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  • Myself

    Right now I am down on myself cause I just learned that my stepbrother is fighting for his life... we never get close.. but I could have reached out more.. maybe did something to make us closer..

    Why do we never realize what is there till shit goes south.. I mean I know that him and my mother didnt get along, but maybe I should have tried more.. now I might not get the chance. And my heart is breaking for my dad because he already lost one son.. I know that pain now having lost my son... who was named after his uncle..

    Why are we so damn fragile.. seriously.

    Why can we send txt message, fly to the fucking moon but we can't figure out the fucking brain..

    I may not be close to him.. but he is family and I was raised no matter what family is family.. and I am so fucking confused.. cause of shit that has happened in the past yet I sit here crying wondering wtf..

    god I hate this confused feeling.. it pisses me off. I dont know if I am feeling sadness or anger or what the fuck.. god i am pissing myself off.. I dont like not being able to control my emotions.. normally I can lock them away.. but right now not knowing if he will live or die.. I remember that feeling.. I know what my dad must be feeling..

    And then one side of the family wants to start shit.. because the other isnt doing what the other thinks they should...
    meh there is never chocolate in the damn house when you need it

  • #2
    I never understood the thinking of "family is family" People have to earn my respect and friendship, not happen to be related to me. I will call somebody out on something no matter who they are, if they deserve it.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
      I never understood the thinking of "family is family" People have to earn my respect and friendship, not happen to be related to me. I will call somebody out on something no matter who they are, if they deserve it.
      I've always loved that people think that people need to earn their respect. Which always translates to I'm going to treat them like shit until they kiss my ass enough to be worthy of it. Never seem to get to be, well, nice to other people rather then think they are the greatest shit in the world and people need to kiss it before they are nice to them.


      I'm sorry that's happening. People die, and it does hurt. especally when you think you have plenty of time to talk to them.

      Don't worry about the other side of the idiot family. Just try to talk to your dad and be with him. You both know what it's like at this point to lose a child. No real better people to be with at that kind of deal.

      I hope your brother is strong enough to fight it off.
      Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
      I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


      • #4
        Take the time to be there for your family. You may not think so, but you could very well be the support that someone else needs to get through it. In addition, do what you can to make things right with your step-brother. i can tell you from my own personal experience that the guilt you feel will only get worse if you fail to make ammends.

        Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
          I've always loved that people think that people need to earn their respect. Which always translates to I'm going to treat them like shit until they kiss my ass enough to be worthy of it. Never seem to get to be, well, nice to other people rather then think they are the greatest shit in the world and people need to kiss it before they are nice to them.
          Your wrong. People need to earn my respect. You earn it by when we meet being a nice good person not by being a rude jackass. I will be polite to complete strangers and treat them with dignity but I do not respect them because there is nothing for me to respect yet.
          Jack Faire


          • #6
            Originally posted by jackfaire View Post
            Your wrong. People need to earn my respect. You earn it by when we meet being a nice good person not by being a rude jackass. I will be polite to complete strangers and treat them with dignity but I do not respect them because there is nothing for me to respect yet.
            Then your a rarity.

            Back here, when people say that, doesn't matter if your polite and nice to them at first. They WILL treat you like shit. When you ask why, they always gloat "ya need to earn my respect ya piece of shit <or any other name>".

            So just my experence. People that say they need to earn it, they have, in my experence, just treated people like garbage until that person ether paid them off, or just kissed their ass enough times to earn a tiny bit of respect from them.
            Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
            I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


            • #7
              Maybe you just aren't good at getting people to respect you. You earn respect by being polite yourself and in general being a good person.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
                Maybe you just aren't good at getting people to respect you. You earn respect by being polite yourself and in general being a good person.
                Guess you didn't read any of my replies. I am nice and respectful and in general a good person. (As much as I hate to say it, but others think so).

                But doesn't matter to 99.9 of the people that say I need to earn their respect, and then proceed to talk down to me, insult me, steal from me, all becasue i haven't /earned/ their respect. The people that earned their respect are the people that just did constant praise and thanks to that person, while that person was treating them like garbage and taking their stuff.

                My opinion is, and belief, I have no need to respect anyone that treats others like garbage for no reason other then to stroke their ego, That can't even treat others nicely or with respect, all because they haven't /earn/ their respect. It's not that hard to be nice to people, or treat them with some stroke of kindness.

                I'm curious, what does it take to /earn/ your respect Red? How long? How long do you treat others like shit and beneath you, just because they haven't /earned/ the right to be treated like a person?
                Last edited by Plaidman; 06-22-2010, 05:33 PM.
                Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.

