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Go to fucking BED!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by LadyBarbossa View Post
    ^ Pretty much this right here. And he won't go to bed after the show/news is over, he'll wait until around 2 or 3 in the morning and then get up, put the recliner upright, and pitter patter around the house for five or ten minutes, opening and closing the fridge, running water, and maybe even hunting down a shoe to smack a bug if he sees one. We live in a mobile home and this wakes everyone up. Probably should have mentioned this last night, sorry. And then he's back up at 6 or 7 the next morning, and I work second shift. It sucks.
    That certainly makes a difference! Thanks for clearing that up.
    "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


    • #17
      Originally posted by MrsEclipse View Post
      The following is offering help to you because I truly care about the comfort and happiness of strangers on the Internet. If you have already tried everything, or have other sources of advice and just came here to vent, you are excused from reading this post.

      In my house, there's a rule about falling asleep in a place other than your bedroom. If someone wakes you up by using the room in it's ordinary purpose, it's not their fault, and if you fall asleep watching TV, you lose claim to the TV. People who are snoring are to be nudged awake and sent to bed.

      If your dad isn't meeting you halfway on this, he's being a brat and you need to call him on it. If he claims that he doesn't know he's falling to sleep, offer to help by nudging him awake so he can go to bed, where you're *sure* he'll be more comfortable. You mentioned it bothered other people, so maybe it's time to put on a united front.
      It's been an ongoing battle for years. He buys into the belief that 'a man is king of his castle' and other fundamentalist baptist crap.

      Also you may want to talk him into seeing a doctor about his snoring, if you haven't before. If he insists that he feels fine, tell him either a) That may be, but it's often a sign of other problems that can be corrected and increase your comfort or blah blah blah, OR b) But we're not, because we're concerned about you. Also you're driving us crazy.
      Also mentioned this. He denies he snores at all, just like he denies he's falling asleep during a movie/show. Or in church. This is why none of us will attend church with him anymore, either. For the latter, he claims that he's 'meditating'. Right. And nudging him awake doesn't work because he'll open his eyes for a minute and then go back to sleep on purpose. Oh, and doctors don't know anything, they're all just in league with the evil pharmaceutical companies to steal our money. I'm surprised he's not bothered by the fact I work in a pharmacy.

      Something similar happened in '06 when he FINALLY went to the doctor and got some hearing aids. Oh my goodness, we wanted to sing and shout, we weren't repeating ourselves or screaming at him anymore, and the TV/radios were being played at a normal level. But then he decided they 'didn't feel right' and that they weren't worth the 3K they would have cost so he went into SC mode and demanded that the doctor take them back and refund his credit card. Then I wanted to cry.
      A.K.A. ShinyGreenApple


      • #18
        Originally posted by AdminAssistant View Post
        If he's anything like my Dad is, he *insists* on watching a certain show, falling asleep in the living room, snoring so loud that he's disturbing everyone, and then if you try to change the channel, he gets all pissy about how he was "watching that."
        My grandpa used to do the same thing, and worse yet, he'd always have it at high volume. He was a pilot in WWII, and the noisy equipment he was constantly around messed up his hearing. But he absolutely refused to get a hearing at, at least up until just a few years before he died.
        --- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan

