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"Pun" threads

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  • #31
    Agreed. I remember once posting a story, and someone immediately said, "You should tell your manager to do such and such." Excuse me? I can't tell my manager anything, especially not the big boss manager, who was in the story.

    I also find that people who reply to my stories are always saying shit like, "Blah blah this would never happen at pay at the pump" which really, really annoys me as I have said a zillion times that my petrol station doesn't have pay at the pump. It especially annoys me if someone says, "If you don't have pay at the pump then you shouldn't be surprised if people drive out without paying" cuz there is no excuse for theft, and it sounds as tho they're trying to excuse the thief. That's like saying, "If you don't want someone to sexually harrass you at work, then don't wear a skirt" or "Well, if those computer games were priced at ten pence each, then you wouldn't get shoplifters stealing them".

    It's rude and unnecessary to nitpick or make those kind of comments. And I've also noticed how in certain member's cases, their fanclub would never even dream of saying such things to them, even if their story is similar to mine. I hesitate at using the report button cuz I've been told that mods have no control over people's opinions and I should just put them on ignore.
    "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


    • #32
      Originally posted by Lace Neil Singer View Post
      I also find that people who reply to my stories are always saying shit like, "Blah blah this would never happen at pay at the pump" which really, really annoys me as I have said a zillion times that my petrol station doesn't have pay at the pump.
      That's an absurd thing for people to tell you.

      Hell, if you just quit your job, you wouldn't have any sucky customers ever. How's that for some useless advice?


      • #33
        What maks you think we need a good reason?

        We do have one, but that's not always the point.
        I know it, and very carefully didn't say otherwise
        "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


        • #34
          I use to like puns... then I read Peirs Anthony for a while... now they just make me groan... stupid xanth series...

          But I try not to fail to see the suck.. I think I may have asked how it was sucky once or twice cause my brain couldn't process.. not that they were not sucky... but since some jobs I haven't had.. I want to understand a bit more... I dont think I have done it on CS... I try to be nice to everyone... I will say though I dont have Favs.. I enjoy reading every stories.. cause then we know we are not alone in the omg they do exist state.

          though when i read VRS I have hals voice in my head... do you know how much that sucks... because no matter how I read it... that is all it sounds like... that and GK.. I have to not read his when the Squee is napping... I think GK should be a writer...

          if I have offended... I didnt mean to... I dont think I have... have i? Great now I am all worried... ok back to sewing... and reading...

          But puns are kinda like fish... after a while they stink.


          • #35
            I don't think anyone finds you annoying, Kimmi. You are not an annoying "nay sayer" or "nitpicker" and you certainly aren't an annoying stalker of the more popular members.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Kimmik View Post
              I use to like puns... then I read Peirs Anthony for a while... now they just make me groan... stupid xanth series...

              Here here.
              Jack Faire


              • #37
                You know, with the nitpicks and puns, there are some that I appreciate...
                Like making fun of a fruedian slip... we all know damned well you didn't really mean to say that you worked the night shit, but we know you were thinking it...

                As far as fan worship... oh, those people bug the shit out of me... I enjoy gravekeeper's posts as much as the next guy, but I don't understand all the people who will comment every single fracking week "oh my GK, I don't know how you do it"

                My biggest pet peeve with the nitpickers is the ones who will jump in and justify something with something entirely unrelated.
                I've had a few times where I've posted complaining about a hearing user who refused to work with a deaf person because of the risk of fraud without even giving the deaf user the chance to prove that they are making a legit reasonable request and someone will jump in about how they one time back in 96 (year just pulled out of my ass) they took a relay call that was a prank... sorry, what does that have to do with the hear and now, post registration and fraud crackdown, to a hearing user who refuses to even try to see if the person who is calling is on the level... even more fun is when the next person responds, oh you all should check out 419 eater.
                "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


                • #38
                  Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                  sorry, what does that have to do with the hear and now, post registration and fraud crackdown, to a hearing user who refuses to even try to see if the person who is calling is on the level... even more fun is when the next person responds, oh you all should check out 419 eater.
                  Speaking of slips...

                  Sorry, couldn't resist!

                  Back on topic, the pun threads always, ALWAYS make me cringe because it always turns into a contest as to who can continue the theme the longest. I try, when I comment, to stay relevant to the original topic, (Not always successful, mind you! But I try!) Sure, I've got those on CS that I stalk worship follow more closely than others. What irritates me is when people scramble to be the first to respond to a thread (like to GK's posts), and post something along the lines of "first page!" or "first comment!"

                  Um, yay? I don't see it that often, but then I don't read comments that closely anymore, I skim to see if a discussion has started I might join in, that's about it.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by smileyeagle1021 View Post
                    As far as fan worship... oh, those people bug the shit out of me... I enjoy gravekeeper's posts as much as the next guy, but I don't understand all the people who will comment every single fracking week "oh my GK, I don't know how you do it"
                    I agree. After a while it gets old. I actually don't read his posts anymore...mostly due to that.

                    Although, idk if I can comment on fandom. I did establish the Church of Lupo ^///^

                    Lupo, I remember being reprimanded for making a "first post" comment once. I'm sure the Mods have done the same for other such posts.
                    Last edited by Hobbs; 06-15-2010, 08:21 PM.


                    • #40
                      I actually began a thread once in which I attempted to vent when TSA started requiring us to ask people for their dates of birth. We had to add them to the airline reservations.

                      The first two responses were questioning me on why TSA makes us do this now, and how it's intrusive and how they didn't blame people for getting annoyed at being asked.

                      I was so annoyed and frustrated that reported my OWN thread, asking for it to be removed.

                      So much for venting about people taking their dislike of govermental rules out on me. It ended up being the cherry on the sundae of my day of suck.


                      • #41
                        I started this to vent about the "puns" taking over the threads, but I see other people have posted about other issues that bother them, so I will add another thing that bugs me.

                        People will post about an incident, either from their work experience, or something they have encountered as a customer, etc., and clearly state that it's in the past.

                        People will jump right in with, "You have to report this," or "You need to call the authorities," and so on.

                        I know they mean well, but seriously, if it's in the past, there's probably not a whole lot of point in making any type of complaint now.

                        Also, sometimes, people just want to vent, and don't need unsolicited legal advice and opinions.

                        Like I say, I know it's offered with the best of intentions, and we do have a pretty caring community, but it annoys me sometimes.
                        Point to Ponder:

                        Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


                        • #42
                          Same here. Nearly always, when I post, I'm venting. It's really annoying if I post about, for example, a rude customer having a go at me over petrol prices, then someone pops up to say, "Well, petrol is expensive now, so I can understand them being upset."

                          Look, I have to pay for petrol too, you know! I'm not excempt! But I don't go around screaming abuse at cashiers, over something they can't control! -.- That is never alright; even if the issue is something that we can relate to, that is not what the poster is venting about! They are venting about being treated like shit and being verbally abused by a rude, nasty customer. And that is never justifyable.
                          "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Ree View Post
                            I started this to vent about the "puns" taking over the threads, but I see other people have posted about other issues that bother them, so I will add another thing that bugs me.
                            Woot! Thread drift. Who's the culprit this time?

                            Same thing has happened to me as well. Hrm, too bad I can't find the thread, but anywho...yeah, it annoys and aggrivates me.


                            • #44
                              I have to agree with all of you. While I truly believe members have the best of intentions and do care, sometimes you are better off leaving it alone or not doing anything, especially like with what Ree said, if it's clearly in the past or too late to do anything.

                              I didn't mean to threadjack and start a poll of what's more annoying. I do agree with the original original post that the puns are getting out of control. It happened to me earlier this week, although I think I set myself up for that one, since it was about poop.


                              • #45
                                I know exactly what Ree is talking about. It's hard to fault people for trying to be helpful and give advice with situations, but that advice can become nagging in certain instances. When you're just telling a story or venting about something minor, you don't want to hear about what you should have done or what you should do in the future. I've even posted a thread about real life situations like this. It can become discouraging to talk about anything when all you're going to get is "this is what you should do".

