Thorough evidence that the agents involved in this incident have absolutely no idea what they're doing.
These replica's broke regulation in that they didn't have orange tips. Other than that they are as, if not more, harmless than any BB gun. There is literally no way these could fire real amunition, even with extensive, professional modification. At which point, there are only one or two original pieces left of the Airsoft gun, no purpose exists to do this.
It makes me wonder why we even have these jokers. Illegal weapons are worming their way into and out of the country on a regular basis and they choose to sieze a shipment of toys... I mean, WTF? This is the sort of epicly retarded crap that's going to get the sport banned by some dumbass politician and the ignorant fleebs that support their every douchy 'public safety' law...
These replica's broke regulation in that they didn't have orange tips. Other than that they are as, if not more, harmless than any BB gun. There is literally no way these could fire real amunition, even with extensive, professional modification. At which point, there are only one or two original pieces left of the Airsoft gun, no purpose exists to do this.
It makes me wonder why we even have these jokers. Illegal weapons are worming their way into and out of the country on a regular basis and they choose to sieze a shipment of toys... I mean, WTF? This is the sort of epicly retarded crap that's going to get the sport banned by some dumbass politician and the ignorant fleebs that support their every douchy 'public safety' law...