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Parents who don't monitor their children on the internet

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  • #46
    They are a boyfriend or girlfriend or they are a husband or wife. If you refer to them as a lover you are pointing out you have sex with them period no ifs ands or butts. I have never ever seen this word used in a nonsexual context. If you ever referred to two 12 year olds that started dating as lovers that would really creep me out.
    Jack Faire


    • #47
      People can be in love but in a celibate relationship. Lovers says they are in love. The fact that people in love often have sex doesn't mean the two terms can't be separated.


      • #48
        Originally posted by elsporko View Post
        People can be in love but in a celibate relationship. Lovers says they are in love. The fact that people in love often have sex doesn't mean the two terms can't be separated.
        Then don't ever come to my part of the country because here in the local dialect lovers means they have sex not that they love each other. If you refer to people as lovers around here you are saying they have sex.
        Jack Faire


        • #49
          As far as I'm concerned the word 'lover' most usually refers to someone who 'makes love' to you and visa versa. People can be in love without being lovers and be lovers without being in love.
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          • #50
            Despite the definition, if the girl was using a facebook apt to decide who she was going to sleep with then she's just as likely to sleep with people without the help of facebook. The app itself is harmless and not inherently sexual.


            • #51
              Originally posted by elsporko View Post
              Despite the definition, if the girl was using a facebook apt to decide who she was going to sleep with then she's just as likely to sleep with people without the help of facebook. The app itself is harmless and not inherently sexual.
              Then you have missed the entire point the OP, and those of us actually a little bothered by this, are making.

              It's not the app that's the problem. It's the fact that a 12 year old, who probably doesn't even *really* understand what the term "lover" means, is using it on a public forum.

              12 year old children don't normally refer to their crushes as their "lovers." That word, throughout most of the English speaking community, implies something a little more adult in a relationship than a simple childhood crush or fairytale daydream.

              THAT is what most of us who are bothered by this, find troubling.
              "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
              "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


              • #52
                Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
                If you ever referred to two 12 year olds that started dating as lovers that would really creep me out.
                Well put.

                It really puts the whole "lovers are just people who love" argument into perspective.

                There are dictionary definitions, and then there are the nuances that words develop through usage. Nuances are important.


                • #53
                  While the term "lovers" might have started off as an innocent definition of people who love each other, now tho it's evolved into meaning people who have sex, or make love.

                  You could say the same about the word "gay". It used to just mean "happy"; now tho, it has another meaning which has overtaken the original in terms of popular use.
                  "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                  • #54
                    My 15 year old cousin has that FB app. One day his "lover" turned out to be his mom. THAT creeped me out, but I wasn't before. *shrugs*


                    • #55
                      I bet it creeped him out more, lol


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by spookysonata View Post
                        My 15 year old cousin has that FB app. One day his "lover" turned out to be his mom. THAT creeped me out, but I wasn't before. *shrugs*

                        Was his screen name Oedipus316?

