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"cyclists shold stay off the roads"

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  • #16
    Uh, where have I *ever* said that they don't deserve respect? Once again, I have NO PROBLEM with cyclists that obey the traffic laws. Locally, most have the attitude of "traffic laws are for cars." Also, those links really don't have a bearing what goes on here. Still doesn't change the things I see *every* night on the way home from work


    • #17
      I think you've missed a little. Most of the responses I saw above were of the nature 'I'll happily share the road with cyclists who also share the road'.

      I have no desire to ban cyclists from the roads. I'm a casual cyclist myself. But I can attest to the same pattern of behaviour others have noted. In the past six months, I have seen one cyclist actually stop at a stop sign. One. In that same time, the number of drivers who refused to even pause at a stop sign could be counted on both hands. Given the numbers of drivers to cyclists out there, the percentages are not in your favour.

      And I've seen some of those non-violent Critical Mass events. And I view them the same way I would view large groups of any type who're tying up traffic. Either call yourself a parade and plan with the city, or obey the rules that everyone else has to.

      Critical Mass out here is full of the worst sort of cyclists, riding against all the traffic laws they can think of to break. They never stop at red lights or stop signs, don't signal, form packs two lanes wide.

      No, I don't think the law should discriminate against cyclists. But behaviour like that is not going to make cyclists any friends.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Stormraven View Post
        I think you've missed a little. Most of the responses I saw above were of the nature 'I'll happily share the road with cyclists who also share the road'.
        motorists terrorize cyclists and pedestrians (especially when we get in their way while obeying the written laws), and then blame cyclists and walkers for acting – out of fear for their lives -- in ways contrary to the rules of the road.

        Going to keep quoting it-

        I've had very few drivers "share the road" with me-yet I'm expected to "shut up and take it" The first(and so far only)time I was hit was by a driver on a cell phone that didn't stop for a red light or after hitting me(this was no "accident", it was negligence on the driver's part, and fully preventable-she hit my rear tire and spun me out)-the rest of the traffic that saw her hit me also didn't stop-quite a few yelled at me to get out of the road. I had the green for at least 10 seconds-started out and got hit-was stunned by hitting the pavement and the resulting 5-10 foot pavement slide I took that I couldn't get up, the other light turned green and traffic went around me yelling and honking horns-no one stopped-would they do that if it had been a car hit by another car? No their prejudice against cyclists told them I deserved it even though I did nothing wrong. My shoulder is still slightly screwed up from it.

        Don't like cyclists that break the law-talk to your local alderman, or a rep from the police force, tell them to start ticketing-don't treat all cyclists with contempt because of the actions of others-it's akin to saying "All muslums are terrorists"
        Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 01-03-2010, 04:15 AM.
        Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


        • #19
          I stopped riding a bicycle because they stopped letting me do so on the sidewalk.

          I do not feel safe doing so in the street. Yes it is illegal for someone to mug me but I will not hang out in an area where muggings are prevalent because I do not wish to get mugged.

          Same with riding a bike I have been hit by drivers. The police did nothing told me not to ride my bike in the street. Nowadays I get in trouble if I do not.
          Jack Faire


          • #20
            Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
            nope-it's not considered an "official" citation-just plate# make/model/color of vehicle, description of the actions and location-no points are assessed, and if the $5 fine isn't paid nothing happens, and it's not on your driving record-it's just more of a "hey this is the law" letter, and they list what the fine would be for an "official" ticket. As such most people don't bother to report stuff, but I figure if it makes one person a more alert/better driver it's worth my time to do it.
            Wow - no chance for abuse of the system at all!

            As a motorist, since I'm obviously against all cyclists and a bigot, I have to say that a five dollar fine that I don't even have to pay, but if I do it's without a chance to defend myself, is pretty good value for money.

            Anyway, in a few minutes I'm going to go to work. Hope to see some cyclists on the way as I really want to work out some aggression. Mmm, yes, that will hit the spot. Nothing I like better.

            Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
            Reclaiming words is fun!


            • #21
              I don't know how it is in the US but in Australia it's also illegal to go too slow on roads too, it causes an impediment to the flow of traffic.
              I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
              Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


              • #22
                And again, it seems, BK that you're missing the point. I am certainly not - and no one else I've seen in this thread is - bashing all cyclists.

                As I said, I'm a casual cyclist myself. I don't bike to work (mostly because I'm currently unemployed, but also because my last job was 21 miles from home) but I enjoy occasionally going out to the store or such on my bike.

                As such, I obey all the traffic laws, and pay attention to traffic around me so I don't run up against the law of greater mass.

                Because I do this, I am perfectly willing to criticize cyclists who seem to consider those same traffic laws to be - at best - merely suggestions.

                Again, I am not talking about all. I am not painting every cyclist with the same brush, just pointing out that the majority of cyclists I see every day do fit that pattern.

                As a motorist, I strive to keep good distances between myself and cyclists. If one has to get in front of me for a few moments, I'll either get into the other lane and pass them or wait 'til they get back in the bike lane. I, along with you, detest motorists who act like they own the road - whether I'm on my bike or in my car.

                But that detestation works both ways. Whether it's semi drivers who live by the law of greater mass, SUV owners who think their penis extensions make them better people, people driving junkers and practically daring folks to hit them - or cyclists who refuse to acknowledge that traffic laws are meant for them as well. I don't like any of them, and I'm not inclined to want to share the road with any of them.

                Semi drivers who know what they're doing - hell, drivers who know what they're doing - motorcycle riders, and cyclists who obey the rules of the road - including the unwritten, often unfair ones - I'm more than willing to share the road with.


                • #23
                  I don't mind people who bike and follow the traffic laws. Really, I don't.

                  My main problem is about 99.99999% of the bicyclists I run into don't.
                  Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Greenday View Post

                    My main problem is about 99.99999% of the bicyclists I run into don't.
                    I haven't seen this problem in my town. Cyclists are almost always using the correct lane, wearing helmets, and signalling properly. And still motorists treat them like shit.

                    In my opinion, cyclists and pedestrians should always come first, both in city planning and basic courtesy. They are choosing environmentally-friendly modes of travel, while the rest of us pollute. We all benefit from their decision (less air pollution, less traffic, etc) while they suffer from ours. Treating cyclists with the utmost respect is the right thing to do.


                    • #25
                      Cyclists that dart in front of my car deserve respect? Right...I almost never see anyone on a bike with a helmet on. Maybe it's because I'm on a college campus thus I'm surrounded by morons but kids and adults never wear helmets, ride in the middle of streets, cross streets without pausing or looking, etc.
                      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Greenday View Post
                        Cyclists that dart in front of my car deserve respect? Right...I almost never see anyone on a bike with a helmet on. Maybe it's because I'm on a college campus thus I'm surrounded by morons but kids and adults never wear helmets, ride in the middle of streets, cross streets without pausing or looking, etc.
                        Agreed. The vast majority of cyclists I've seen are either "lycra louts" who dart in front of vehicles, jump red lights, mow down pedestrians (including one arsehole who cycled over a dog's tail) and insist on cycling in the middle of the lane and fuck anyone one else... or kids who don't wear helmets or any kind of protection for their limbs. I really don't see why I should respect people like that, who obviously have no respect for others or even their own lives.

                        I will also state that altho there might not be a rule about letting traffic go, unless you want to provoke the people behind you into tailgating or barging past you, you should bloody well ensure that traffic can get past you safely if you're a cyclist. Obstinately refusing to move out of the centre of the lane does you NO favours whatsoever, and could very well get you killed or seriously injured.
                        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                        • #27
                          You know what? I'm a cyclist. I use it for transportation over relatively short distances. I am safe and respectful of others, I pay attention, and I follow the rules of the road.

                          My reward for doing such? Nearly being forced off the road by every DAMN DRIVER THAT PASSES BY ME, IN FEAR I'LL GET HIT BY SOME MORON THAT DOESN'T THINK I SHOULD BE THERE! Often times I don't even have the space to operate the pedals without wiping out, and assuming I survive, getting locked up for causing an accident.

                          And every summer, I read in the papers of drivers that think cyclists should be confined to the sidewalks, pedestrians that think cyclists should be on the road, and both camps that think cycling is just recreational and should be only on designated bike trails. (which only cover maybe 1 or 2% of the city)

                          So, you know what? I'll stick to the sidewalks. The police here have seen me and don't stop me, mainly because they know that if I tried to risk it on the roads, they'd have to report my death by a moron behind a wheel to my family.

                          Oh, and for those of you saying there's more accidents on the sidewalks than on the roads, guess what. At least on the sidewalk both parties involved have a good chance to survive. The road has a good chance of the cyclist becoming a smear. So, smear or injury, smear or injury, tough choice.


                          • #28
                            I don't think cyclists and pedestrians deserve more respect because they aren't polluting and are saving our enviornment.

                            I drive a car out of necessity, and yes, because I would rather be rolling around in a warm car in the winter than walking or biking, but I also work 15 miles away, bicycles aren't allowed on the freeway, and it's cheaper to live in the bigger city and commute than it is to live in the podunk town.


                            • #29
                              I too drive out of necessity. Plus like Blas said, I'd rather be in a warm car when the weather sucks Throw in the fact that I'd have to ride through some dangerous areas (Hazelwood, parts of Oakland, East Liberty, Homewood, Larimer)...and I'd rather have the additional protection of a fully-enclosed vehicle.


                              • #30
                                I have a bad back, so cycling six miles to work and back would destroy my back completely. Plus, I'm lazy, dammit. Besides, even on a motorbike, I'm still a million times safer than a cyclist would be on the roads round where I am. I get far more leeway, and am encased in a billion layers and protective gear... but have seen cyclists not only not wearing helmets, but also in lycra shorts which would offer zero protection if they came off. The road doesn't get any softer just cuz you're being environmentally friendly, y'know.
                                "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

