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People who are NEVER wrong...

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  • #16
    Two things.

    1) I used to have a roommate like this. About the stupidest things. I put forth a theory, A THEORY mind you about the original reason for winter holidays something that can only be proven by hopping in a time machine and asking the people who started them why they did so.

    She shut down any discussion with the, "Your wrong it was for these reasons that are fact!!!" Uhm you can't really know that because you don't have a book from a caveman saying, "Why we are starting these holidays"

    2) People who feel computers only glitch through human error. Uhm nothing is perfect and things do happen.
    Jack Faire


    • #17
      I'm always one to argue about the more philosophical things from time to time, like whether something is right or wrong, or point of view arguments. But when someone is arguing some really basic fact like whether 1+1 is 2 or 3, I feel like stabbing them in the face.

      I was debating once with my ex-father-in-law on whether or not Harrison Ford was Sean Connery's son, which he was convinced he was. Even after showing him the IMDB and wiki pages and other info on the net to prove that A) they're not related and B) the age difference is too close anyway, he still was convinced he was right and that all the information I showed him was just plain wrong.


      • #18
        I had an english teacher in High School who was like this. If she gave a test and the answer the test book gave was A, then that was it. It didn't matter how many times we all as a class went to the textbook or other sources and proved the answer was C, she'd stick to her guns.

        "Well, C is correct... but A is MORE correct."


