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Not the bus! AAAAAAAAA!

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  • Not the bus! AAAAAAAAA!

    I hate that my mom will not use public transportation even if she has no working car. If her car is on the fritz she will only use public trans if absolutly positivly she has to.

    If there is anything like us walking through a house I am thinking of helping her buy god forbid we do that before the car is working again.

    I just don't get putting your life on hold until the next pay check.

    Oh and part of it was because the truck was not working yesterday my mom wanted to wait and go pick up groceries after it was fixed. If I had agreed and waited we wouldn't have had anything to eat last night because as of this morning the truck was still not working.
    Last edited by jackfaire; 05-10-2010, 09:04 PM.
    Jack Faire

  • #2
    If either you or the place you were looking at were out of range of public transit, then your mom would have a point. As it is, though...
    "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


    • #3
      Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
      If either you or the place you were looking at were out of range of public transit, then your mom would have a point. As it is, though...
      Oh I agree but heck I can walk to the place we are going to be looking at in fact I was walking when I found it.
      Jack Faire


      • #4
        I'm finally breaking my mother of her transit phobia. She has come to accept when she is in Utah and we need to go downtown, we will take TRAX, if we need to go up to Ogden we will take Frontrunner. Parking in downtown is a mess and Frontrunner is quicker and easier for getting to Ogden than driving... when I first moved here and she visited she just could not wrap her head around the idea that there are places where transit is better than driving.
        "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


        • #5
          I am so sick of the bus. I can't wait to get my car/Jeep/whatever this summer.


          • #6
            I used to have a HUGE public transport phobia. I absolutely hated it. Wouldn't even catch the bus to school, would instead rather walk the 30-40 minute trip there. I think it came down to a fear of catching the wrong bus, not being able to get the bus to stop at the right stop, not being able to open the back door to disembark, and just the types of people I thought caught a bus.
            I moved to a different country and ended up needing to rely on public transport (a lot of places to get lost).
            Still, I think if I move back home, I'd most probably go back to avoiding them again. It might be a case of 'better the devil you don't know' for me. That and the fact that back home, the public transport system is far below adequate.
            "Having a Christian threaten me with hell is like having a hippy threaten to punch me in my aura."
            Josh Thomas


            • #7
              I hate taking public transportation except for going to downtown Portland because I refuse to drive down there. but I won't avoid it if I need it.

              Right now my license is suspended and I can't drive Bertie. So I take public transit. If people have alternatives more power to them. I get not liking it. My problem is when you so don't want to take public transit that your quality of suffers.

              My mom is not very good at taking care of herself.
              Jack Faire


              • #8
                Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
                I hate taking public transportation except for going to downtown Portland because I refuse to drive down there. but I won't avoid it if I need it.

                Right now my license is suspended and I can't drive Bertie. So I take public transit. If people have alternatives more power to them. I get not liking it. My problem is when you so don't want to take public transit that your quality of suffers.

                My mom is not very good at taking care of herself.
                Hey jack are you in Portland OR? the transit here btw is's one of the better ones in the country and I rely on it constantly.
                Great YouTube channel check it out!


                • #9
                  I had a friend that was so paranoid of taking transit alone she didn't do it for MONTHS when she first moved to Vancouver. It was annoying because I'd have to come all the way over to her place to get her rather than have her meet me somewhere.

                  I can't imagine not taking transit, but I do enjoy being in the car as well. I hate the bus going from metrotown to my house (and vice versa), I don't exactly know why, but it makes me tired thinking about getting on that bus.


                  • #10
                    I find being in public in general uncomfortable, but that applies to everything. Without the subway I'd never be able to visit the Smithsonian bi-monthly due to parking costs and waiting at red lights. (Air and Space FTMFW!)
                    All units: IRENE
                    HK MP5-N: Solving 800 problems a minute since 1986


                    • #11
                      I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of public transit and avoid taking it when possible........but a lot of that comes from it taking twice as long to get somewhere by bus, and some routes are notorious for being crowded and not attracting the highest caliber of people as riders. (Not that I'm a snob, but I hate getting yelled at by mentally ill people or having some guy old enough to be my dad hit on me....just as a few examples)


                      • #12
                        I had some strange guy molest me on a really crowded max train here a while back. CREEPY but it was so crowded there wasn't anything I could do besides try to shy away from him.

                        There are some weird people out there for sure. But I have also made long term friends riding the bus. And some good acquaintences. And it's my ONLY choice. My boyfriend owns a car but I don't and I don't have a license either. So it's public transit or not go anywhere
                        Great YouTube channel check it out!


                        • #13
                          My default expression is apparently a scowl as most people steer clear of me. When I am talking to friends on the train much more likely to get approached.
                          Jack Faire


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
                            I had some strange guy molest me on a really crowded max train here a while back. CREEPY but it was so crowded there wasn't anything I could do besides try to shy away from him.
                            Are you kidding? Shying away from him is hardly the only thing you could have done.

                            The first and last time someone tried to grope me in public I turned around and yelled "BACK THE F#$@ OFF!"

                            Then he was shying away from ME.

                            Next time someone attempts to physically or sexually assault you, please don't be afraid to make a scene.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by KellyHabersham View Post
                              I have to admit that I'm not a big fan of public transit and avoid taking it when possible........but a lot of that comes from it taking twice as long to get somewhere by bus, and some routes are notorious for being crowded and not attracting the highest caliber of people as riders. (Not that I'm a snob, but I hate getting yelled at by mentally ill people or having some guy old enough to be my dad hit on me....just as a few examples)
                              I can tell you enough how much the bus sucked (and still does) in my area. Especially on Sundays. Waiting for damn near an hour to get a ride, taking twice as long to get somewhere and having to wait in hot or cold ass weather, rain or shine (especially if you had to go to work). Besides the cooky people that ride the bus, you get the ones that permeate the bus with their stench. So glad I have my car now!
                              There are no stupid questions, just stupid people...

