find ENTERTAINING. Even scientific documentaries, which I happen to love, are for entertainment, because learning to you would BE entertaining. What other possible reason would you have to watch them?


                • #9
                  My brother is kind of like this. The only thing he watches is The History Channel, or Mythbusters or any other documentary/learning/whatever show. If you said to him, "Hey, do you watch Lost?" he'd act so offended that you even suggested he might watch something that has no intellectual value. He is kind of an arrogant prick sometimes.
                  - Kim


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                    Amen to you.

                    I'm sick and tired of being assumed a braindead twit because I enjoy some reality shows and talent shows, on the weekends my TV is stuck on E! channel (that alone is enough for people to start their eye rolling and "I'm better than you because I watch *The Deadliest Catch* and *Ice Road Truckers*).

                    Or because I DO enjoy a lot of "popular" movies and myself tend to snob the artsy fartsy kind of movies.
                    I admit, I can't get into any of those talent shows, but I don't look down on people who like them. I watch what ever I feel like, which is why I find myself spending hours watching youtube stuff. It's the closest thing to watching "What ever I feel like" all I need is that search tool and I can find just about anything I'm in the mood for.

                    What I also get tired of is being made to feel like an ass for not watching many movies. I hate the overpriced food and drinks at movie theatres, I hate most of the people in movie theatres, and I hate feeling trapped for 2 hours. I see very few movies and I usually forget about them when they come out on video. Don't chastise me for not following up on them.

                    That brings up another rant, people looking down on you for not following something religiously. I've gotten that with LOTR, Harry Potter, and star trek. I don't want to feel obligated to watch something. If I do, than it becomes a chore, not something fun. I'll watch it on my own time, when I feel like it, or maybe I'll just *gasp* miss a few episodes. Not looking down on people who follow stuff religiously, just don't make me feel like a nobody for not knowing where every battle took place in LOTR history. Personally, the only show I watch religiously is 24. Do I expect everyone else to know how many people Jack Bauer has killed? HELL NO!

                    The way I see it, people are welcome to enjoy anything they want, but when they try to bring me into it, I will resent it.


                    • #11
                      I like a lot of the OMG those are just worse then a B movies... and there are some that I watch and look at my husband and go wtf that was comedy???

                      However.. I will be such a garb snob *would use the sca term but fear to offend* if the damn movie is portraying a specific time period and they have lapels on clothing in a manner that didnt happen until centuries later. Or if they are historical in "nature" and portray a myth as a fact.. *twitch*

                      Rage hunny I dont go out to movies... I much prefer to rent where I can watch on my own time and rewind if i miss a subtle shift.

                      Of course being in the SCA I get many wtf moments.. because I dont know certain movies... but umm I grew up with TV being a high privilege and movies only happened when I was not living with my folks at the time.


                      • #12
                        To everyone who didn't get it A Knights Tale was not a serious historical piece nor was it trying to be. Not directed at you Kimmik. Just some of the film snobs are offended that a movie dared to be comedic and funny set in a medieval time period.
                        Jack Faire


                        • #13
                          Anachronisms don't bother me, and I was a history major.

                          Movies want to entertain you, not teach you. They're telling a story, not giving a history lecture.

                          I find it interesting that many people who can't accept anachronisms have no problem suspending disbelief while watching sci-fi movies based on bad science....and vice versa.

                          I'm also someone who watches movies to be entertained, not taught, but I generally find so-called "artsy" movies more entertaining than the blockbusters churned out for mass markets. They offer more to sink your teeth into.
                          Last edited by Boozy; 12-20-2009, 10:55 PM.


                          • #14
                            I don't own a TV, and seldom watch movies either. Most of the stuff on TV doesn't even remotely interest me, with the exception of a few shows on Discovery Channel (MythBusters ftw!). Some of the shows that I've seen in later years just makes me want to weep for humanity.


                            • #15
                              Oh I enjoy movies for movies sake.. it only bothers me when it is suppose to be set in a certain time period. I will watch them though I will fratch about their clothing or what/how they are eating... normally the clothing is more when they start mashing eras... one sexes cloths is right.. and the other is like oh a majorly off. I love the work they put into movies like Elizabeth and the Tudors...

                              My husband says it is my ocd.. I do the same with sci-fi movies unless they are sci-fi fantasy... Meh I dont know if I am explaining it right.. brain fried with migraine and body with braxton hicks..

