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Rich people who complain about their money

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  • Rich people who complain about their money

    This was suggested in another thread and figured I'd get it going....

    I love rich people, mostly, because I do respect the fact that many of them earned their richness with hard work. Not all of course...some inherited it, some won the lottery, some stole it. But many of them earned it.

    Awesome. Good for you! Seriously though, I mean it takes a lot of effort. I respect it.

    What I hate is the ones who complain about lack of money. Frequently its about taxes. Or welfare. They hate welfare. Ok I get it. You work for a living, this other person doesn't. It sucks.

    But quit acting like you're living the poor life just to support a bunch of deadbeats. You're not. Besides that, most of these deadbeats are buying shit that makes you rich. One of my rich friends owns stock in philip morris. So every time some deadbeat buys a pack of marlboros, he gets a little bit richer. So he needs to quit bitching.

    Then there's the ones who inflate their expenses. "Well it may seem like I make a lot of money here, but really I've got a lot of expenses...I've got to rent my office, pay my staff, buy supplies, it really adds up!" And all that goes out the window when despite the million dollar a year budget, they're also living a million dollar lifestyle. Screw off.

    I'm happy for all of them, but they need to realize not all of us were meant to be rich and successful. If everyone in the world went to college and became doctors, there'd be no one cooking your eggs at denny's or pumping your gas. And since the people bitching about their money are the ones who pay us anyway, maybe they'll figure out that money out of my pocket = money out of your pocket. Either pay someone a decent wage, or pay higher taxes to contribute to their welfare, or just have them steal from you. Either way, go have sex with your penny rolls and quit acting like you're a third world nation.

  • #2
    Saved me a thread.

    I remember after the Enron scandle, they interviewed the wife of Ken Lay. Her sob story was that she only had ten houses left. TEN HOUSES?!?! Many people are fortunate enough to have one house, and she's upset because she "only" has 10?! Cry me a fucking river!

    I also don't understand the big deal with welfare. I'm sick of hearing complaining about those who cheat the system, as if that's a reason to get rid of welfare. HELLO!! Many people need welfare because jobs are not easy to find. Do they want to screw over millions of Americans just to punish those who "abuse it"?

    Lastly, I'm sick of hearing about how "entitled" everyone thinks they are. This again is coming from the right who fail to realize that THE RICH GET TAX BREAKS!!! Many of the "entitled poor" aren't even given a chance or if they do, they get paid barely enough to get by. Again, WE'RE IN A RECESSION! Not everyone is able to get by and I think it's very cruel of people to assume that it's their own fault for what ever reason.

    So yeah, I'm sick of the poor bashing too.


    • #3
      I begrudge no one for the fortunes they've earned in life.

      But the people who have more money than they can ever count, who whine the loudest about taxes and the poor? Play them the world's smallest violin.

      It's like what the Oracle from the Matrix said. What do people who have more power than they could ever need want the most? More power, of course.
      Customer: I need an Apache.
      Gravekeeper: The Tribe or the Gunship?

