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I am not fucking contagious

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  • I am not fucking contagious

    Ok I suffer from severe clinical depression... BPD and PTSD... I am so fucking tired of people finding out and then treat me like a fucking leper... or worse suddenly I am fucking 5....

    Yes I suffer from depression... you have a child die and see if it doesnt fuck your world

    Yes i have BPD... I dont play well with others... I try... I try to fit societies norms... honest... I dont punch people who piss me the fuck off... be damn happy...

    Yes I have PTSD No you dont have to been in combat for it... Yes it makes life hard... but god damn it I was holding a damn job... I had finally came out of my little hole...

    Fucking why in the god damn 21st century are people still acting like I should be shunned and shouldnt be among the normal people.... *screams* Seriously WTF...

    This rant brought to you by my fucking friend that decided to tell me that I shouldnt come around cause I had "mental" problems and she did want her kids around someone like me...

    WTF Like me??? A person who is getting treatment.. and living a semi normal life...Yes I have a nasty scar on my arm from when I tried to kill myself at 18 before I was diagnosed... no I am not suicidal I know the difference between wanting the "pain" to stop and wanting to kill myself... I am a bit attached to breathing...


  • #2
    I don't blame you one bit. I wouldn't fuck contagious either; too much chance of catching something.
    "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


    • #3
      I had a coworker who thought I was sick in the head after she found out about my own mental issues. Did her best to avoid any contact with me, and even told other customers. I'm glad she got fired.

      I've had children on playgrounds mock me and think I was contagious cause I had strange eyes.

      Hell, for a while there I thought a game of tag was just a game of tag from one kid. He tag me, and I tried to tag others, only to be brutally punched. I learned that day that wasn't tag. The word they were screaming at the kid trying to tag was FAGGOT. How the hell is a 7 year old suppose to know that? Didn't have friends. I was shun. I was called faggot in addition to the other insults of my freaking name.

      ..... so many many many years of being shunned by woman and men, I still crave for that affection. I despertely want a real hug. I try hugging my mom, but even she gets freaked out over that. We never were an affective family. I tried to kiss my step dad when I was four, only to be spanked. Men do not kiss he shouted.

      .... damn it. I just want a real hug.
      Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
      I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


      • #4
        I used to suffer from excema as a child; and people would think that was contagious, too. -.- Not just kids, but grown adults.
        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


        • #5
          I have scars all over my arms and legs from scracthing, and I get dirty looks all the I never wear shorts

          I get bummed in I am in a funk, and soon I won't be....but I have had "friends" who would say I was 'crazy' behind my back.

          We're all freaks here,,,,and we are all awesome. Screw the idiots who say otherwise (though not literally )


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kimmik View Post
            This rant brought to you by my fucking friend that decided to tell me that I shouldnt come around cause I had "mental" problems and she did want her kids around someone like me...
            That's a bizarre and cruel comment from someone you considered a "friend".

            Is she basing her desire to keep you away from her children simply because of your diagnoses? Or have you said or done something around her children in the past (inadvertently, of course) that have disturbed them?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Boozy View Post
              That's a bizarre and cruel comment from someone you considered a "friend".

              Is she basing her desire to keep you away from her children simply because of your diagnoses? Or have you said or done something around her children in the past (inadvertently, of course) that have disturbed them?
              Nah I am very censored around children.. It happened because a mutual acquaintance asked about my scar... and then it went on to the underlying problems at the time. I have no problem talking about my past or things that I have been through when someone asks. This acquaintance is studying Psych in school so we talk in depth about things because I have no problems with any of her questions..

              After all it is easier to ask me because I can give her what it is like from my side.. something that class can't do.. It freaked my "friend" now ex friend out that I was so open about it. I guess she thought it was suppose to be a dirty little secret.

              I dont think it is something to be ashamed of.. we all have trials that we go through some more then others but it is what makes us who we are.. we either break down or we dust our self off and move on... When the other person said basically omg now I feel bad ranting about what I went through and you suffered that... I give the response I have given other people... What I have gone through is no worse or better then what you have... just different.

              I think it shocked me more then anything that someone would have such a backassward view.. it caught me blindsided..

              That's a bizarre and cruel comment from someone you considered a "friend".
              Bizarre not really she isnt the first... I have lost friends over things like this before.. It just finally got to me.. I am a bit more touchy the past 2 years.. which is why it blindsided me.
              Last edited by Kimmik; 05-06-2010, 03:54 PM.


              • #8
                I'm seeing that now with my Mother in Law, Kimmik. She got diagnosed with depression and I think schizophrenia. Now, my Father in Law treats her like a baby! He talks to her in a high pitched sing-songy voice, won't let her do anything for herself, and, AND... the other night I heard him trying to make little cooing noises to make her laugh!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Fryk View Post
                  I'm seeing that now with my Mother in Law, Kimmik. She got diagnosed with depression and I think schizophrenia. Now, my Father in Law treats her like a baby! He talks to her in a high pitched sing-songy voice, won't let her do anything for herself, and, AND... the other night I heard him trying to make little cooing noises to make her laugh!!

                  Omg that man needs slapped.. Seriously... she the same damn person she was before the diagnoses.

                  Now my hubby will go "Boop touched your nose" and then poke the tip of my nose lightly... because he found out that when i am in an anger phase.. it sorta confuses me... dont ask me why.. but it is sorta like an off button.. it is funnier then hell once I realized what was happening. And he doesn't do it around others...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Kimmik View Post
                    Now my hubby will go "Boop touched your nose" and then poke the tip of my nose lightly... because he found out that when i am in an anger phase.. it sorta confuses me... dont ask me why.. but it is sorta like an off button.. it is funnier then hell once I realized what was happening. And he doesn't do it around others...
                    <Note, not a psychologist, so take what I say with a grain of salt. It's merely an observation>

                    Anger is usually focused at something, even if you declare it's "everything". So then you have something silly happen while you're mad and it baffles you. That point of confusion causes you to lose that focus, and then you can't remember what made you angry.

                    I think everyone needs a silly "WTF" button to be honest. It would go a long way to helping the world.


                    • #11
                      I used to suffer from excema as a child; and people would think that was contagious, too. -.- Not just kids, but grown adults.
                      I suffer from eczema as well, it's really not fun to have people look at you and go "what's wrong with your eye?" then give me the "are you contagious?" look. Yes I'm aware that I have a gross scaly patch above my eye, no need to point it out. And no you can't catch it. These were always random strangers, usually customers.

                      As for mental health, people are generally ill informed, and don't want to be informed. Hell some of the doctors my mom went to before she was finally diagnosed properly told her she was making it up. She's damn lucky that she found her current doctor who specializes in BPD. She is doing miles better than she was 5-7 years ago.

                      My dad still acts like it's something he can use against her. He tried to do that in court and it didn't fly thank goodness, not that it helped our case, because apparently a heart attack is a "real" illness as opposed to my mom's mental illness. He even used her illness against her to get a better deal for himself in the divorce by threatening to have me taken away.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lordlundar View Post
                        I think everyone needs a silly "WTF" button to be honest. It would go a long way to helping the world.
                        My daughter accidentally poked a boy in the eye once the teacher asked why.

                        "I was trying to poke his forehead"

                        "Why did you want to poke his forehead"

                        "To get him to shut up"
                        Jack Faire


                        • #13
                          First of all if she is acting like this, she was never your friend in the first place. If she acts like this is suppose to be a dirty little secret, I wouldn't be surprised if a few of her own dirty litle secrets came to light.

                          I just hate how people who live with mental illness are treated by society. When you mention the word mental illness, people have so many preconcieved notions. They think of someone who is in a hospital in a catatonic state, or someone that talks to trees or the air outside. People need to understand that not everyone is like that.
                          If I can't bitch, I'll explode- blas87


                          • #14
                            My mom was recently certified as having mental illness. The common reaction of everyone I know that has met my mom, "Wait she wasn't before?"
                            Jack Faire


                            • #15
                              My "stop arguing" button, I think, is my wife's boobies.

