I'm really not the type of person who takes everything as it is or is overly apathetic or replies to everything with "It is what it is"........you all are probably well aware of how outspoken and downright high strung I can be about things that I don't think are fair or right, and I have no qualms of voicing my opinion if I know that I won't compromise my job or other valueable essentials of life to do it.
But the thing is, sometimes you shouldn't be a hero or stand up for what you believe in. If it's the difference between keeping a roof over your head or being able to smoke every few hours on your break, just shut the fuck up and deal with it. Don't quit your job and praise yourself and pat yourself on the back because you stood up for what's "right" and you put it to your employer on what you really think. Because you just lost your job. In a still-shitty economy, where full time jobs with benefits and the opportunity for overtime are still almost non-existent or don't come without sacrifice, like being a temp for several months (hence, losing your benefits and having to go for a long period of time without any insurance) or just a seasonal or on-call person.
Don't get me wrong, I am by no means excusing some of the things companies have done during the recession and bad economy because they know employees will just take it because they don't want to be jobless (and I still stand by what I've said that as soon as things get better, many companies are going to experience mass exoduses of disgruntled employees), but something as simple as not being able to smoke at work......are you kidding me? That's worth losing your job over?
Some people never fail to amaze me. Better yet, they amaze me even more while they praise themselves for giving their employer the what-for, or the people who still work there who have already tried to break that policy and have been written up, then fired back with words that don't mean what they think it means. If I hear once more about how it's "discrimination" or "unconstitutional", I am going to effing scream.
Private property means they can say you can't smoke there. Same as a school or a hospital, where you can't smoke anywhere on the premises. It's totally legal. Smokers are not a protected class of people, it's not discrimination. If management wanted to demand that everyone quit smoking altogether, including off the clock, that would be another story. And nowhere in the Constitution does it say that every man has the right to smoke wherever and whenever he pleases. It does not impede on your right in the persuit of happiness. It will impede more on your persuit of happiness by not having a damn job.
Sorry that I keep dwelling on this. It just fucking bugs me.
But the thing is, sometimes you shouldn't be a hero or stand up for what you believe in. If it's the difference between keeping a roof over your head or being able to smoke every few hours on your break, just shut the fuck up and deal with it. Don't quit your job and praise yourself and pat yourself on the back because you stood up for what's "right" and you put it to your employer on what you really think. Because you just lost your job. In a still-shitty economy, where full time jobs with benefits and the opportunity for overtime are still almost non-existent or don't come without sacrifice, like being a temp for several months (hence, losing your benefits and having to go for a long period of time without any insurance) or just a seasonal or on-call person.
Don't get me wrong, I am by no means excusing some of the things companies have done during the recession and bad economy because they know employees will just take it because they don't want to be jobless (and I still stand by what I've said that as soon as things get better, many companies are going to experience mass exoduses of disgruntled employees), but something as simple as not being able to smoke at work......are you kidding me? That's worth losing your job over?
Some people never fail to amaze me. Better yet, they amaze me even more while they praise themselves for giving their employer the what-for, or the people who still work there who have already tried to break that policy and have been written up, then fired back with words that don't mean what they think it means. If I hear once more about how it's "discrimination" or "unconstitutional", I am going to effing scream.
Private property means they can say you can't smoke there. Same as a school or a hospital, where you can't smoke anywhere on the premises. It's totally legal. Smokers are not a protected class of people, it's not discrimination. If management wanted to demand that everyone quit smoking altogether, including off the clock, that would be another story. And nowhere in the Constitution does it say that every man has the right to smoke wherever and whenever he pleases. It does not impede on your right in the persuit of happiness. It will impede more on your persuit of happiness by not having a damn job.
Sorry that I keep dwelling on this. It just fucking bugs me.