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It's The Little Things....

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  • It's The Little Things....

    Little things that in your own mind have ruined the day, but are really just small pains in the ass.

    For instance, it has been snowing and you slooooowly open your car door, but nevertheless, all the snow that was on the window goes flying right into the driver's seat, and now you shall be stuck with a snowy wet ass if you sit.

    Another example....after a busy Friday night, the cap of your sample of tanning lotion comes undone and your brand new lighter finds a new home, buried in the gobs of lotion.


    You're really cold and need a your cold and nervous twitch, you break the first cigarette you grab.

    You get so angry at your door because it's frozen shut and won't open that you pull so hard you fall backwards on your ass in the snow.

    You find that every single pair of clean socks has a hole in the big toe. Even the pairs you just bought two weeks ago.

  • #2
    -Mechanical pencils breaking the moment the tip hits the paper. Over half the led is wasted because of this bull shit. It's especially annoying in class when it's your last pencil and you are reviewing for a big test...

    -Getting that magnifying glass of death on the lower left hand corner of the screen. This usually happens when you try to log on to your home page, but end up with nothing but a blank white screen (explorer users). Then when you try to exit out it takes a minute and you get that annoying error report thing.

    -Dog wants outside, now dog wants inside, but he's just standing there like a fool, NOW he wants in, but wants back out again. (I love my dog, I really do, but that kind of stuff annoys the hell out of me).

    -Waiting in line behind the customer who's asking a lot of questions and taking her sweet time when all you want to do is by a candy bar or lotto ticket.

    -Being put on hold for anything. Like today, I go to the doctors office for a simple perscription check. I arrive on time, but I'm told it will be an HOUR wait to get in. Wait, I'm supposed to be on time, yet when I arrive on time, I have to wait an hour? That's a bunch of crap.

    -And my biggest one right now, LONG RED LIGHTS, especially when there's no traffic crossing, but then when the traffic does come, the light turns green.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
      -Dog wants outside, now dog wants inside, but he's just standing there like a fool, NOW he wants in, but wants back out again.
      How about: Take dog out on leash out to pee, dog spends five minutes sniffing each and every bush, dog must pee in exact spot according to ancient ley lines or something, dog finally pisses, but only after your hands and ears have frozen solid.


      • #4
        People who held the door open for someone running to catch the train laughing when the train driver chastises them over the intercom never knowing that they made me miss my bus by making the train late.
        Jack Faire


        • #5
          Originally posted by Boozy View Post
          How about: Take dog out on leash out to pee, dog spends five minutes sniffing each and every bush, dog must pee in exact spot according to ancient ley lines or something, dog finally pisses, but only after your hands and ears have frozen solid.
          I assume your dog is a puppy or you have no fence?


          • #6
            People who are late. Even when its nothing to do with me, its so annoying. Frequently my wife is late, and sometimes I just wonder "What the fuck were you thinking? Oh, you can't find your X and your Y and your Z? Did you think maybe to look for them and have them ready before you had to leave for ABC? Did it occur to you to try and get ready earlier than 3:55 for a 4:00 p.m. appointment???"

            Oh, and people who bring their 8-12 year old child into adult situations, thinking that since the child can now speak somewhat clearly they belong in the group. They all want to show off, and they think they are cute, but they're not anymore. A sect of my family has this big camping trip every year, and while we all try to make room for the kids, at some point the kids are supposed to go to fucking bed, and then we have "adult time" out by the fire, where we get to smoke cigarettes and drink beer and talk about porn. Or just talk about politics and movies without some annoying shit saying "what?? What does that mean?" every two seconds, or even worse, trying to fit in by laughing insanely at everything everyone says.
            Last edited by DrFaroohk; 02-08-2010, 11:00 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by blas87 View Post
              You find that every single pair of clean socks has a hole in the big toe. Even the pairs you just bought two weeks ago.
              That's usually my cue that my toenails need trimming.

              Oh, and I'm really glad we don't get snow here now.
              I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
              Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


              • #8
                Or that you're in denial of the size of your feet


                • #9
                  Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                  Or that you're in denial of the size of your feet
                  you just need to accept de-feet.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by gremcint View Post
                    you just need to accept de-feet.
                    But that sould be sole-crushing.
                    I am a sexy shoeless god of war!
                    Minus the sexy and I'm wearing shoes.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rageaholic View Post
                      I assume your dog is a puppy or you have no fence?
                      I have no fence, and we can't put one up due to condo regulations.

                      Gremcint and Nyoibo: I hate you both.


                      • #12
                        Yeah the little when the kitchen sink is full of dishes with an empty dishwasher right next to it. Or people at work who drink the last of the coffee and can't be bothered to spend 2 minutes or less making a new pot. Speaking of cigarettes, I hate when I take one out, and put it down or something, then pick it up wrong and light the wrong end.
                        Great YouTube channel check it out!


                        • #13
                          Right now it's the slow internet connection that's REALLY pissing me off.


                          • #14
                            When people that do their dishes in the communal sink don't rinse out the remaining soap suds.

                            Above area, but they don't wipe down the wet counter when they are done.

                            When I don't put my id or keys where I normally put them. This is normally done when my mind is preoccupied.

                            When professors don't send an email saying that class is canceled and you don't know until you get to the classroom where there is a sign about it. This happened before Thanksgiving Break. I could have been out of there two hours early, but noooo.
                            "It's after Jeopardy, so it is my bed time."- Me when someone made a joke about how "old" I am.


                            • #15
                              When your SO leaves all the lights on, or boosts up the central air in the house when he’s only in one room and then asks you why its such a big problem. Here let me give you all the bills and you can figure out the finances.

                              When your waiting for a pregnancy to end and are stuck at home seeing the same walls for 2 weeks straight due to the snow and ice on the roads keeping you at home. Cabin fever doesn’t even cover it.

