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dreams of work

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  • dreams of work

    I don't know if I have mentioned this before but I hate when work has you so screwed up you have no ability to sleep or enjoy it because you bonuce back and forth on shifts you really don't sleep just more of nap. I went to bed at about 2am it is 3:30am and I woke up because I was having a dream where I was at work and something wasn't scanning like always and people were treating me like shit and I somehow brought myself out of it to realize WTF I am so fucked up right now I think I'm at work and even worse to realize how little of sleep I got and now that I probably won't get back to sleep for awhile..... And my manager seems to have no Idea why I want a set schedule!

  • #2
    This used to happen to me all the time. I woke up one night literally scooping up imaginary cards from the Texas Shootout table when I was learning that game. My boyfriend asked what I was doing and I actually started to answer "scooping cards, what does it look like" before I realized I was dreaming it.

    I also used to have a lot of gas station dreams, though they were always weird and I knew they were dreams. I did recently have a dream I was back working at Zellers, and it was weird because it was a completely normal day, nothing dreamlike about it, I haven't worked there in like 3 years.


    • #3
      That happened to me quite a few times at my first retail job. But even when I'm dreaming I usually keep some sort of connection to the real world. In the dream, I was on register and all the customers were screaming at me and making unreasonable demands, and I felt like I was about to lose it.

      In real life, it was my day off, and at some point in the dream, I realized this. So since it was my day off, I knew that there was no way I could be at work, and that I must be dreaming. So then I started telling the customers to fuck off, and the dream ended.

      Weird, I know.
      --- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan


      • #4
        My worst nightmare ever, that I still have now and then, is when I dream of getting up, getting dressed, and getting ready to go to work. I leave then when I get there, I wake up... and have to do it all again for real. Argh.
        "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


        • #5
          I had those a lot last summer. One of them, I was so busy in the grill area. The next morning, my mom and sister told me that I woke them up by screaming "NO! NOT THE DOUBLE CHEESEBURGERS!! ANYTHING BUT THOSE! NO MORE RANCH SAUCE!!"
          "It's after Jeopardy, so it is my bed time."- Me when someone made a joke about how "old" I am.


          • #6
            I dream of work so often, they even pop up in my naps.

            Last week, I was petsitting for my parents, and since it was my one day of the week I didn't have to go in early, I figured I'd just take a much needed few hour nap after work right at their place and then get up and go home.

            Swear to gosh, I thought my machine was alarming out that it was finished cycling, and it was my alarm clock on my cell phone. The two noises don't even sound alike.

            I have woken up in the middle of the afternoon panicking that I haven't had my lunch break yet.

            I have woken up an hour before my normal time to get up because I just dreamt I was late for work.

            I have had dreams where I don't do my overtime (probably my subconscious kicking in overtime there lol) and I have gotten screamed at for it.

            I have had dreams where the amount of product in my machine keeps growing and growing, the pile getting so large and out of control that I can't keep up with them shooting out of the conveyer belts....

            This even happens on the weekends. I'm already a bad sleep talker as is, but it really makes for some interesting fun when I wake up my bf at 6 am on a Saturday morning to ask him "Hey Jake, will you cover me so I can go on break?" and his name is not Jake.


            • #7
              I've had several variations where I dreamed I was at home (or a home-like place such as Grandma's house) and a Drive-Thru line formed, and for some reason I had to try to serve them.
              "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


              • #8
                Usually when I dream of work I dream of the people but the work environment is different like my office suddenly working in a gardening store and such.
                Jack Faire


                • #9

                  I've had dozens of dreams of work. Typically of OH SHIT, I'm not at work! Types of dreams. Then I race to work, which is typically my own home. I keep freaking out because I keep laying down, and scared that a customers is going to come into my house while I'm sleeping and steal stuff without paying for it. I don't have a register. I don't even have any stock except sometimes I'll have a cooler of soda. People come in, kinda wonder around and leave without buying anything and that pisses me off because I can't stock while they are wondering around store. Even though I have no stock. Or really, anything for people to buy. I do have big ass signs pointing at my house that this is indeed a Plaid Pantry that has been convereted from a normal home. Has front door, bedrooms, four kitchens...

                  The link above, was one of my biggest indebt dreams though.
                  Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                  I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                  • #10
                    When I worked at a restaurant in high school I had a lot of those. I would literally run in my sleep until I rotated myself 90 degrees on the bed. Then waking up with my head hanging off of the edge of the bed. There are times that I would be looking for salads and end up waking up moving stuff around on my nightstand too. Then after waking up I would wonder for a few seconds why it was so dark in the kitchen.

                    I don't miss those days.
                    "Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe" -H. G. Wells

                    "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" -Sir Francis Bacon


                    • #11
                      Work dreams...ugh!

                      At least once, I dreamed I was being harassed by a customer. Several times, I dreamed I was on register, and just kept ringing up items nonstop, and the work was never finished no matter how fast I worked. I actually woke up tired from those dreams!

                      Remember those dreams you had about showing up at school in your underwear? I had a similar dream about work, but I was in my nightshirt!

