It's perfectly OK to not like the rules on the site or avoid posting there becuase the atmosphere is not to your taste.
It doesn't make you right and owner/moderators of the site wrong. Nor does it make you wrong or the owner/moderators right.
It just is what it is. The owner/mod team has free choice to set whatever rules they want. And people have the free choice to join and participate under those rules or take their business elsewhere.
The internet is a big place. There are plenty of forums out there. It's a good decision to stay away from a forum if you find it too restrictive and can't enjoy yourself there.
I, for one, understand completely that members come and go for many reasons. A reason for leaving isn't even necessary. I certainly wouldn't dream of holding it against anyone for leaving because they don't like the rules, any more than I would hold it against someone for leaving because they are busy and don't have time to post.
It doesn't make you right and owner/moderators of the site wrong. Nor does it make you wrong or the owner/moderators right.
It just is what it is. The owner/mod team has free choice to set whatever rules they want. And people have the free choice to join and participate under those rules or take their business elsewhere.
The internet is a big place. There are plenty of forums out there. It's a good decision to stay away from a forum if you find it too restrictive and can't enjoy yourself there.
I, for one, understand completely that members come and go for many reasons. A reason for leaving isn't even necessary. I certainly wouldn't dream of holding it against anyone for leaving because they don't like the rules, any more than I would hold it against someone for leaving because they are busy and don't have time to post.
