Not everyone who stinks is fat. Plenty of skinny or thin people take the "au natural" thing a little too far, not bathing or using deoderants or soaps.
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Fat people
Originally posted by KnitShoni View
Oh wait.Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.
Anyone wearing ill fitting clothes doesn't look good. That goes for larger people wearing too small of clothes, and skinny people wearing clothes that are far too big, and everything in between.
I myself have a slight muffin top by my hips from some extra weight I've put on in recent times, but I've sort of warmed up to the latest trend of looser fitting shirts, so you don't even really see it. I'm with Admin on this one, I'm not going to buy a whole new set of jeans just because I put on a few pounds. I'm actively going to a gym and trying to get rid of it, but since they still fit, I just work around it, and it doesn't really look that bad. I like my jeans really tight, because I hate that "shit your pants" look when your jeans are looser fitting and your butt looks saggy.
Originally posted by Red Panda View PostI cannot believe that clothing that fits is that hard to find.
Um. wow.
Here, lemme put down my twinkie for a moment to weigh in on this subject, mk?
First of all, not all fat people smell, nor do they wear clothing too small for them. the gross overgeneralization in the OP tarnishes those of us plus sized people with the same reputation, and while it's not only unfair and reeking of stereotyping, it also comes off as hyper-prejudicial claims.
What's that? Why, yes, I AM fat. and? I'm currently trying to lose weight in the hopes of becoming healthy, but that's neither here nor there, this is to address the two main "arguments" in the OP. firstly: BO. Ok, I admit, there are times when I don't smell like roses. I use anti-perspirant and deoderant regularly, and I shower daily. (Yes, I even clean all my so-called "fat rolls", just to be perfectly clear). I echo the sentiments state earlier that not everyone who smells is automatically fat. I've met people who look emaciated and they smell like they've never heard of the word shower. Also, again, as stated before, sometimes there are medical conditions that cause a person to smell. Going off of the base assumption that smelly = fat...well, if p then q. I assume you sweat sometimes, yes? And when you do, you don't exactly give off the odor of fresh peaches, right? Oooh, oooh, following you're logic, then you, too, must be FAT in those moments!
I'm not saying that I excuse poor hygeine and excessive body odor. I can't stand it myself, but I also realize that sometimes it is choice and other times there are mitigating circumstances.
Moving on to the second claim:
Originally posted by Red PandaI cannot believe that clothing that fits is that hard to find. I'm not talking about expensive designer clothing, I'm talking about something to cover a person's gut. Pants or outer layers on the top can be worn more then once a day, assuming you bath, and if you do laundry once a week all you really need are seven different outfits for everyday use.
Further, I'm relieved to know that apparently there are people in existence who can devote endless funds to buying clothing on a whim whenever they need to. Gods know I'm not in a situation where I can. The aforementioned pants? Had to save up for 2 months, but of course, why would someone even consider the fact that circumstances and situations may prevent people from doing something like buying a t-shirt from Walmart.
As for the argument about cost? Cost = quality, sugar. Sure, walmart has cheap t-shirts. But, if they fall apart after two washes, what's the use of having to continually buy them. If you're in a money crunch, you cut corners where you can. For me, I'll wear a slightly tight t-shirt if it means I can pay my electric bill this month.
Originally posted by Red PandaPeople need to realize that the bare mininum standards are not that difficult to reach.Originally posted by Red PandaIf I wasn't working I would have told that person from my original post that she smelled and her clothes were too small.
And for the record: I fucking HATE twinkies...
epic quest for pants
All fat people are smelly and ugly.
Thin is the thing!
Yep...I believe you're on to something there, Red Panda.Point to Ponder:
Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?
Originally posted by RavenStarr View PostThe plus-sized woman? Beautiful. The two thin waifs. Absolutely gross.
I'm picturing Red Panda running around screaming MY EYES OMG MY EYES AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously though beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Seriously, we should all just be incredibly greatful that she even deems of worthy of her banter and jests. Lets give a nice big thanks.Last edited by Boozy; 07-10-2010, 12:07 PM.Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.