(as a side note, I hate coming up with titles for posts
I've talked about my MIL before, but I was having a conversation with the BF today and something he said just irked me about her. In my hometown, where my MIL and my mom both still live there is a flea market type of thing that happens every Sunday during the warmer months. My mom goes pretty much every Sunday to sell random stuff and her handmade jewelry. MIL has been asking about getting help to do the flea market for awhile, I assumed this meant maybe getting a ride or just getting my mom to show her what to do, but I assumed wrong apparently. No what she meant by help was that she wanted my mom to just take all of MIL's crap down and sell it for her. WTF? She's the one who complains about not being able to find a job, and not having money etc. Yet she won't get off her ass for a couple of hours on the weekend to sell some of the tons of crap she has laying around the house?
It also annoys me how she insists on knowing where her 22 year old son is at all times (my BF's brother). If he goes out and doesn't let her know where he's going he gets in shit. He was going out with this guy for awhile, and while I did think that the guy was a bit young (16-17), it was legal, and it was his business, yet both her and my BF made a huge deal out of it. My BF thought I was weird for being perfectly fine with it, or rather, not caring one way or the other.
*sigh* family drama is fun isn't it?

I've talked about my MIL before, but I was having a conversation with the BF today and something he said just irked me about her. In my hometown, where my MIL and my mom both still live there is a flea market type of thing that happens every Sunday during the warmer months. My mom goes pretty much every Sunday to sell random stuff and her handmade jewelry. MIL has been asking about getting help to do the flea market for awhile, I assumed this meant maybe getting a ride or just getting my mom to show her what to do, but I assumed wrong apparently. No what she meant by help was that she wanted my mom to just take all of MIL's crap down and sell it for her. WTF? She's the one who complains about not being able to find a job, and not having money etc. Yet she won't get off her ass for a couple of hours on the weekend to sell some of the tons of crap she has laying around the house?
It also annoys me how she insists on knowing where her 22 year old son is at all times (my BF's brother). If he goes out and doesn't let her know where he's going he gets in shit. He was going out with this guy for awhile, and while I did think that the guy was a bit young (16-17), it was legal, and it was his business, yet both her and my BF made a huge deal out of it. My BF thought I was weird for being perfectly fine with it, or rather, not caring one way or the other.
*sigh* family drama is fun isn't it?