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Drunk People

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  • Drunk People

    Background: last night is the 2nd. I work a standard 9 to 5 M to F job, but went in on Sunday to work on a project, and to pull in some overtime. So I'm beat, and still have the usual work week. It's nearly midnight, I'm tired, and need to make my lunch for the next day.

    Downstairs, my landlady, her boyfriend, and a roommate are having margaritas and hanging out. The roommate is wasted. She's LOUD, talking nonsense, laughing at nothing, singing REALLY LOUD, and well aware that she's wasted. Also, she's still drinking.

    The problem arises in that she's SO loud, I can hear it in my room upstairs with the door closed. And I need to get to sleep. And she jsut DOESN"T EVEN CARE!

    The Landlady calmed her down by asking if she wanted to watch a movie with her and the BF, but that was AFTER I wished a hangover on the roommate.

    To her face.

    I'm normally a very nice person, but when I'm tired, ticked off, knowing I probably will not have a decent night's sleep due to the noise, and someone's hitting 2 of my Peeve buttons (shitfaced, and singing without music/talent), yes, I WILL be mean.

    I have no problem with alcohol. I like drinking myself, but never to the point of losing complete control of my vocal volume and common courtesy for others.

    IMHO, anyone who happily gets so drunk they start bothering other people, and don't care, aren't mature or responsible enough to be drinking.
    I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.

  • #2
    People like that (albeit in public though, not like your story at home) with no respect or common sense or self control are why I don't even go out drinking anymore. It's pretty much impossible to go out and sit down and have a few drinks and chillax without a group of dumb guys hollering like wolves while they pound shots and slap girls' asses, or dumb groups of girls drunk off 2 beers screaming and tripping over one another like dominos.

    And strange drunk people who try to talk to you or ask you for cigarettes or money! The fucking nerve of some people, I swear. Or, my bf and my personal favorite.....just making small talk with a drunk stranger to be nice to them, and they start following us for the rest of the night. Creeps.


    • #3
      The thing that bugs me the most about drunks is that many of them aren't really even that drunk. Of course SOME 1%. The rest of them are just like "Hey, I've been drinking, so I can be a dick tonight and blame it on the booze! Hell yeah I'll sleep with the ugly girl and tell people off and everyone will just think it's the booze! Sweet! FREE PASS!"

