Ok I suffer from severe clinical depression... BPD and PTSD... I am so fucking tired of people finding out and then treat me like a fucking leper... or worse suddenly I am fucking 5....
Yes I suffer from depression... you have a child die and see if it doesnt fuck your world
Yes i have BPD... I dont play well with others... I try... I try to fit societies norms... honest... I dont punch people who piss me the fuck off... be damn happy...
Yes I have PTSD No you dont have to been in combat for it... Yes it makes life hard... but god damn it I was holding a damn job... I had finally came out of my little hole...
Fucking why in the god damn 21st century are people still acting like I should be shunned and shouldnt be among the normal people.... *screams* Seriously WTF...
This rant brought to you by my fucking friend that decided to tell me that I shouldnt come around cause I had "mental" problems and she did want her kids around someone like me...
WTF Like me??? A person who is getting treatment.. and living a semi normal life...Yes I have a nasty scar on my arm from when I tried to kill myself at 18 before I was diagnosed... no I am not suicidal I know the difference between wanting the "pain" to stop and wanting to kill myself... I am a bit attached to breathing...
Yes I suffer from depression... you have a child die and see if it doesnt fuck your world
Yes i have BPD... I dont play well with others... I try... I try to fit societies norms... honest... I dont punch people who piss me the fuck off... be damn happy...
Yes I have PTSD No you dont have to been in combat for it... Yes it makes life hard... but god damn it I was holding a damn job... I had finally came out of my little hole...
Fucking why in the god damn 21st century are people still acting like I should be shunned and shouldnt be among the normal people.... *screams* Seriously WTF...
This rant brought to you by my fucking friend that decided to tell me that I shouldnt come around cause I had "mental" problems and she did want her kids around someone like me...
WTF Like me??? A person who is getting treatment.. and living a semi normal life...Yes I have a nasty scar on my arm from when I tried to kill myself at 18 before I was diagnosed... no I am not suicidal I know the difference between wanting the "pain" to stop and wanting to kill myself... I am a bit attached to breathing...