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"Pun" threads

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  • #16
    I agree with the nitpicking as well, I forgot to mention that before.

    Sometimes I swear people just skim and then their reply is "I do this all the time!!!11" Ok, that's fine, but did you read what I just wrote or did you just skim it over and get mad that I said it was sucky that this person went through the express lane with too many items, and you think it's ok to do it, so you just wanted to interject and nitpick with me.


    • #17
      In the case of the thread that caused me to make this post, though, someone actually almost apologized for making an on topic post. I suspect they were worried about ruining the fun.
      Sorry, I hadn't seen that one, so this thread seemed a bit out of the blue.
      "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


      • #18
        I'm of the opposite mindset - when I've had a particularly crappy day seeing the humour in a situation is my coping mechanism, so should someone want to make me laugh (no matter how awful the pun is) I'm not going to complain all that loudly (unless the subject matter is that culturaly sensitive that it would be crass to joke/laugh at it).
        The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel


        • #19
          It kind of stops being funny once a) about two pages have gone by filled with nothing but punning and b) the punners take the thread over. -.-
          "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


          • #20
            It didn't used to bother me, but reading this thread:

            I can see how annoying it really is.


            • #21
              Hobbs, that one was pretty mild compared to some that go on for pages.

              I don't know what's worse.....

              Just having a good vent to come online later to a bunch of "I don't see the suck!" (thank God for that sticky on CS so most of the nitpicking has stopped) or the "But I DO THIS!" or "But maybe this person was confused"


              The more popular members threads and within seconds there are pages upon pages of worship of that member


              The pun threads


              • #22
                Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                Hobbs, that one was pretty mild compared to some that go on for pages.
                I also posted when it was in it's first page. I hadn't really noticed the puns until this discussion, so when I saw it, I felt it appropriate to post here.

                I don't know what's worse.....

                Just having a good vent to come online later to a bunch of "I don't see the suck!" (thank God for that sticky on CS so most of the nitpicking has stopped) or the "But I DO THIS!" or "But maybe this person was confused"
                *raises hand* somewhat responsible for the sticky, fyi.

                The more popular members threads and within seconds there are pages upon pages of worship of that member
                double-ditto on this one. Sometimes it reminds me of a high school popularity contest. What's worse is trying to discuss something and have all the poster's friends jump on your case.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                  The more popular members threads and within seconds there are pages upon pages of worship of that member
                  I have never understood that. At. All. There are members that write really well, and I enjoy reading their posts, but the near-stalking and worship are disturbing.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                    Just having a good vent to come online later to a bunch of "I don't see the suck!" (thank God for that sticky on CS so most of the nitpicking has stopped) or the "But I DO THIS!" or "But maybe this person was confused"
                    I don't post there as much, but this would irk me the most.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                      Just having a good vent to come online later to a bunch of "I don't see the suck!" (thank God for that sticky on CS so most of the nitpicking has stopped)
                      Oh, THAT explains it! There are disadvantages to using the RSS feed. What section of the board is it in?

                      Edit: I'll just hold this last sentence until I can find this sticky, in case it has anything remotely like a good reason attached.)
                      Last edited by HYHYBT; 06-11-2010, 11:40 PM.
                      "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                        Oh, THAT explains it! There are disadvantages to using the RSS feed. What section of the board is it in?

                        Edit: I'll just hold this last sentence until I can find this sticky, in case it has anything remotely like a good reason attached.)
                        No worries. I practically have it pinned to the page:
                        Quoth the Site rules:
                        9. Respect Other Members
                        We have a policy against "failing to see the suck".
                        Members come here to vent about their workday and do not need armchair experts second guessing them on whether they have a right to complain, or whether they could have handled the situation better.


                        • #27
                          It's at the very top under Site News, it's not a new sticky, it's that it keeps getting bumped my mods because people just can't get it through their heads that it's rude to question and nitpick at people's threads.


                          • #28
                            That's because it's not always rude to question.
                            "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
                              Edit: I'll just hold this last sentence until I can find this sticky, in case it has anything remotely like a good reason attached.)
                              What maks you think we need a good reason?

                              We do have one, but that's not always the point.

                              Proud to be a W.A.N.K.E.R. - Womanless And No Kids - Exciting Rubbing!
                              Reclaiming words is fun!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by blas87 View Post
                                Hobbs, that one was pretty mild compared to some that go on for pages.

                                I don't know what's worse.....

                                Just having a good vent to come online later to a bunch of "I don't see the suck!" (thank God for that sticky on CS so most of the nitpicking has stopped) or the "But I DO THIS!" or "But maybe this person was confused"


                                The more popular members threads and within seconds there are pages upon pages of worship of that member


                                The pun threads
                                the first two are one of the only reasons I hesitate to do original posts at CS. several of the last ones I posted got "highjacked" by the "I fail to see the suck" or the members replying ignoring my point of contention and started shoving their opinion of why I sucked or nit-picking on things I had absolutely NO control over (and I really kinda glossed over that) or telling me to "get things straightened out at my workplace" or basically telling me how I should (read they are telling ME) how to do my job.

                                I have had to literally defend myself and my job to those who choose to act like SC's and TELL me how to do my job or how things SHOULD be (not as they are) when I have no control over a lot of procedures.

                                basically I have read soo many similar posts to mine but no one seems to nit pick or trash or shove "unneeded/unwanted advice" down those members throats. all I see is pats on the back and "AHHHHHHHHHHH that was nasty of XYZ to do ABC. have some cookies (or whatever), but me it's "YOU SUCK or "you should TELL your company to do it different." or "just suck it up jerk (not in those exact words but I get the message)"

                                yes I have used the report button several times. but I am still hesitant to do an OP anymore.
                                I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

                                I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
                                The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die

