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That no one will break character

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  • That no one will break character

    Up until I was 8 years old I felt like everyone else just one of the group another character in this novel we call our lives. I then went through something traumatic and since then I listen to my own beat and live life on my terms.

    Now it feels like every once in awhile like I am staring at characters in a novel. I will talk to my friends or family and they are stuck in this, "must live life this way" they act like these stereotypes of the people I know instead of actual people.

    I feel like running up to them and screaming at them to tell them to knock it off to live and think for once instead of just following the same path that they have always tread terrified of stepping off of it.

    Some days I feel very alone. I hate it. Some days I wish I could be a sheep. Anyway it's late and I need sleep.


    What I mean is if you run and a brick wall is in your path you climb, dig under, blow up, or run around the wall. But people don't do that in life.

    "I live on this side of the bridge there is no way I can cross the state line to go find a job" "Sure he has screwed me over 20 times but he is my soulmate we are destiny" etc.

    People create these ideas in their heads and are unwilling or unable to conceptualize shifting away from them. They become their identity. "If I don't always do this I will not be me even if this is destroying the quality of my life"

    It's like they have a script to follow and they can't deviate from it no matter how miserable they make themselves.
    Last edited by jackfaire; 05-11-2010, 05:04 PM. Reason: More awake now
    Jack Faire

  • #2
    Some of us are just plain stubborn. We feel the world should accept us as we are or get the fuck out of the way. We are arrows in flight.

    Your destiny awaits.


    • #3
      Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
      Some of us are just plain stubborn. We feel the world should accept us as we are or get the fuck out of the way. We are arrows in flight.

      Your destiny awaits.
      I am talking the life equivilant of someone standing there and letting themselves be shot rather than duck out of the way because they can't conceptualize that ducking is an option.
      Jack Faire


      • #4
        The problem I have with that position is it seems like you're taking blame off the shooter and placing it on the shootee. So instead of 100% of the blame on the shooter, and none on the shootee who was just standing there minding his own business not doing anything wrong, now you've got like 60% blame on the shooter and 40% to the shootee.

        Which just seems wrong. It's like blaming a woman for getting raped because she was wearing a short skirt. Again, its like taking the 100% blame that the rapist should be getting and skimming off a couple tens and putting it on the woman.

        It's not that I can't conceptualize ducking, it's that I shouldn't have to duck in the first place.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
          It's not that I can't conceptualize ducking, it's that I shouldn't have to duck in the first place.
          Okay bad analogy. Better one person does what their family wants and marries a horrible significant other because they can't conceptualize disobeying their family even though it is going to destroy their life.
          Jack Faire


          • #6
            It's one thing to find yourself in a bad situation. It's another to constantly put yourself there. There comes a point where habitual victims need to start being blamed. A sheep that likes to constantly run into the wolves den, despite the warnings and bad experiences, deserves to get eaten.

            As much as I loathe and detest the fact that my sister is married to an abusive alcoholic, I've given up on trying to help her. The only option I have left is to either "end it" and get myself arrested, and possibly executed, or to petition the state for custody of her kids, which I can't really afford right now.

            Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.

