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Fat people

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
    The bottom two are obviously manipulated. Not much win there.
    Excuse me?

    Just exactly how do you mean that they are "manipulated"?
    Please explain.

    Do you have proof of this manipulation?

    Can you cite a source for your knowledge that the photos are manipulated?

    They are pictures of models with anorexia compared to plus sized models.
    How are the two bottom pictures any more manipulated than the top two pictures?

    Btw, my gf is plus-sized, but using those pics didn't really earn you any brownie points.
    What's your point?

    Do you agree with Red Panda's assessment of the situation or not?

    You haven't really addressed the point made that fat people are smelly, twinkie eating wastes of space in ill fitting clothes, but have instead chosen to negate the illustration I used to make my point that generalizations are not always correct. "Thin" is not always as beautiful as one would think, just as "fat" is not always as ugly as implied.

    How is the fact that you date a plus-sized girl but were not impressed by my pictures relevant to the actual discussion?

    What do you object to?

    Seriously, you're going to have to explain yourself much better than that.
    Last edited by Ree; 07-12-2010, 09:37 AM.
    Point to Ponder:

    Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


    • #32
      Originally posted by Ree View Post
      Excuse me?

      Just exactly how do you mean that they are "manipulated"?
      Please explain.

      Do you have proof of this manipulation?

      Can you cite a source for your knowledge that the photos are manipulated?

      They are pictures of models with anorexia compared to plus sized models.
      How are the two bottom pictures any more manipulated than the top two pictures?
      Simply that the last picture is an obvious photo manipulation. When you say "pictures of models with anorexia" did you do a google image search, or what? I've shown the picture to a friend who went to a comm arts school, who agreed the fourth looked manipulated. The top two look like they've been air-brushed, though. So I would assume that the least-manipulated photo is the third one.

      It wasn't meant to support Red Panda. If that's how it was construed, then I amend my statement. I personally think it's detestable what Red Panda is posting about overweight people. My mention of having a plus-sized gf was to show how I do not share her views, though it seems that such a mention was lost to your understanding of my post.

      No, this wasn't about you. If Plaid or Raven or Lupo had posted the pics I would have objected to the use of manipulated photographs in a similar manner. Again if you can show they weren't manipulated, I'm all for it. The last one, however, looks too ingenuine. Again, I could be wrong, but I know how easy it is to 'Shop a picture like that.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
        The bottom two are obviously manipulated. Not much win there.

        Btw, my gf is plus-sized, but using those pics didn't really earn you any brownie points.
        Speak for yourself.

        Earned MAJOR brownie points with me, Ree.

        With regard to the OP:

        I am only a bit overweight, but I have been extremely overweight - and I cared for myself just as well then as I do now.

        Generalize much?


        • #34
          *looks around*
          Hey, what do you know, not a box of twinkies in site in my condo... hmm, no potato chips either, ok, so there is some fudge in the fridge, but I got that while I was on vacation in Virginia City at Grandma's Fudge (who still makes everything the old fashioned way from scratch)... I'm sorry, buying a high quality sweet once a year does not make a person fat (I bought a pound and a half, half a pound for me, half a pound for my fiance, and half a pound to split... and that is for a full year).
          I hate the stereotype that all fat people are simply lazy. Yes, I could exercise more and do more for my health, but I work two jobs during the summer, and do work and school during the winter, so there is a limit to what I can do. Especially when you consider I am naturally heavier and naturally have a hard time loosing weight. When I was 18 I joined weight watchers (I did it on the first week of January), by the final week of December I had lost (you may want to sit down for this amazingly high number */sarcasm) 40 pounds. As an 18 year old male on the weight watchers program in that amount of time I should have lost at least 60 pounds and up to 100 pounds... I followed the diet religiously, for a year weight watchers was my religion. I never went a point over for a day, always exercised more than what was required, and still could not lose the weight. So please spare me the self righteous "oh, just eat less and exercise more" bullshit.
          "I'm Gar and I'm proud" -slytovhand


          • #35
            Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
            When you say "pictures of models with anorexia" did you do a google image search, or what?
            Actually, I found them on a pro-anorexia website. (Yes, they exist.)

            Originally posted by Hobbs
            My mention of having a plus-sized gf was to show how I do not share her views, though it seems that such a mention was lost to your understanding of my post.
            Ah, but what you actually said was that you have a plus-sized gf, so the pictures didn't earn me any brownie points. I'm not really sure how I was supposed to understand that it was a comment showing that you didn't share Red Panda's views, when it didn't actually refer to Red Panda's views in any way, but it did refer to your thoughts on the images in my post. In my opinion, it was all about my use of the pictures.

            Originally posted by Hobbs
            The last one, however, looks too ingenuine. Again, I could be wrong, but I know how easy it is to 'Shop a picture like that.
            So, you're saying that women who look like that do not exist, except in photo-shopped pictures?
            Are you familiar with anorexia?
            Point to Ponder:

            Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


            • #36
              Originally posted by Ree View Post
              Actually, I found them on a pro-anorexia website. (Yes, they exist.)

              Ah, but what you actually said was that you have a plus-sized gf, so the pictures didn't earn me any brownie points.
              Correction. I said, "but" not "so." Meaning, "Even though you posted these pics which defend people like my gf, if they're shopped, then the counter-argument is moot."

              So, you're saying that women who look like that do not exist, except in photo-shopped pictures?
              Are you familiar with anorexia?
              No, but I'm saying that particular picture is. Once again, I did not make a generalized statement, but referred to a specific instance.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Hobbs View Post
                No, I'm sorry, but I personally object to those sites and I will not post a link to such a site, as I do not wish to fuel anyone who may be reading who is inclined in that direction.

                I used the images from the site because I wanted to illustrate my point.
                I feel I did that very well, as do several others.

                I do not need nor expect your validation of my argument.
                Point to Ponder:

                Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


                • #38

                  For a non-photoshopped image, this is Isabelle Caro. not that I really think the others are edited much, the plus-sized models have had some minor edits done to their skin, but that could also be the lighting, you'd be amazed how much of a difference lighting can make.

                  Oh and a couple more plus sized models just to show Red Panda how "gross" they are:

                  For the record, they're wearing a size 2X.


                  • #39
                    We are all forgetting one of the most famous normal model of all time aren't we....

                    Marilyn Monroe was dress size 12. (NOT 16 like people think. Nor was it 8-10 like snopes thinks. Everywhere I've read 12 was the very common one. 16 was the one every knew was fake. Snopes was only one that said 8, maybe 10).
                    Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                    I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by lupo pazzesco View Post
                      Um. wow.

                      really? Where were you on my epic quest for pants a few months ago? Mind you, I hit Walmart, Target, JC Penneys, Lane Bryant, Ross, AND Palais Royale, looking for a pair of pants that fit well. See, that's the key. Not all fat people are built the same. I'm pear shaped and plus sized, so certain pants either gap largely in the back if they fit around my thighs, showing large portions of skin, which you seem to consider a heinous offense to. Further, sizing is different. I can't really fit a good chunk of the plus sized clothing at Wally World because while in some places I'm considered a size 18-20, those sizes are too SMALL for me at Walmart. And the next size up is too big. So, no, it in fact is NOT as easy as you claim to just find something to cover my my gut and my butt. Don't even get me started on shirts, as that's already been explained as well. What covers my stomach, so as not to offend your precious sensibilities, may in fact leave my breasts bursting out like a bad porno. Soooo sorry that the fashion industry doesn't take into consideration the fact that people are built differently whether they're large, small, or somewhere in between.

                      Further, I'm relieved to know that apparently there are people in existence who can devote endless funds to buying clothing on a whim whenever they need to. Gods know I'm not in a situation where I can. The aforementioned pants? Had to save up for 2 months, but of course, why would someone even consider the fact that circumstances and situations may prevent people from doing something like buying a t-shirt from Walmart.

                      As for the argument about cost? Cost = quality, sugar. Sure, walmart has cheap t-shirts. But, if they fall apart after two washes, what's the use of having to continually buy them. If you're in a money crunch, you cut corners where you can. For me, I'll wear a slightly tight t-shirt if it means I can pay my electric bill this month.


                      THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU LUPO

                      This was the BIG problem my Ex and I had for a LONG time. the only places we COULD find clothes to fit her and were of sufficient quality was at the Plus size speciality places. and let me tell you THEIR PRICES ARE NOT WALMART PRICES. basically double the WalMart price and you will get the idea. plus WalMart does not have even close to stylish lines. most of the stuff you find there is of the tent variety (at least back then it may have changed in the intervening years). even Lane Bryant did not my Ex's carry sizes. even in a big metropolitian are it is VERY hard to find clothes that fit.

                      and no most of the pics of those anerexic women are NOT retouched. there is an underground fandom of men who seem to like this type of skin and bones image

                      I think Red Panda needs to walk about 1000 miles in an overweight (not by choice overweight) person's shoes to actually see/feel what it is like and then deall with all of the nasty looks, the insults, the putdowns, the stereotyping, the sweet but condescending statements made in your direction
                      Last edited by Racket_Man; 07-10-2010, 10:07 AM.
                      I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

                      I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
                      The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


                      • #41
                        Actually by today's standards Marilyn Monroe was about a size 6-8 (depending on the brand) her measurements were 35-22-35 (Dressmaker's claim) or 37-23-36 (studio's claim), Vintage Clothing sizes are much much smaller than today's clothing sizes. She still wasn't what one would consider plus sized today, not that she was skinny, because she certainly wasn't that. So while she was curvy, it's not accurate to describe her as plus size by today's standards. She was, compared to today's standards, quite a healthy size (up until the year of her death anyway, but I digress).

                        I'm mildly obsessed with her, if you couldn't tell.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
                          Actually by today's standards Marilyn Monroe was about a size 6-8 (depending on the brand) her measurements were 35-22-35 (Dressmaker's claim) or 37-23-36 (studio's claim), Vintage Clothing sizes are much much smaller than today's clothing sizes. She still wasn't what one would consider plus sized today, not that she was skinny, because she certainly wasn't that. So while she was curvy, it's not accurate to describe her as plus size by today's standards. She was, compared to today's standards, quite a healthy size (up until the year of her death anyway, but I digress).

                          I'm mildly obsessed with her, if you couldn't tell.
                          Where did I ever claim she was a plus size?
                          Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                          I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
                            Where did I ever claim she was a plus size?
                            That's true.

                            What Plaid actually said was:
                            Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
                            We are all forgetting one of the most famous normal model of all time aren't we....
                            Plaid actually referred to her as "normal".

                            Marilyn was very curvy, but certainly not a plus size.
                            Point to Ponder:

                            Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?


                            • #44
                              I agree. I'm quite a Marilyn fan myself, and all of my books say that she was quite a healthy weight for her height, she was very curvy. That doesn't mean plus sized or overweight.

                              The most important thing was that she was healthy and wasn't 6 feet tall and 100 pounds like most models are today. It's disgusting. I can't believe they want women that tall to be that skinny. That cannot be healthy at all.

                              Most famous actresses back in those days had the hourglass shape, that's what was considered sexy for many years, up until the anorexic look became popular.


                              • #45
                                sorry I misinterpreted, I was correcting the size 12 claim more or less. A lot of people today seem to consider size 12 to be plus size, given a lot of people consider over a size 2 to be plus size, so yeah. Not saying you do though.

                                Wasn't trying to start an argument, I was just sharing the information I know. k?

