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Being Ashamed Of Natural Processes

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  • Being Ashamed Of Natural Processes

    ... Specifically, the female ones. Even more specifically, menstruation.

    Look, I understand that spreading disgust about menstruation throughout pretty much all of society was another way to keep control over women. I do get the historical basis. But those ideas surviving today is doing nothing except hurting women, especially the women who perpetuate this mentality.

    It's just blood! If you get squicked out by blood no matter where it's coming from, okay, you get out of jail free. But the huge number of people I've met who are fine with blood except when it's coming out of a vagina is just ridiculous! And the women who are embarrassed over this, again, completely natural process make me even sadder. I know it's because parents and society continue to perpetuate this stigmata, but wake up and smell the iron, sisters! It's not going to help you if you keep up with this idea. I'm not saying you should start painting with your menstrual blood, but that is no reason to hide your tampons when you're buying groceries, or hide from the world for the three to seven days of your cycle. Okay, accompanying side effects of cramps, bloating, bitchiness, whatever, those are fine reasons. But I had friends in high school who would skip classes solely because they were ashamed of the fact that they were bleeding.

    What started this whole rant is this thread on CS. As a side effect, what is so gross about clean, unused diapers? Fresh tampons? The illusion of menstrual blood? Why can't people admit that there is nothing wrong with any of this? Okay, maybe it'll be a while before it's a topic of conversation for "polite" company, but there is no reason to act like you are pooping your pants for a week at a time. Argh.

  • #2
    I agree. Its a perfectly natural thing. Half the world does it belive it or not. Its been happening since the dawn of time. Your not embrass when you buy bandaids, but tampons are like giant bandaids.

    I just don't care. I get woman embrassed they buy them. I get men embrassed. Its like, what dude. Its for your girlfriend. I get it.

    Its the same for condoms. Why so ashamed to be having sex and being safe about it? Hmm?

    Oh well. so many people are strange.
    Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
    I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


    • #3
      I've had a few men buying tampons at my work and telling me that it wasn't what it looked like...I just cut them off by (loudly) stating "I have long since learnt: do not question what people buy."

      Otherwise, I don't even bother these days to hide them.


      • #4
        I buy pads openly; always have done. I once had a moment in Boots where I bought a giant bar of chocolate, a packet of pads, and some headache pills in one shop; and the teenage boy cashier could barely look me in the eye. XD I had a good laugh about that later.

        However, I'm still not going to go for the school of thought that states, "Celebrate your period!" I'm not going to celebrate something that causes me pain and misery, thanks very much. Not so much now, but I still remember what I went thru as an eleven year old with my period and I am not jumping up and down with joy about suffering thru that, kthnxbai.
        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
          I once had a moment in Boots where I bought a giant bar of chocolate, a packet of pads, and some headache pills in one shop; and the teenage boy cashier could barely look me in the eye.
          He must have been new at the job; that's hardly a rare combination of items for most women to buy.


          • #6
            I've never had a problem with menstruation. But then again, I'm like Dave Foley here:



            • #7
              For me, part of is because of the way my mom would act about it - one example being that she would mark on the calendar when she, my sister, and I started our periods each month. Not sure what the reason behind this was, and apparently Mom doesn't remember doing this.........but my sister had to explain to friends back in the day what "KP, CP, and JP" meant on the calendar.


              • #8
                Every time I hear a man or woman use that dreaded "I don't trust anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die" quip, I seriously want to murder them. I am not kidding. I have to hold back from at least whipping a shoe at them or making a fist.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Boozy View Post
                  He must have been new at the job; that's hardly a rare combination of items for most women to buy.
                  That's what I assumed. And no sisters, either, I expect.
                  "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                  • #10
                    I can kind of understand the stigma against menstruation. I'm usually bloated and achy during my period, and even though I don't get horrible cramps like some women do, I still don't feel very attractive or sociable during my period. Not to mention that menstrual blood smells like rotten raw hamburger. (Ugh, I just grossed myself out typing that.)

                    Yes, it's a natural process, but so is taking a dump. And I don't want to talk about that, either. On the other hand, I agree that it shouldn't be a problem for anyone to handle clean tampons and pads. It's just cloth and paper, for crying out loud.
                    "The future is always born in pain... If we are wise what is born of that pain matures into the promise of a better world." --G'Kar, "Babylon 5"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by fireheart17 View Post
                      I've had a few men buying tampons at my work and telling me that it wasn't what it looked like..
                      what they aren't a decent guy doing something nice for a woman in his life(mom, sister, roomate, GF....)? That's what it looks like to me

                      Several of my Ex-Boyfriends were proud to buy my menstrual products-it was a "Hey look I have a woman!!!!" thing to them.

                      Now I use reusable* products for three reasons-
                      1-I'm cheap/thrifty-a 13 dollar sea sponge cut up-$30 diva cup will last me for years-what are you paying per month-I'm in fractions of pennies
                      2-better for the environment
                      3-since I can rinse and reuse-I'm not gonna run out at a bad time or anytime..
                      Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ghel View Post
                        Yes, it's a natural process, but so is taking a dump. And I don't want to talk about that, either. On the other hand, I agree that it shouldn't be a problem for anyone to handle clean tampons and pads. It's just cloth and paper, for crying out loud.
                        Yeah, but i never have had a customer EMBRASSED to buy TP unlike maxipads/tampons, where the customers are acting like they just committed some unspeakable crime. Or that they just puked on the leader of the free world. or something that is at least worthy of being a ting bit of embrassment.
                        Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                        I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                        • #13
                          I never said anything about liking menstruation. I enjoy the realization that I've gotten my period every month because it means that I'm not pregnant, but I don't know anyone who enjoys having it.

                          The world has accepted the fact that people pee and poop. It's not really a polite topic for discussion, but there are very few people who are ashamed of the fact that they expel fecal matter from their colon... They might be ashamed of being witnessed in the act, but most of the women I've met have met are loathe to admit that, once a month, they bleed from their genitals. It's so unhealthy.


                          • #14
                            I think the only time I've ever been embarrassed about having a period is when I've been caught out. There is nothing worse than having to ask another female around (co-worker, friend, etc) if they have any spare tampons or pads, especially if it's in a semi crowded place.
                            I'm not embarrassed about the fact that I get a period (Yay! Not pregnant!), but I'm not really a fan of having other people know about it.
                            "Having a Christian threaten me with hell is like having a hippy threaten to punch me in my aura."
                            Josh Thomas


                            • #15
                              Oh, having to ask for a tampon can be pretty humiliating sometimes. Luckily, I now know that our department secretary keeps a large stash of feminine supplies in her desk for anyone to use. Of course, being the theatre department, you know that the costume shop always has tampons and the sound technician always has condoms. (No, they're for the microphone packs, really!)

                              Seeing as how I've gone through the checkout lane at Target with chocolates, beer, a pack of batteries, lube, condoms, lingerie, and a Bertolli dinner, not much fazes me anymore.

