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"cyclists shold stay off the roads"

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Slytovhand View Post
    Secondly, also where I come from, there is no bicycle registration for those who choose to use the roads. Drivers and riders of other vehicles are required to pay registration fees, which in theory help to maintain and to build new roads. Thus, in theory, bicyclists do not pay any money towards the upkeep of the main transportation system!

    Ahem from first post
    Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post

    common Myths about cycling/cyclists

    Myth: Car Drivers Pay Taxes, Bicyclists Don't.
    can you tell the government that I don't need pay taxes for the roads please-

    I asked nicely for people to read my links(more than once actually)

    Myth: Car Drivers Pay Taxes, Bicyclists Don't.

    At $20-40 million dollars per mile, vehicle and gas taxes don't even begin to cover highway costs. Local streets are mostly paid for from local property & sales taxes. Overall, the USDOT estimates every car gets a $3000+ subsidy every year.

    Granted that US figures however you telling me your country ONLY has car drivers pay taxes on things? Wow Can I live there? No more taxes on anything wooo hooo!
    Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


    • #47
      BK, I think you missed what I feel is a much more important point that was made earlier in this thread: In order to drive a car on the road, you must start with a permit, study in a class, then get approved by a standardized state exam to get a license. Then, and only then, can one legally drive on the road in a vehicle.

      Further more, my vehicle must be checked annually to ensure it is safe and sound for operation on the road. I must also have insurance and display a license plate that makes my vehicle uniquely identifiable and the operator (generally me) locatable in the event that I or my vehicle cause harm or injury or grievously flaunt the law.

      Let me know when any of that applies to bicyclists, mmkay? And don't give me any guff about 'bicyclists have drivers licenses too' because I know several, even in my local New England area, who have never had and will never get a drivers license. In the larger cities, that number goes way past 'several'.

      So why are people with no training, no insurance, and no safety inspection allowed on the streets simply because they bought a bike rather than a car? Why are people who will have little to no liability even in the event that they cause an accident allowed on the streets?

      The few unlicensed bicyclists in my area who don't have a license are pretty damned self righteous and superior about it. Including the one who flat out told me that I wasn't worthy of his respect until I started biking everywhere. Which is convenient for him, since he knows that my bad knees and twisted foot prevent me from riding a bike for more than say, 20 feet. I guess riding a bike really does make you superior to the physically impaired, eh?

      But, given my disability forcing me to drive everywhere, that makes me a homicidal bicycle hater doesn't it?


      • #48
        I really don't think the idea of fighting for your rights by doing something dangerous is the way to go.

        Similarily, a girl SHOULD be able to walk down a dark alley alone at 3 am and be fine. But is it a smart idea to do so, just in the name of fighting for her rights? NO.

        I really hope I don't all of a sudden start seeing cyclists clogging up the roads, driving in all of the lanes, just to protest motorists being "rude" to them. That's just dumb and dangerous.


        • #49
          Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
          Ahem from first post

          can you tell the government that I don't need pay taxes for the roads please-

          I asked nicely for people to read my links(more than once actually)

          Myth: Car Drivers Pay Taxes, Bicyclists Don't.

          At $20-40 million dollars per mile, vehicle and gas taxes don't even begin to cover highway costs. Local streets are mostly paid for from local property & sales taxes. Overall, the USDOT estimates every car gets a $3000+ subsidy every year.

          Granted that US figures however you telling me your country ONLY has car drivers pay taxes on things? Wow Can I live there? No more taxes on anything wooo hooo!
          Ahem, from my post:

          I know, I should have put these words in bold, underline, italics and 72 pt font, but anyway.... 'IN THEORY'...

          A lot of car drivers would use that as some sort of excuse.

          Btw, that was only ONE point I made, and I tried to suggest it wasn't a convincing one at that... Gerrinson actually put in some good points too that need to be addresses (well, by that website, at any rate...).

          And yes, I did say "where I am". Where I am (well, was), you don't get to dictate where your taxes go, and the amounts paid in registration would do bugger all for almost anything.
          ZOE: Preacher, don't the Bible got some pretty specific things to say about killing?

          SHEPHERD BOOK: Quite specific. It is, however, Somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.


          • #50
            Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
            Inspired by this thread with all the cyclist bashing
            Read through it, don't see any cyclist bashing, all I can see is you having a chip on your shoulder.

            I don't have a problem with cyclists, but the majority of the ones I see on the road are usually breaking laws. The ones who dress like they're training for Tour De France, hogging up the center of the road, weaving between traffic, and running red lights all the while grinning about it and then acting like I killed a puppy when I honk the horn when they suddenly swerve out to the road. Those are the cyclists I hate.

            That same attitude is why I find it hard to be sympathetic to cyclists when they shout and cry that they have a right to the road too. I run, but I don't need to be a dick about it to traffic.
            "You're miserable, edgy and tired. You're in the perfect mood for journalism."


            • #51
              Originally posted by blas87 View Post
              I really don't think the idea of fighting for your rights by doing something dangerous is the way to go.

              Similarily, a girl SHOULD be able to walk down a dark alley alone at 3 am and be fine. But is it a smart idea to do so, just in the name of fighting for her rights? NO.

              I really hope I don't all of a sudden start seeing cyclists clogging up the roads, driving in all of the lanes, just to protest motorists being "rude" to them. That's just dumb and dangerous.
              "You're miserable, edgy and tired. You're in the perfect mood for journalism."


              • #52
                we have critical mass rides here-I've been invited numerous times but have never gone-however if you think them being en masse on bikes and slightly inconveniencing motorists is bad(some people support the violence directed at them-last I checked violence and being arrested is NOT the punishment for violating traffic laws), just imagine if they were in cars....that's pretty much the point.

                Peaceful critical mass rider assaulted by NYPD

                the cyclist in this video was arrested, held for 26 hours, and charged with attempted assault and resisting arrest.
                In his falsified report, the officer stated that the cyclist drove the bicycle into him, bruising the oficer and knocking him to the ground.

                the cyclist did nothing-the officer forcibly knocked him off his bike without provocation.

                another video of police assault on a cyclist

                and another
                Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 01-11-2010, 12:13 AM.
                Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                • #53
                  While I see the point of sharing the road and whatnot, in the area that I live in there's a lot of two lane roads with little to no way for both cars and cyclists to share the road perfectly. And I've seen more cyclists think that just because they're on a bike gives them more freedom then those who are in a car.

                  Of course I also see a lot of asshole drivers too, but I feel much safer in a car then I do a bike. Why? Because most of the streets in the area that I live in are either two lane with no side walk or busy six lane highways that can go up to 55 MPH. I would much rather see cyclists on the sidewalk then using the few places where there IS a place for them to ride their bikes. In my area, drivers can and WILL run stop signs and red lights for that extra minute.

                  And, yes, those who ride their bikes on the road without a bike lane or sidewalk will hold up traffic for a period of time, especially on the two lane back roads. It's not that uncommon to see five or more cars waiting to pass a cyclist safely for ten minutes, those twenty to thirty seconds can add up.

                  If everyone wants to share the road, then everyone needs to be more careful as well. Stopping at red lights, making sure it's okay to go, don't cut off people, and so on and so forth. I'll start respecting cyclists more when they, in turn, don't start yelling at me when I have a green light and they want to cross the street.


                  • #54
                    I'll start respecting cyclists when they actually USE the flipping CYCLE LANES the council put in specially for them. Yeah, that's right; the aforementioned Lycra Louts seems to feel it's beneath their dignity to use the special cycle lanes and still insist on cycling on the roads in the middle of the lane.

                    Let me say this once more. You are NOT traffic. Until a bicycle is invented that can go at the same speed as cars etc, then it doesn't count. Cyclists are more on the same level as pedestrians, so therefore need to respect the drivers a lot more due to the greater risk of injury. If your bicycle bounces off a Land Rover, it's not going to be the driver who risks suffering instant death. Cyclists need to realise that the laws of the road apply to them, be mindful of the risks and stop being so fucking up their own arses all the time.
                    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
                      I'll start respecting cyclists when they actually USE the flipping CYCLE LANES the council put in specially for them. Yeah, that's right; the aforementioned Lycra Louts seems to feel it's beneath their dignity to use the special cycle lanes and still insist on cycling on the roads in the middle of the lane.

                      Let me say this once more. You are NOT traffic. Until a bicycle is invented that can go at the same speed as cars etc, then it doesn't count. Cyclists are more on the same level as pedestrians, so therefore need to respect the drivers a lot more due to the greater risk of injury. If your bicycle bounces off a Land Rover, it's not going to be the driver who risks suffering instant death. Cyclists need to realise that the laws of the road apply to them, be mindful of the risks and stop being so fucking up their own arses all the time.
                      WTF? They don't use the bike lane? If I had a bike lane where I lived, you're damn right I would use it! God that pisses me off!


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by BlaqueKatt View Post
                        we have critical mass rides here-I've been invited numerous times but have never gone-however if you think them being en masse on bikes and slightly inconveniencing motorists is bad(some people support the violence directed at them-last I checked violence and being arrested is NOT the punishment for violating traffic laws), just imagine if they were in cars....that's pretty much the point.

                        Peaceful critical mass rider assaulted by NYPD

                        the cyclist in this video was arrested, held for 26 hours, and charged with attempted assault and resisting arrest.
                        In his falsified report, the officer stated that the cyclist drove the bicycle into him, bruising the oficer and knocking him to the ground.

                        the cyclist did nothing-the officer forcibly knocked him off his bike without provocation.

                        another video of police assault on a cyclist

                        and another
                        Yeah, I've seen that video along with others involving skaters and cops. This I'll take your side on, those cops were totally out of line. Shoving the biker down? WTF?


                        • #57
                          I'm definitely with BK on that. Violence is not a valid response to violating traffic laws. Not on the part of automobile drivers, nor on the part of the police. No argument there at all. I doubt you'll find anyone arguing in favour.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
                            WTF? They don't use the bike lane? If I had a bike lane where I lived, you're damn right I would use it! God that pisses me off!
                            It's really stupid, cuz the bike lanes are clearly marked (they have cycle symbols on them and are paved red) and these morons still don't bloody use them. -.- Cuz they're so keen on sticking up for their rights.
                            "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                            • #59
                              In my area I won't use the bike lanes because they go through traffic. What I mean is that where cars turn right there is a right turn lane that forces cars to cross into the bike lane to get to it. you have to dodge cars to go straight or to turn right yourself.

                              Some moron thought this was a brilliant idea. That is why at least in my neighborhood I won't ride on the bike lanes.
                              Jack Faire


                              • #60
                                Not these ones; these ones are partly on the pavement, and partly on the road and are very safe to use. They even have little signs at each end saying when the cycle path ends. That's why I find it impossible to understand why someone would refuse to use one and insist instead of cycling on the road, in the centre of the lane. *face palm*
                                "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

