As the major "holiday" season is now past, it is time for my annual holiday rant. I am a pizza delivery driver
I have had my share, this (and past) holiday season, of bah HUMBUG stiffs, joke tips and underwelmed tips. yes I have had some good (even great) tips but the usual crop of stiffers and undertippers is STILL there.
what I really hate the most about this time of year is the pitiful and transparent facade some people put on (as in wear when in "public"). by this I mean some get all "happy and cheerful" to those around them. ie co-workers, friends, family, and the poor workers who have to brave the insanity that is the commericalized Xmas season. unfortuneately it is ONLY a thin venier cause as soon as your back is turned or the "holiday season" ends they revert back to their "true" self ie. with no reason "for the cheerful season" why be nice and cheerful to others. and most others around them recognize the thin venier and see it for what, IMO it really is, a LIE for the season.
the ones I HATE the most are the "customers" who, as they are giving me exact change or a "tip" rounded up to the nearest dollar say the following in that sickly sweet and holiday cheery type voice: "Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS/HAPPY HOLIDAYS/HAPPY New Year. Drive safe/keep warm. OH and THANKS for coming out in such bad weather." (lots of cold weather and snow right now). Making sure to SPECIFICALLY emphasis the MERRY or HAPPY part without (in IMHO) very much meaning behind it. It all seems so "canned" or parroted (just as we the retail type person are "required" to say some holiday greeting/parting words). this false platitude just irks me to no end
the next catageory is the "holiday tipper". most delivery drivers and servers know this one as well as I do. a few of the usual hard hearted Grinch stiffers are "semi-kind hearted" (as in their heart grew maybe 1/2% bigger) during the 5 week period of Thanksgiving/Xmas/New Year. they "consent" to letting a mere dollar squeeze past their tightly clenched Scroogie fingers on a $40 order. the remaining 11 months they basically laugh in your face with exact change or a big fat ZERO on the CC tip line. Yes I know the Scrooge is strong but come on!!!!! I know for a fact that you do order on a regualr basis. I know your address by heart. I know every detail about the front of your house. Where are you getting the $$$ to order delivery food 5 DAY STRAIGHT (and this is on a regular basis)???? Heck I WANT YOUR job and you can have mine.
with the Holiday tipper, they show they DO know about and understand the concept of tipping those whose income depends heavily on tips. What pleasure does it give them to attempt to be "non-Scroogie" during a very short period of time?? is it some guilty conscience type thing??? is it some kind of wierd "Xmas duty" type thing????
WHY OH WHY is this 5 week period any different than the other 47 weeks in the year?????
I have had my share, this (and past) holiday season, of bah HUMBUG stiffs, joke tips and underwelmed tips. yes I have had some good (even great) tips but the usual crop of stiffers and undertippers is STILL there.
what I really hate the most about this time of year is the pitiful and transparent facade some people put on (as in wear when in "public"). by this I mean some get all "happy and cheerful" to those around them. ie co-workers, friends, family, and the poor workers who have to brave the insanity that is the commericalized Xmas season. unfortuneately it is ONLY a thin venier cause as soon as your back is turned or the "holiday season" ends they revert back to their "true" self ie. with no reason "for the cheerful season" why be nice and cheerful to others. and most others around them recognize the thin venier and see it for what, IMO it really is, a LIE for the season.
the ones I HATE the most are the "customers" who, as they are giving me exact change or a "tip" rounded up to the nearest dollar say the following in that sickly sweet and holiday cheery type voice: "Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS/HAPPY HOLIDAYS/HAPPY New Year. Drive safe/keep warm. OH and THANKS for coming out in such bad weather." (lots of cold weather and snow right now). Making sure to SPECIFICALLY emphasis the MERRY or HAPPY part without (in IMHO) very much meaning behind it. It all seems so "canned" or parroted (just as we the retail type person are "required" to say some holiday greeting/parting words). this false platitude just irks me to no end
the next catageory is the "holiday tipper". most delivery drivers and servers know this one as well as I do. a few of the usual hard hearted Grinch stiffers are "semi-kind hearted" (as in their heart grew maybe 1/2% bigger) during the 5 week period of Thanksgiving/Xmas/New Year. they "consent" to letting a mere dollar squeeze past their tightly clenched Scroogie fingers on a $40 order. the remaining 11 months they basically laugh in your face with exact change or a big fat ZERO on the CC tip line. Yes I know the Scrooge is strong but come on!!!!! I know for a fact that you do order on a regualr basis. I know your address by heart. I know every detail about the front of your house. Where are you getting the $$$ to order delivery food 5 DAY STRAIGHT (and this is on a regular basis)???? Heck I WANT YOUR job and you can have mine.
with the Holiday tipper, they show they DO know about and understand the concept of tipping those whose income depends heavily on tips. What pleasure does it give them to attempt to be "non-Scroogie" during a very short period of time?? is it some guilty conscience type thing??? is it some kind of wierd "Xmas duty" type thing????
WHY OH WHY is this 5 week period any different than the other 47 weeks in the year?????