You know those ones who spray that chemical stuff on your lawn whether you like it or not? What gives them the right to not only spray shit on your lawn, but to break into your backyard without your permission and OPEN your gate? Yes, we have a dog, a dog who likes to be outside a lot and has almost escaped when our gate was kicked down one time. I don't care if it's your job, don't fucking trespass on our property, and don't leave our gate open. Hell, I don't even think we asked for this done so I don't know how they can legally do this. Same goes with those meter guys who check your meter. Just stay the fuck off my property!
*Clint Eastwood growl*
I will give this guy credit though, he at least closed the gate after he was done with the backyard, where others have carelessly left the gate open without our knowledge. They're lucky nothing happened to my dog or I would go justifyably SC on their asses.

I will give this guy credit though, he at least closed the gate after he was done with the backyard, where others have carelessly left the gate open without our knowledge. They're lucky nothing happened to my dog or I would go justifyably SC on their asses.