Ahh the elitests, who have to poke their noses down on you because you don't fall into their "trendy" clique. It must feel good having a faux sense of superiority.
I have the opposite problem. I don't like sandwiches much and prefer to eat out when I can. I've gotten crap from people who think I'm wasting money when it's something I enjoy. I am also sick of the health food experts. If you want to eat healthy, fine, but keep your nose out of what I eat. It's my life, not yours.
I have the opposite problem. I don't like sandwiches much and prefer to eat out when I can. I've gotten crap from people who think I'm wasting money when it's something I enjoy. I am also sick of the health food experts. If you want to eat healthy, fine, but keep your nose out of what I eat. It's my life, not yours.