When I watch a movie, TV show, or any form of media, I watch it for my enjoyment. I don't want to be educated, I don't want some hidden meaning, I don't want "reality", I just want to enjoy my time exploring an alternate universe where the good guys usually win. Apparently, this means I'm just a simpleton who can't appreciate real "art".
I see this attitude online all the time, mostly on TV forums and movie boards *coughimdbcough*. These are the people who like those artzy movies hardly anyone hears of and won't be caught watching the "mainstream" movies. Look, I don't have a problem with anyone having far our taste in anything. I'm all for people having their own preferences, but don't think you're better than everyone else because they just want to be entertained.
Those movies that are either so ultra depressing they make you feel like shit afterwards, or super confusing movie that only a few people can understand the "true meaning" off are praised for that very reason. What pisses me off is that those people bash the movies that are enjoyable to watch, claiming that the fans of those movies are too stupid to appreciate their stuff. Typical counters to any criticisms of their movie are "Well it's not meant to be entertaining!", "You're just not smart enough to understand it!", "Sorry you didn't get your hollywood ending!"
GAH!! That attitude pisses me off so much! They bash people who find solice in something just to make themselves feel more superior! WELL THAT'S WHY I LIKE ACTION AND COMEDY YA LOONEY'S!! It's an escape, something I don't have to take so seriously, and something that I can enjoy. Why must these snobs look down on others who like to enjoy themselves WITH A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT?!
I had to get that off my chest.
I see this attitude online all the time, mostly on TV forums and movie boards *coughimdbcough*. These are the people who like those artzy movies hardly anyone hears of and won't be caught watching the "mainstream" movies. Look, I don't have a problem with anyone having far our taste in anything. I'm all for people having their own preferences, but don't think you're better than everyone else because they just want to be entertained.
Those movies that are either so ultra depressing they make you feel like shit afterwards, or super confusing movie that only a few people can understand the "true meaning" off are praised for that very reason. What pisses me off is that those people bash the movies that are enjoyable to watch, claiming that the fans of those movies are too stupid to appreciate their stuff. Typical counters to any criticisms of their movie are "Well it's not meant to be entertaining!", "You're just not smart enough to understand it!", "Sorry you didn't get your hollywood ending!"
GAH!! That attitude pisses me off so much! They bash people who find solice in something just to make themselves feel more superior! WELL THAT'S WHY I LIKE ACTION AND COMEDY YA LOONEY'S!! It's an escape, something I don't have to take so seriously, and something that I can enjoy. Why must these snobs look down on others who like to enjoy themselves WITH A FORM OF ENTERTAINMENT?!
I had to get that off my chest.