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The compulsion to write

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  • The compulsion to write

    I don't enjoy writing. I haven't enjoyed it for years because it always feels like I have to be writing for a reason. I mean that is the point to writing right be a published author and selll lots of books?

    Honestly most of what I do is the occasional short story and the set up for various novels that I never have the time to sit down and write.

    I can't just squeeze in a chapter here and there when I get a moment. I can't even usually write something coherent beyond short story as my novel writing leaves much to be desired. I can't afford to quit my job and be a full time writer.

    Everytime I talk about my writing people want to know what I am working on and when am I going to finish it. I am sure like my father none of my fiction will never see print.

    Or like Walt Morey I may write and write only to finally publish something later in life.

    Maybe I am too young.

    What does it take?
    Jack Faire

  • #2
    when you get a chance check a film called Purple Violets. It's an Edward Burns movie, and one of the main sub plots is about writers and writing, what they write and why, success vs art etc.
    Great YouTube channel check it out!


    • #3
      Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
      when you get a chance check a film called Purple Violets. It's an Edward Burns movie, and one of the main sub plots is about writers and writing, what they write and why, success vs art etc.
      Thank you it just went on my list.
      Jack Faire


      • #4
        The point of writing is to write.

        For me it's something I can't really control, when I have a good line in my head I have to write it down (I write poetry). Even if no one reads it or thinks it's good. I post all of my work on Deviantart, where I usually get no comments. But hey it's out there in the world right?

        I've come to terms with the fact that my writing will probably go no further than it has. Given I've never really done much with my writing in the way of sending it into publishers, I've tried maybe 1 contest and one publisher. *shrugs* Didn't win the contest, and got rejected. *shrugs* I'll probably try again sometime, but it's not the only thing I think about.

        If you really want to be published then you need to send stuff to publishers, and anywhere else you can. Unfortunately the world of writing isn't an easy one. (well unless you write best selling stuff that's just short of being fan-fic *coughtwilightcough*


        • #5
          Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
          (well unless you write best selling stuff that's just short of being fan-fic *coughtwilightcough*
          Yeah I know what you mean *cough*harrypotter*cough*

          Yes I know my cough will kill me but meh I calls em like I sees em.

          Anyway yeah I think part of the frustration is people assuming that I have to be doing something with it.
          Jack Faire


          • #6
            ah yeah I know that one, that or the people that think that I can just pick up and write short stories or novels. I've tried, I have a good idea for a short story/novel, but the words just won't come out, dialog is usually where I get hung up.


            • #7
              Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
              ah yeah I know that one, that or the people that think that I can just pick up and write short stories or novels. I've tried, I have a good idea for a short story/novel, but the words just won't come out, dialog is usually where I get hung up.
              *nods* Me too it's hard for me to make the characters sound differently from eachother. Most of my short stories are small on dialouge and most are designed to force an emotional response.
              Jack Faire


              • #8
                I do some writing myself- I've gotten compliments on my stuff.
                I'm not sure what you would call my writing, it's somewhere between metaphysical and sci-fi, dealing with Urban Animism.

                And I know I'll take some heat for it, but some of the stories I've got ideas for go into controversial territory, inlcuding 9/11. I'm worried about what will happen when I write that one up and put it out there. I imagine I'll get deluged with hate mail from folks saying "How dare you even go there, you 9/11 disrespecting bitch?"

                But it's something I feel a need to do. I'm not going to make fun of the tragedy or of the victims, or anyone. It's just a parallel universe exploration of the events of that day, told from an unusual perspective- that of NYC's skyscrapers. It turns out that Skyscrapers cry too, however strong and invulnerable they may look.

                My dad once told me to write a book and get it published. I dunno if there's a market for my stuff- I show people the drawings and it's a love or hate reaction, with very little middle ground.


                • #9
                  I tend to write all the time. Mainly scripts, short stories, and poems.
                  I always seem to have about 3 things going out at once. I need to stay focused on one thing and finally send it out.
                  A good way to get anything started is to do a 'Word of the Day' type thing. Have 1 word each day and just try to write a paragraph about it or using it.

                  My main problem is dialogue. That and I seem completely unable to write anything happy, it's always got to do with the sad things in life.

                  A cool store to check out is
                  It's a good place to find books and computer software to help with your writing, and they have a few exercise books for people who get stuck.
                  "Having a Christian threaten me with hell is like having a hippy threaten to punch me in my aura."
                  Josh Thomas


                  • #10
                    Writing is like any other hobby. If you want to do it then do it, if not then don't. If your writing never goes anywhere but you get satisfaction from it then its not different from the stamp collector whose collection never ends up on display. At the end of the day what matters is how it makes you feel even if nobody else sees it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Amanita View Post
                      And I know I'll take some heat for it, but some of the stories I've got ideas for go into controversial territory, inlcuding 9/11..
                      I have thought about writing a book each chapter about "How it is" Those things that are commonly accepted as the way things are and it's sacrilige to disagree.
                      Jack Faire


                      • #12
                        That would be an awesome book, I would read it. I have been accused of disrespecting 9/11, being an attention whore, and worse, for daring to even think about artistic work based on those events, whatever the medium.

                        I wonder how long before somebody tells me that because I am Canadian, I have no right at all to even touch 9/11 as a subject. I'm not American, so I don't have any right to an opinion, or the right to touch it, in the eyes of some.

                        One thing I've noticed, and it makes me sick- I've been involved in online discussions surrounding that day, and the future of the WTC site for years. I've noticed that some people seem to use their 9/11 traumas as some sort of "trump card" to win arguments, or to dismiss others. "I lost my husband, but you didn't lose anybody, your opinion doesn't count".."My trauma is worse than yours, you don't know nothing!" Sad to say, I've seen a LOT of this happen.

                        Is it just me, or is treating losses like a form of penis-measuring (mine's bigger!) really crass? And not just 9/11, but any other event. I've even seen traces of it in the debate to put a suicide barrier on the Golden Gate Bridge.
                        I understand that people have suffered heartbreaking losses of all sorts, but it really leaves a bad taste in my mouth to see that used as some form of "I Win" button to shut down all dissenting thought.

                        Jackfaire, you might want to include a chapter on this in your book!
                        Last edited by Amanita; 05-13-2010, 05:41 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Amanita View Post
                          Jackfaire, you might want to include a chapter on this in your book!
                          Not a bad idea. That attitude can be blamed on our parents I think. It grew out of "There are starving kids in Africa" Thus introducing the concept that our perspective doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that your dad just died there are people that never knew their fathers so your pain isn't as bad.

                          This lack of perspective is disturbing and growing.
                          Jack Faire


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
                            Not a bad idea. That attitude can be blamed on our parents I think. It grew out of "There are starving kids in Africa" Thus introducing the concept that our perspective doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that your dad just died there are people that never knew their fathers so your pain isn't as bad.

                            This lack of perspective is disturbing and growing.
                            Yeah- it's the whole attitude that just because somebody, somewhere has it worse, then your suffering, pain, or frustrations don't count. Some people use it in an abstract sense- "There are starving kids in africa who would run a mile for that!", while others play a more personal game of "topping", or one-upmanship. "I have it worse than you, so shut up!"

                            I have a book about the WTC rebuilding clusterfuck, and one chapter recounts a public discussion where participants were split off into groups to discuss the future of the site. One lady took part- I believe she had an education in urban planning, architecture, or something related. I'm sure she would have lots of ideas to contribute. But the group she was put in with was composed entirely of widows and grieving parents. When everyone was introducing themselves and their backgrounds, that lady mentioned what she brought to the table. And was summarily dismissed by the other ladies, who shot her down with "Yeah, but you didn't lose anyone", as if anyone besides them deserved no say and no voice.


                            • #15
                              I love writing. I adore words, I like manipulating them, I really like telling a good, interesting story. Writing is glorified story telling, one of the oldest hobbies of all time...

                              I would like to be published one day. I want to share my stories, my worlds with people who don't have the ability to see how I see, to create worlds to live in like I do. Somewhere, one person will enjoy my world as much as I do.

                              What does it take? I don't know. I'm gonna try that long hard path soon... Whats the worst that happens, I get a bunch of nos?

