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It's The Little Things....

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  • #31
    * It starts to rain as soon as I leave for work... and stops when I get there. It's like the weather has a personal vendetta against me and my motorbike.

    * Some git drives thru a puddle and splashes me.

    * I want to sit down, but all the benches are occupied by parents and young children. I'm sure that the old lady over there has similar feelings of murderous rage, but is more entitled to them than me.

    * My sink is full of dirty dishes and cutlery, and I know I have to start on the washing up today due to the fact that I've run out of clean crockery and cutlery.

    * I go to buy new bras, and take forever doing so, due to the fact that the store only seems to stock bras for tiny, small breasted women.

    * When I'm sitting having my break and reading my book; and people feel the need to come up to me and talk.

    * When the flat is a mess and there's no-one to tidy it cept me, so I know what I'm going to spend my precious day off doing.
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


    • #32
      Backtracking a bit to what McD said.....

      My bf used to constantly do this to me. I'd get ready and call him, or he'd get anxious and call ME, irate that it took so long for me to get ready and "Get over here NOW!" or "HURRY UP ALREADY!"

      So I would. In fact, the next weekend, I'd make a better effort to wake up on time and get ready in great time......and when I got to his place to pick him up, he was still in his boxer shorts, not dressed, face full of shaving cream and brushing his teeth. Fucking asshole.

      Then I found out he was doing it on purpose just to piss me off just to prove a point that I made him wait too long. Because when he'd be taking HIS sweet time getting ready, I'd have to sit and wait for him, talking to his parents or entertaining the dog.....he wouldn't get ready while I was getting ready at home.

      He doesn't do that anymore. I really, really laid into him about that, especially when I found out he was doing it on purpose. Plus, after several times of us walking into a movie just a few minutes late into the opening scene/credits, there was one movie that he REALLY wanted to see that despite us getting there in time, it was so busy that we had to sit right up by the front row, and that made him irate. He must have realized he was only hurting himself doing that.


      • #33
        How about stores (typically in malls) with the mens bathroom all the way in one corner and the womans all the way in the other. Why oh why can't they just put them next to each other, side by side? What do they think I'm going to do, stop and look at something on my way to the bathroom? Hell no!


        • #34
          People who can't use proper grammar and spelling....

          "loose" instead of "lose" as in I'm going to lose my mind if I see it spelled that way one more time!

          "sale" instead of "sell"....."we are saling that item"...umm no you're SELLING it.

          proper use of "they're, their and there"

          The sheer ignorance that people display online on a daily basis.

          Great YouTube channel check it out!


          • #35
            People in Pennsylvania (only place I've heard it) that add the words "awhile" or "yet" to sentences that have NOTHING to do with time. Those two words have to deal with time. So if the sentence doesn't involve time, why the hell do you guys keep adding it?

            Example: Do you guys want your drinks, awhile?

            Um, no, I want drinks now.
            Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


            • #36
              I've never heard "awhile" used like that before. Thank god, because it would drive me crazy too.


              • #37
                Never heard that either; I'd take "do you want your drinks awhile?" to mean that I would be expected to return the drink later.
                Last edited by HYHYBT; 03-10-2010, 03:22 AM. Reason: sounded stupid the other way
                "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                • #38
                  While annoying, it's just the same old slang-ization that's been going on for the longest time. Sometimes I say pwned, DON'T TAZE ME BRO!
                  All units: IRENE
                  HK MP5-N: Solving 800 problems a minute since 1986


                  • #39
                    I use the word "pwned" a lot, actually. I don't find it irritating, unless it's overused. Which brings me to...

                    Typing like this.

                    Argh! Don't over use the smilies! X_x
                    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."

