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Stupid assumptions, and pointing out the obvious

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  • Stupid assumptions, and pointing out the obvious

    Neither of these things are really that big of a deal, but it's something I deal with on almost a daily basis.

    (background info: I'm a 6-foot tall woman. Yep, that's it for background info.)

    At work, I get a lot of: "Are you standing on something behind the counter?" and the follow-up peek over the counter to try and spot the box/stack of phone books they assume I'm standing on. Then they act all surprised that I'm actually not standing on anything, and then blurt out "Gee, you're so tall!" (and no, I don't wear high-heels to work. Just an old crappy pair of Vans)

    Um, you think I haven't noticed? Really, if you think about it, 6 feet isn't extraordinarily tall. Plenty of people are taller than that, granted most of them are men... I just don't see why people are so surprised to see a girl at that height. It's not unheard of. From the looks on some of their faces, I could probably do pretty well as a sideshow freak. It's actually quite uncomfortable seeing their reactions.

    Oh, and then there's the ever-so-common question of "Do you play basketball?" Nope. I suck horribly at it. In fact, I'm not good at any sport, seeing as I'm uncoordinated and klutzy. Usually people drop it when I tell them I don't, but some go on about it. "Why not? You're so tall, you'd be great at it! You'd be a star (insert basketball position here)!" And I have to tell them why I don't play it, and they give me a disappointed look and a "well, practice makes perfect!" Practice isn't going to fix the fact that I trip over my own feet.

    And finally, the simple statement of "Wow, you're tall!" It wouldn't bother me so much if that was coming from a child, but it's grown adults that randomly tell me that. Brain to mouth filter problems, perhaps? (I usually respond to that with, "You should see my boyfriend, he's 6'9!") I sure wouldn't go up to some short person and go "Holy cow, you're really short!" with a surprised look on my face, cause y'know, that would make them feel weird.

    Blahhhh. Anyway, rant over. It's just a little something that bugs me.

  • #2
    Oh my god, I'm the same way except I'm male. I remember once I broke my foot and every assumed it was a sports injury. In reality, I slipped and fell, knocking my foot out of place.

    I usually don't mind people asking, but when they start making me explain myself, I get annoyed.


    • #3
      High five! (another 6 ft tall amazon over here, hai, how r u? )

      I get comments like that ALL the time, I should be in sports and oh, gee, you're SO tall.

      Gee, thanks. I hadn't noticed. Really. And have you noticed whenever you make a joke about your own height, it's automatically thought you're teasing everyone else about being short...?

      Example: Yesterday, assistant manager was looking for something, I found it for her because it was tucked behind something else on a top shelf, and I mentioned, "yeah, it was kind of hiding behind <item> on the top shelf. Guess you didn't see it. That's what I get for being the jolly green giant..."

      Her: Oh, short jokes now? Nice. Thanks

      Me: o.0 Uh...right...


      • #4
        My sister is 6'1" - I've never found it all that odd, for some reason.


        • #5
          Originally posted by lupo pazzesco View Post
          High five! (another 6 ft tall amazon over here, hai, how r u? )


          Gee, thanks. I hadn't noticed. Really. And have you noticed whenever you make a joke about your own height, it's automatically thought you're teasing everyone else about being short...?

          High five right back! Yaaaay amazons!!

          Yea, whenever my coworkers tease me about being tall I just deal it back to them. I've never had anyone assume I'm teasing them after joking about my height, though. I don't even see how anyone would get that out of your own joke. Must be people who read too much into things, maybe.

          Hmm, I forgot to add in my original post that I'm also embarrassed to go in public with high heels. (I was rushing 'cuz I had to get to work) I usually get some snobby "you dont NEED those!" comment. Well, excuse me for wearing something that doesn't make me look like a midget next to my boyfriend. Sorry I don't always want to wear flats. Why is it anyone's business what anyone else wears? But that's a whole 'nother rant in its own.


          • #6
            I like tall women...

            But I also like intelligent women. Strongwilled women. Funny women. Goth-tendinces women.

            Oi I'm wierd.
            Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
            I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


            • #7
              I think its odd to comment on somebody your heright. If you were like seven foot tall then it would be worthy of comment but you aren't really that tall


              • #8
                Originally posted by Red Panda View Post
                I think its odd to comment on somebody your heright. If you were like seven foot tall then it would be worthy of comment but you aren't really that tall

                The Average Male in the Western world (North America and Europe) is five foot ten inches. So a person who is 6 foot is not that much of a stretch since we're only talking two inches above the genetic norm for our bone structures.

                However the Average Female height is only five foot four inches. So for a woman to reach 6 foot, we are talking about 8 inches above genetic norm.

                When you factor in Standard Deviations, this is a statistical anomaly.

                My "little" brother is considered "You should play Basketball" tall since he is six foot six inches (little fucker has me beat by four inches) which is again a statistical anomaly since he is again 8 inches taller than the genetic norm.

                Annoying as hell, but at least there is a rational behind the comments.

                Still pretty goddamn rude though. Although listening to one of the Women of Whimsy (Performers at the Md Ren-Fair many years ago) telling my brother "Justin? You're looming again. Stop it." was funny as hell.
                “There are worlds out there where the sky is burning, where the sea's asleep and the rivers dream, people made of smoke and cities made of song. Somewhere there's danger, somewhere there's injustice and somewhere else the tea is getting cold. Come on, Ace, we've got work to do.” - Sylvester McCoy as the Seventh Doctor.


                • #9
                  At my work place we had two tall women, one left 3-6 months ago, I can't quite remember.
                  The one who left just about touched the door frame or had to duck to get under, again I forget which, the one that still works here is just about my height and her brother was give or take a match for the one that left, so tall seems to be in her family tree, althogh I've no idea if their parents were tall also.

                  If there was no sign of Goff platform boots, then my initial thought (from my Manchester Goff years) would be "check for an adams apple" as from past experience tall women were no such thing an Goth males seemed to be better at make up than the women were


                  • #10
                    I'm 5' 10"...visibly taller than my mom. My dad's the shortest in his family at six foot even.

                    Even for a preemie I was long and had big feet; my mom got the basketball jokes in the hospital. At my workplaces I was somewhat famous for being able to get things down from overstock without a ladder (I rarely did it if customers were around as I didn't want to unintentionally hit anyone).
                    "Any state, any entity, any ideology which fails to recognize the worth, the dignity, the rights of Man...that state is obsolete."


                    • #11
                      My daughter, at the age of 7, is 4 feet 3 inches tall. Yes, she towers over a lot of chidren her age.

                      That's the first thing I hear when people see her.

                      They're always amazed.

                      Yes, she is tall.

                      She doesn't get it from me, I'm 5 feet 3 inches.

                      Hubs is 5 feet 10 inches.

                      His 2 brothers are 6 feet & 6 feet 2 inches respectfully.

                      My grandpa & uncle are 6 feet 2 inches.

                      My 1st cousin is 6 feet 5 inches.

                      I'm hoping she's taller than me, but who knows?
                      Oh Holy Trinity, the Goddess Caffeine'Na, the Great Cowthulhu, & The Doctor, Who Art in Tardis, give me strength. Moo. Moo. Java. Timey Wimey

                      Avatar says: DAVID TENNANT More Evidence God is a Woman


                      • #12
                        I'm shorter than average. My driver's license says I'm 5'7," though I think I may actually be 5'6." Anymore now, I don't hear short jokes. When I worked at Wal-Mart, I used to have to put up with customers who thought I couldn't lift heavy merchandise because of my size. I usually ended up proving them wrong.

                        I also look younger than I really am---always have. People usually are more likely to point that out rather than my height.


                        • #13
                          I hate it when I hear people make remarks like that about others. I've been guilty of doing double-takes if something catches me off guard, but I don't comment on it unless the person seems to have noticed that I was caught off guard and comments about it. It's rare, but I have encountered people who acted offended by just a gut reaction double-take because they get so much grief for whatever trait.

