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  • Snow!

    I swear, anyone who mentions global warming around me now will get kicked in the shins. -.- Right now, my part of England is buried under several inches of snow. I can't physically get into work this weekend, so I'm losing out on two days pay, unless I can make it up later which I won't know until I can speak to the manager, who's currently on holiday. In any case, I'll miss out on Saturday night and Sunday premium. It's freezing cold and heating bills are expensive cuz anyone who's not elderly or popping out babies is assumed to be rich enough to pay them.

    Fuck you, snow!
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

  • #2
    I'm with you, Lace. It's been freakin' cold and snow's piled up everywhere. Now I get that this is Kansas, but this is my 4th winter in this area and it's shaping up to be the worst one by far. This is made worse by reading Facebook statuses from idiot rednecks back home, "I want some snoooowwwww, why won't it snoooowwwww?" Here, I can give you some snow, RIGHT UP YOUR ASS.



    • #3
      All I'm going to say is:

      Join the fucking club.


      • #4
        Actually, global warming CAN lead to more snow. See, the colder it is, the less moisture the atmosphere can hold, and therefore the less likely that it will snow. When temperatures warm up a little, atmospheric moisture increases, and you get the white stuff.

        This winter, I have finally been able to relax and like snow again a little. Where I used to live in southwest PA, there was just as much snow as there was here (maybe more), but they just did NOT do enough to keep the roads safe, especially when you know how hilly it is there. Slick roads+Hills=nervous me.
        This is the second year I've lived in Michigan, and I gotta say, they do a LOT better at keeping the main roads clear around here (although I don't ubderstand WHY THEY CAN'T CLEAR OFF THE ON-RAMPS TO I-75).


        • #5
          *kicks Fryk in the shins*

          The problem is, this is exactly how I remember winters when I was a kid. -.- I thought it brilliant when I was eight years old and snowed in, but now? It sucks.

          Especially when this is the local council's response to snow:

          "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


          • #6
            Would you mind packing up about a foot of that snow and sending it to Georgia (USA)? We could use some; we got all we're likely to this winter two days ago, and it was like the smudge of leftover flour you sometimes see on an unfrosted cake.

            Edit to answer AdminAssistant: how is your having too much a reason we shouldn't complain about having too little? When there's a flood, do you say those living in a desert shouldn't want water?
            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


            • #7
              Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
              Edit to answer AdminAssistant: how is your having too much a reason we shouldn't complain about having too little? When there's a flood, do you say those living in a desert shouldn't want water?
              To me, it's the equivalent of saying, "Wah! Why can't we have fucked up roads and be miserable when we go outside! I want to have a wreck on my way to work and get frostbite waiting for the tow truck, dammit!!"


              • #8
                I feel ya, Admin. I go to school in WI and we were pretty mild for a while. I was enjoying the no snow and everyone else was whining about it. I was like "Screw you! I enjoy not having to trudge through cold,wet snow to get to class."
                "It's after Jeopardy, so it is my bed time."- Me when someone made a joke about how "old" I am.


                • #9
                  I'd rather have snow than the rain we get here. Though with the way people panic when there are two or three flakes of snow I don't know. Seriously it's a top news story every single time it snows here. Times like that I watch the news for it's comic value. They had every snowplow avaliable out for less than an inch of snow this year, and that was all we got. Two days later it rained and it all went away.

                  I do prefer fall/spring to winter though, mainly because I hate winter clothing. Too bulky. I kind of miss the snow in a way, but I know as soon as it shows up it sucks, especially with the crappy drivers with summer tires on here.


                  • #10
                    We've been getting quite a bit of snow here in Ohio, too. Almost every day this week, there has been a dusting of snow on my car in the morning. On Thursday, it took me about an hour to get home from work because of an afternoon snowstorm. I didn't have any trouble. It was just that the roads and highways were covered in snow, and I had to drive a lot slower than normal to prevent myself from having any trouble. On top of that, the temps have been very low. Yesterday, the high was only about twenty degrees, and it's going to be in the twenties for the next several days. The cold doesn't bother me too much, as I tend to be kind of hot natured. However, the snow is getting a little old.

                    I was actually wondering if this was going to be a mild winter, since we had a pretty mild November. I guess I was wrong.


                    • #11
                      I am with you, so fucking sick of snow.

                      And I'm sick of Wisconsin inbreeds yelling "If you don't like Wisconsin winters, get out!"

                      I'm so sick of every time it warms up, it only warms up to SNOW. And then it goes way below zero for several days.....then it warms up back to normal to dump again and then freeze AGAIN.....

                      I am SO FUCKING SICK AND TIRED of having to leave for work early every damn night to either a) warm up the car or make sure it even starts or b) clean the several inches of snow off of it and take 45 minutes to even an hour to drive 15 fucking miles.

                      And both cities around here are so fucking cheap that they don't do shit to plow or even try to clean the roads up. I have zero respect for any of the plow drivers here because they can get out of plowing a road if there is one car in the way, and I'm sick of seeing plows in all the drive-thrus when all the main raods still have 3 inches of UNPLOWED SNOW on them!!!


                      • #12
                        To me, it's the equivalent of saying, "Wah! Why can't we have fucked up roads and be miserable when we go outside! I want to have a wreck on my way to work and get frostbite waiting for the tow truck, dammit!!"
                        But see, that's my point. It DOESN'T mean that to us. We get any significant amount of icing on the roads and most everything closes and people stay home. It's a nice change to look at, most of us don't have to stay out in it long enough to get frostbite, and the roads will be thawed out by late afternoon the first day. The power might go out, but if it does it won't be more than a few hours, nothing a few extra blankets can't fix. So again: how does your having too much negate the fact that we have too little?
                        "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                        • #13
                          I like the snow for a change, but I also hate it. I hate the slippery roads, I hate having to plow the snow off my car before I drive anywhere, but worst of all, I AM SO SICK OF THE COLD!!! Last time I filled the car up, I thought my hands were going to freeze off.

                          I better get used to it though, because I have 4 more months of this crap to look forward to it.


                          • #14
                            See, Lace, that's why I always wear shinguards and a cup when posting at Fratching.

                            I think what most people here are saying is that we love snow, but we hate travelling in it.


                            • #15
                              Blas, they do the same shit here. Pittsburgh is *notorious* for having crappy roads during the winter. At least the snow and ice fill in the potholes. But, if I have to listen to Guy Costa whine about how "we were unprepared" for the storms one more fucking time... Every fucking year I get to hear that speech on TV--either the equipment fails, or they run out of salt! Instead of being "unprepared," why not order additional salt and make sure the trucks are actually able to clear the roads?

                              For example, my commute is only 16 miles. Yet, when it snows, it can take well over an hour. Most of the 'burb roads are clear, or at least de-iced. But, as soon as I hit the city limits, it's bumper-to-bumper most of the way to work. Either the roads haven't been done, or...the plow ran down the middle of the street (right over the double-yellow line), and didn't bother clearing the actual traffic lanes!

                              Coming home, it's pretty much the same story--slipping and sliding until I get out of the city!

