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Fat people

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  • #46
    Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
    Wasn't trying to start an argument, I was just sharing the information I know. k?
    I only have this to say about that.


    . Sorry. Noway is a size 2 freaking plus size. I remember once in high school girls were trying to fit in a size 0, and I'm wondering how the hell that is possible.

    I consider Marilyn and extremly attractive woman. Not sure if the rumor of her being dumb is true, which isn't a plus to me at all. I'm attracted to very headstrong/strongwilled women. But in looks department, I'm not so picky. Granted, there are some things that I'm not attracted too, but that's the same in everyone. But weight isn't a major factor in it, not unless the women is tipping over 300 lbs. Then yeah...

    EDIT: That is also assuming they are of average height and not over 6.6-7 feet tall, then yeah, they are just naturally going to be heavy.

    I wasn't trying to pick a fight, and I didn't even assume you were trying too. If anything, I thought your were offended that I would consider that a plus size women which I didn't at all. Just clarfying.
    Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
    I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


    • #47
      It's all good. Really. Sometimes things get misconstrued online. I wasn't assuming you were starting anything, just making sure people knew I wasn't.

      Yeah, people can get crazy over what sizes they think are "too big", it's disgusting.

      She wasn't a dumb woman, she just played one in the movies. She seemed to be typecast as the dumb blond. One of her quotes:

      "He [Arthur Miller] wouldn't have married me if I had been nothing but a dumb blonde."
      I wasn't offended, I just tend to spout my random knowledge about Marilyn when she's brought up. It's like a compulsion. Glad we got that cleared up. I do wonder what Red Panda thinks of Marilyn's body type though. Red Panda?


      • #48
        I'm not sure how showing women who are plus size because they have hips and boobs somehow make it okay to have a gut that goes to your knees and a shirt that goes to your belly button. Besides that model Ree posted is wearing a horrible swimsuit for a woman like her. Here's a hint, women with fat rolls should wear a suit that covers them.


        • #49
          Some guys like the rolls. And everyone has rolls, however tiny they may be, you just have to bend a certain way. Most model photos have them airbrushed out.
          Didn't extra weight used to be a sign that men looked for because it meant that the woman could easily carry and care for a child?
          That and it's normal for a woman to carry a little extra fat. They are biologically made to provide food for their children without denying themselves too much. If a girl has too low body fat, they stop mensturating and maturing. That and in the case of Ana, they look like the (barely) living dead, basically animated skeletons. Not attractive at all, unless you're a necrophiliac.

          Is this your subconcious rebelling against your own self-image Red Panda? It's okay to be a little bigger.
          Last edited by Rebel; 07-11-2010, 12:41 AM. Reason: Added stuff.
          "Having a Christian threaten me with hell is like having a hippy threaten to punch me in my aura."
          Josh Thomas


          • #50
            Theres a differance between a healthy weight and not covering your gigantic gut because you don't buy shirts that fit and smelling like a slaughter house because washing your fat rolls is too much work


            • #51
              Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
              Theres a differance between a healthy weight and not covering your gigantic gut because you don't buy shirts that fit and smelling like a slaughter house because washing your fat rolls is too much work
              Mhm. So, let me ask you this. Are all the stinky people you've met fat? And is it the case, with all of them, of just not washing?
              Do not lead, for I may not follow. Do not follow, for I may not lead. Just go over there somewhere.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
                I cannot believe that clothing that fits is that hard to find. I'm not talking about expensive designer clothing, I'm talking about something to cover a person's gut. Pants or outer layers on the top can be worn more then once a day, assuming you bath, and if you do laundry once a week all you really need are seven different outfits for everyday use.
                I am slightly overweight (230lbs and 5ft 8in tall). Most people look at me and don't believe that I weigh that much. I carry alot of that weight in my gut to the point that I look 8 months pregnant. I can NOT go into Walmart and get a shirt that fits to these specifications! I HAVE to go to places like Lane Bryant where the prices are $20-$50 for a decent shirt. It is EXTREMELY difficult to find nice clothing that fits nicely that also fits in the budget. Oh and I watch what I eat, walk 6-10 miles a day and am on thyroid medication. I was finally diagnosed with hypo-thyroidism after years of trying to lose weight and keep it off. Even though I am on the meds, watching my food intake, and exercising, I still can't drop the pounds. I allow myself one small piece of chocolate a day, say an ounce. I don't eat alot of junk food, and I love my veggies. What I don't do is put up with people who blame my weight on my not wanting to take care of myself. Ill-fitting clothes and poor hygiene have nothing to do with how much a person weighs. It's just that, ill-fitting clothes and poor hygiene.

                Now as far as personal hygiene, I bath at least once a day, more in the summer. I wear prescription strength deodorant, and use body sprays. I hate smelling icky and will take a shower if I sweat even a little bit and smell from it. I have met many people of different sizes that smell horribly. In fact I met one girl who could not have weighed more that 90lbs and stunk to high heaven every day. It has nothing to do with weight.


                • #53
                  Because others and I forgot to mention it, weight isnt always a person that won't stop eating /twinkees/ or any other various types of foods. Sometimes it really is just a medical problem. You can't fight genetics. If it's in your genes, that no matter what, even if you just drink a cup of water a day, you will gain weight. It's just what it is.
                  Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                  I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                  • #54
                    Everyone has a genetically predisposed weight. Some people are thin, some are fat. Dieting, especially the on again, off again dieting so popular in the US will make you fatter. Everyone carries their weight differently. Most women tend to carry excess weight across their hips and rears, most men in their gut. (Though that can certainly differ person to person.) Short of continuously starving oneself, there is no way to be thin if that is not what your body is meant to be.

                    The hateful attitude that fat people get from the general public creates eating disorders, body dimorphism, and low self-esteem. If you don't want to see fat people, I recommend moving to a place like Los Angeles, where they don't seem to go out much. Or, by all means, avoid places like Walmart, which tend to attract the most offensive looking (of all types) people.

                    Clothing shopping is not easy for a lot of people, but it is harder on the plus sized. "Normal" sized people can at least find things to try on at just about any store.

                    I continually wonder at the small-mindedness of anyone who seeks to define a person by one trait, any trait. I am more than just a woman, a redhead, fat, pagan, someone who works in retail, a costumer, a pharmacy technician, a goth, a geek, a gamer, short, big boobed, someone who know strange random trivia, etc. I am a combination of these things, yes. But no one trait defines me. And no one trait defines anyone else.

                    So maybe instead of just badmouthing the "smelly, fat chick", maybe we can think of her as a person, or, if that is too much work, simply not think of her at all. Is anyone you see (and smell) for 15 minutes of your life really that big a deal?

                    P.S. Pro-ana sites certainly exist, and are profoundly disturbing. No cite necessary. If you really want proof, just Google it.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by radiocerk View Post
                      Or, by all means, avoid places like Walmart, which tend to attract the most offensive looking (of all types) people.
                      I think she works at Walmart.
                      Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                      I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
                        I think she works at Walmart.
                        THAT, my friend, would be so VERY ironic.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by radiocerk View Post

                          I continually wonder at the small-mindedness of anyone who seeks to define a person by one trait, any trait. I am more than just a woman, a redhead, fat, pagan, someone who works in retail, a costumer, a pharmacy technician, a goth, a geek, a gamer, short, big boobed, someone who know strange random trivia, etc. I am a combination of these things, yes. But no one trait defines me. And no one trait defines anyone else.

                          So maybe instead of just badmouthing the "smelly, fat chick", maybe we can think of her as a person, or, if that is too much work, simply not think of her at all. Is anyone you see (and smell) for 15 minutes of your life really that big a deal?

                          P.S. Pro-ana sites certainly exist, and are profoundly disturbing. No cite necessary. If you really want proof, just Google it.
                          very well said and I agree 100% esp about the one trait NOT defining a person. as I said before I think Red Panda needs a little "diversity" training
                          I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

                          I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
                          The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


                          • #58
                            Huh. I always thought my stubbornness was a trait that defined me. It is one of the few things anyone that ever talks to me agrees on is that I'm very stubborn.
                            Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                            I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                            • #59
                              I wasn't going to reply to this thread, but I thought I'd point out that in some cases, a person is big cuz of suffering from an eating disorder. No, anorexia and bulimia are not the only ones. Binge eating disorder and compulsive overeating disorder are also recognised as eating disorders.

                              As a teen, I suffered from compulsive overeating disorder. I was a big teen due to this, and it took me a lot of time to get over it. I had low self esteem due to being bullied, and as well, I self harmed. I'd binge on food, even when I wasn't hungry, and then would starve myself. Then I'd give way and binge again, and cut myself for giving way. Eventually, after several years, counselling and learning to love myself, I was able to break free of the cycle and drop the excess weight.

                              Even now, I still have days when I look in the mirror and see that fat and ugly teenager staring back. I don't see why someone who is big should automatically become a target for hate when it's just possible that there might be a psychological reason behind their size. Even if they're big cuz of loving food a little too much, just why is it any business of anyone else's? As long as they're not being a burden on society and are able to go about their life without hurting anyone, all the haters can just shut the fuck up and mind their own bloody business.

                              Also, for the record, I never had any problems keeping clean. In fact, I had a slight obsession with cleanliness back then; the slightest bit of sweat would ensure that I showered, I washed my hands a lot and always ensured I used plenty of antipespirant and body spray to keep me smelling nice. It's untrue, prejudiced and cruel to say, "Fat people smell bad." Just think about the reaction if you were to substitute "Fat" for "Black". I doubt that the statement would seem reasonable then.
                              "Oh wow, I can't believe how stupid I used to be and you still are."


                              • #60
                                Red Panda is right in that some obese people do smell bad.
                                They are not able to properly clean, because their size makes it difficult to reach certain areas in a bath or shower, or to properly wipe after going to the bathroom.

                                Because of many rolls and folds of skin, sweat and dead skin cells get trapped and cause body odour.

                                The thing is, I have also seen some very obese people who are exceptionally clean despite their size.

                                I have also seen some stick-thin people who were absolutely rank.

                                So, yes, I'm sure the OP has encountered some very smelly obese people, as I am sure the OP has met some smelly thin people. I suspect a preconceived bias about obese people, however, has made those people much more memorable than the thin smelly people.
                                Point to Ponder:

                                Is it considered irony when someone on an internet forum makes a post that can be considered to look like it was written by a 3rd grade dropout, and they are poking fun of the fact that another person couldn't spell?

