I'm not saying shut up and accept it. You ranted here about it - why not go to your senators and representatives about it?
I've only been to Salt Lake City once (from your location) so I can't comment on how homosexuals are treated there but here (south Florida) it isn't as large as a problem as you're making it seem (besides - if someone didn't want you living there based on your sexual preference - would you really want to live there anyway?). I'm sure there are issues here but my homosexual co-workers and friends decide they're better off without dealing with bigots like that.
Many companies now offer the same (or very similar) benefits (health insurance etc..) to "domestic partnerships" (mainly directed to homosexual couples living together) as they do to married couples. Even 5-10 years ago this didn't exist.
About your drunken fundamentalist - anyone could be their target. We've had abortion clinics bombed because of fundamentalists. 9/11 was executed by fundamentalists. The Klu Klux Klan was a form of fundamentalism and after they were a "security force" they turned to white (and Christian?) supremacy.
Don't think you're the only one being persecuted. One of the reasons my wife can't get a job is because she's not a minority so they consider her over-qualafied (is that double edged prejudice?). I was refused TWO promotions in my own company because I am not Spanish. I live in a mixed neighborhood and **MY** house is targetted for people throwing garbage and vandalism because my wife andI are white.
I'm Pagan and my wife is Wiccan. We've lost count the number of times we've been told we're going to burn in hell for hour Satansitic beliefs, our heathen beliefs. We're asked if we breed dogs so we can have live animal sacrafices from the puppies. I have Christain fanatics at my door every weekend demanding we convert (I'm about to call the cops on these people - what ever happened to religious freedom?). OUR OWN FUCKING VICE PRESIDENTAL CANDIDATE took part in a ceremony to help demonize Wicca - her own pastor called for the executaion of all Wiccans (he used the term witch but a witch is a Wiccan priestess / follower).
Guess what? We all deal with shit like this - you're not special or different. All we can do is try to educate those who will listen and the fundamentalists will continue to live in their own little hypocritical world.
I've only been to Salt Lake City once (from your location) so I can't comment on how homosexuals are treated there but here (south Florida) it isn't as large as a problem as you're making it seem (besides - if someone didn't want you living there based on your sexual preference - would you really want to live there anyway?). I'm sure there are issues here but my homosexual co-workers and friends decide they're better off without dealing with bigots like that.
Many companies now offer the same (or very similar) benefits (health insurance etc..) to "domestic partnerships" (mainly directed to homosexual couples living together) as they do to married couples. Even 5-10 years ago this didn't exist.
About your drunken fundamentalist - anyone could be their target. We've had abortion clinics bombed because of fundamentalists. 9/11 was executed by fundamentalists. The Klu Klux Klan was a form of fundamentalism and after they were a "security force" they turned to white (and Christian?) supremacy.
Don't think you're the only one being persecuted. One of the reasons my wife can't get a job is because she's not a minority so they consider her over-qualafied (is that double edged prejudice?). I was refused TWO promotions in my own company because I am not Spanish. I live in a mixed neighborhood and **MY** house is targetted for people throwing garbage and vandalism because my wife andI are white.
I'm Pagan and my wife is Wiccan. We've lost count the number of times we've been told we're going to burn in hell for hour Satansitic beliefs, our heathen beliefs. We're asked if we breed dogs so we can have live animal sacrafices from the puppies. I have Christain fanatics at my door every weekend demanding we convert (I'm about to call the cops on these people - what ever happened to religious freedom?). OUR OWN FUCKING VICE PRESIDENTAL CANDIDATE took part in a ceremony to help demonize Wicca - her own pastor called for the executaion of all Wiccans (he used the term witch but a witch is a Wiccan priestess / follower).
Guess what? We all deal with shit like this - you're not special or different. All we can do is try to educate those who will listen and the fundamentalists will continue to live in their own little hypocritical world.