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"I went crazy!"

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  • "I went crazy!"

    So a question for anyone with some level of psychological background, even if its just passing knowledge.

    Here's a situation:

    I took a combination of prescription drugs that, unbeknownst to me, would cause me to go crazy and lose all control of my faculties.

    I took said drugs, and went completely insane, committing various crimes in the process, including assault, high speed police chase, etc....

    I remember every single detail clear as day.

    Am I full of shit?

  • #2
    Full of shit in what respect? Meaning, are you asking if it's plausible, or asking us if we believe you did this? I don't think you'd like the response to the latter. If you're asking a hypothetical for the sake of figuring out the pros and cons of overdosing on meds, I'd have to dissuade you from doing so.


    • #3
      Full of shit as in, had this actually happened and this is a story I'm telling you, does it hold water?

      My main question is about the "remember every detail" part of it.

      This actually happened to someone else, and he's constantly going on about every last little detail about it, and I always thought that if you went crazy like that, you don't remember it.


      • #4
        Some people have perfect memories.

        Like me. I could drink a shit load, like four bottles of vodka and be pissing in the street and all that, and I would still remember every thing I've done the next day with the hangover.

        I have terrible memory most of the time, but I still would complelty remember doing something that major.

        I too have taken high amounts of various pills that done various things to me. But I also remember everything about it when I was awake.

        So no. I don't think it's full of shit. It's completly plausable.
        Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
        I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


        • #5
          The only part I would call bullshit on was his claim of an insanity defense. Loss or decline of inhibitions, yes. Crazy, no.

          Some People Are Alive Only Because It's Illegal To Kill Them.


          • #6
            Memory doesn't mean control or sensibility. He may have been able to describe exactly how much of what drugs he took, where he went, what he did there and his path of reasoning to make those decisions, even if none of it is really sensible at all.

            "Insane" is a vague term. Maybe short-term psychosis. Did he say anything that made it seem like he was actually out of touch with reality? Hallucinations, most prominently?

            Even without psychosis, it seems possible that inhibitions could be lowered enough such that bad ideas seem like good ideas and the thought-check simply never happens. (That is, the part where you stop and think and realize, no, maybe not.)

            Also, drug combinations are unpredictable if not inspected by a pharmacologist, so it's even harder to tell why this may have happened without knowing anything about the drugs.


            • #7
              As far as I know, it was Valium and Prednisone. And booze. Of course, the booze had nothing to do with it. His primary defense was "involuntary intoxication", because his doctor never told him that those two drugs would make you go crazy, and in fact the Vice President of the United States has even been involved in cases like this for some reason. In fact, he's working on a letter to Mr. Joe Biden asking him to fire the judge and the DA.


              And for PROOF he was legally insane - at one point before the main incident, he took off riding a bicycle while there was a perfectly good car in his driveway! Now why would a perfectly sane man choose to ride a bicycle when there's a car? Of COURSE he was legally insane at the time! DUH! And then there was the spike-mats in the road later on, when he actually did drive his car, and the cops chasing him and sane man would run from the cops and drive over spike mats! So he MUST have been crazy!

              Edit: My personal take on his situation is that once the cops were chasing him, he said "fuck it, I'm already in trouble, might as well see how far I can take it." so he led them on a merry chase and then after he got caught he was like "oh shit, I really AM in trouble now...ummm....INSANITY! INSANITY!"
              Last edited by DrFaroohk; 06-23-2010, 07:51 PM.

