Sometimes I fell underappreciated...not for the things I do, but for the things I DON'T do. People look at me and say "Fuck him, he's a real active community member." Yeah, I'm not. I don't go to church and take part in bottle drives and food pantries. Guess what else I don't do? I don't go around vandalizing cars and stealing shit and loitering and causing trouble.
Or sometimes an emergency situation will arise and someone will be like "Hey, that guy didn't help us out at all." Yeah, because I was too busy STAYING THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY. I should be getting a medal for that shit. All these other amateurs were sticking their noses into everything making it a bog of uncertainty and clusterfuckedness, meanwhile my cool, collected ass was staying out of the way, minding my own business, letting the professionals handle it.
Or sometimes an emergency situation will arise and someone will be like "Hey, that guy didn't help us out at all." Yeah, because I was too busy STAYING THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY. I should be getting a medal for that shit. All these other amateurs were sticking their noses into everything making it a bog of uncertainty and clusterfuckedness, meanwhile my cool, collected ass was staying out of the way, minding my own business, letting the professionals handle it.