Originally posted by LeChatNoir
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Flaunting Being Pro-Life on Facebook
Jack Faire
Originally posted by LeChatNoir View PostFair enough. I have run into some women on the net who have done some "creative" things with their u/s photos (think animated sparkles, flashing text, etc.) which I think is moronic. Mine are just your basic black & white photos...and I wouldn't make them my profile photo. They are there if you want to see them, but if not they are easy to avoid.
I can imagine that it might get on one's nerves if someone else is always talking about a pregnancy, showing ultrasound pictures, or talking about details of the kid's life, but I also think it's nice to try to consider where the person is coming from. Like someone else pointed out, a pregnancy or a person's kids are very big parts of their lives. They're also exciting parts of people's lives. It's understandable if they sometimes get carried away with talking about them. I'm sure I sometimes get carried away with talking about things that are important to me, and maybe that gets on people's nerves sometimes.
There was one girl I was kinda friendly with in high school so I added her on facebook. Every other day, when she was pregnant, she took pictures of her stomach and posted them on facebook. No one wants to see that crap.Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers
I dunno. I may be weird here, but I kinda like seeing those baby pictures. It just amazes me how the body works and I'm curious as to how my body will be when that time comes.
I am not a fan of those cutesy Ultrasound ones where they have the sparkles and whatnot. Those are weird.
My opinion on this subject is going to be the unpopular one, but here I go.
Honestly, let the women have their shining moments if they want them. If they want to talk about their pregnancy, especially if it is their first (that's a HUGE step), let them. It's kinda like telling an engaged couple to stop talking about the upcoming wedding or telling a newly married couple to stop posting pictures. If they have their ultrasounds or growing bellies on their facebook or myspace, it's because they want to share their happy occasion with loved ones. They might have relatives or friends that they don't see who want to see what's going on with her. I know I would be pissed if a friend told me to stop posting pregnancy pictures. It's a freaking belly. It's not like they are posting a video of the birth from the vaginal POV."It's after Jeopardy, so it is my bed time."- Me when someone made a joke about how "old" I am.
As far as the original topic goes, I don't care what causes and things people have on their profile, or are proud 'fans' of. It's all a part of freedom of speech and all that, just so long as we aren't forcing our views down each other's throats.
As far as 'over-sharing' parents on FB, AdminAssistant, have you heard of stfuparents.tumblr.com? I get a kick out of it, and sometimes I'm horrified at what some people will actually post! Most of my parent friends on FB are pretty great though, just now and then kind of updates, not "___ smiled at me. I love playing with my baby!" *five minutes later* "OMG I think little ___ is filling his/her diaper, lollol my baby is even cute when it poops!" kind of updates.
I'm another one that's a little freaked out by the 3d ultrasounds available now. Should I ever find myself pregnant, I'm not sure I'd want one, can't really explain why though. They're just weird. Also, I'm strange in that I think your FB picture should be of *you*. Not your kid[s], not your dog, not your vehicle, YOU.After all, it's you I'm friends with, not your kid or your Honda.
A.K.A. ShinyGreenApple
A person has every right to post anti-abortion pro-life sentiments on their Facebook page if they choose.
It's no different than gay people posting about gay marriage or any other issue affecting them.
If people don't want to look at pictures or stories posted by people, then just block them.Point to Ponder:
Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?
Originally posted by LadyBarbossa View PostViolence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers
Originally posted by LadyBarbossa View PostAs far as 'over-sharing' parents on FB, AdminAssistant, have you heard of stfuparents.tumblr.com?- Kim
Originally posted by LeChatNoir View PostThat website is awesome. I hope and pray I will not be the kind of mom who posts pictures of her toddler taking a piss in a training toilet.A.K.A. ShinyGreenApple
Originally posted by Ree View PostA person has every right to post anti-abortion pro-life sentiments on their Facebook page if they choose.
It's no different than gay people posting about gay marriage or any other issue affecting them.
If people don't want to look at pictures or stories posted by people, then just block them.Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers
Before Facebook, we had those people constantly bringing up their kids in conversations and totally ignoring everyone else. We were allowed to tell these people to STFU then; so why not now?
Person 1: I've had the worst day ever; I rowed with my boyf, my cake fell and I fell over in a puddle on the way home from the store.
Person 2: Oh, my toddler larrrvves playing in puddles!
-.- It's annoying in real life, and it's annoying on Facebook. Save it for your mother and baby coffee mornings, please. It's like some of these people didn't exist before they popped out a baby."Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."