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  • Roommates

    My patience is gone.

    And it sucks because I don't know that they have any idea how pissed off they've made me. And it also sucks because I can't manage to speak up unless I explode. Needless to say, exploding would be BAD.

    But then again, you'd think they would realize at some point they're being inconsiderate douchebags.

    Currently, it's still winter break. I just stayed here. My roommate Sam, for some reason, came back on Sunday. That day, 3-5 of her friends came over. And played Super Smash Bros. Until almost 2 a.m.

    They have been back EVERY DAY since then. FOR HOURS every day. Basically taking over the living room. I have pretty much resorted to staying in my room all day, trying to come out as little as possible. Consequently for today, it's after 5:30 and I still haven't eaten today.

    It's driving me bonkers. I don't think there's anything wrong with her having her friends over, but it's always at least 3-6 people here...and sometimes I've never met them before in my life. Last night, I ventured out to get food and this girl was walking in who I have never seen and who gave me this look like "What are YOU doing here?" If she'd actually said it, I would have gotten to say, "I LIVE here, bitch, what's your excuse?" Butttt...she didn't. Damn it.

    They have also made a mess of the living room. I stayed here for 2 weeks and that living room was kept clean. Within one day of them coming over here, it's a pigsty and there are doritos crumbled into the carpet. What the eff? My other two roommates are coming back soon and when they do, I'm NOT going to clean the living room or probably mop the floor because Sam's friends are the ones who fucked it up, they can clean. Or Sam can.

    And I haven't forgotten that Sam said she'd do half the dishes before she left on break and just left. >.> She's the one who came up with what we should do in the first place as the last two here...and then just left. Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks, Sam.

    I don't know, is it reasonable of her to have so many of her friends over? For hours each day, sometimes multiple times a day? Who play Super Smash Bros. and yell profanities at each other? Until sometimes very, very late at night? Maybe I'm just being irrational. But I don't think so.

    Even if I COULD manage to speak up and talk to her, I still can't because she's never alone. She's always with her friends.

    Leaving me stuck in my room all day, feeling like I'm hiding. [Doesn't help I have PTSD and I'm just scared of guys I don't know. I hate that I am, but well, I am.]

    Not to say my other two roommates are saints, 'cause they aren't by any means [I'm sure I'm not either, for that matter], but this is REALLY bugging me.
    "And I won't say "Woe is me"/As I disappear into the sea/'Cause I'm in good company/As we're all going together"

  • #2
    I totally understand the fear. However for her to make up chores then not do them NOR respect the fact that you live here and she has people over EVERY DAY until the late hours that is beyond rude.

    You have all right to blow up. If her friends make an issue of it, then you can if need be call the cops especially for the face that they are there until 2 am.
    Also if need be for proof if you have neighbors ask if they have been bothered by this, and if need be take pictures of the mess. Or if you need and want the back up wait until the other roomies get home.

    MANY hugs...I don't know about you I would have blown up at them and kicked them all out and had an argument with said roomie until 2am so she can see what it feels like. Especially for the one person to give you a look about what are you doing here.
    I am angry for you already. Do your best to hang in there, its your place to you have every right to eat as well.
    Repeat after me, "I'm over it"
    Yeah we're so over, over
    Things I hate, that even after all this time...I still came back to the scene of the crime


    • #3
      Is it really rude? Yea.

      Is it unreasonable? Not really.

      You roommate should ask before having people over so often but it's break. What else are you supposed to do besides hang out with friends? Just tell your roommate in a calm voice that even though it's break, you need to sleep so it'd be cool if they could just keep the noise down a little. When my roommates were loud senior year and I just wanted to sleep, I'd partly open the door, get someone's attention, act really tired, and just say, "Hey, guys, can you do me a favor and just quiet down a little bit? I'm mad tired tonight." Doesn't sound rude, gets your point across. They won't be silent but they'll quiet down a lot if they aren't douchebags.
      Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


      • #4
        Ooops. I forgot to mention something else.

        They did this same thing all through closed week AND finals week.

        I guess that's what is frustrating me the most is that it's STILL going on, and it doesn't look like it will stop anytime soon. And it's one thing to do it through break--because I do see your point, Greenday, it IS break--but during finals week? And I tried to get them to quiet down...and to their credit, they did try. They didn't succeed very well, but they did try. But they were still over here every day.

        I'll try doing the calm thing and saying I need to sleep...tempted to just wander out in my pj's and brush my teeth, but I don't like random people seeing me in my pj's. Definitely could have used it today, I woke up with a migraine.

        Lexia--I don't know if I could call the cops--they're my roommates in a dorm. But I could probably tell the housing director. And/or public safety. I don't think public safety would really care, but the housing director might. It was really annoying last semester because during finals week, we had 24/7 quiet hours, and they blew that to pieces. That's why it's kind of like...REALLY someone has to say something?!

        I am now tempted to do something really loud to keep Sam up until 4 or 5 a.m. 'Cause that's how late I've been staying up [bad habit, I know, but I keep having stomach problems and, of course, all the noise keeps making me jumpy when they're here!]. But that would still be mean.

        I do think she should do a lot of the chores this week...and have her friends help. THEY made the living room a mess, THEY dropped Gawd-knows-what on the floor, THEY have used up a ton of dishes...argh.

        They also just leave everything the way it was when they leave. Like if I look out there right now, video game controllers are sprawled everywhere and the TV is still on "VCR/Aux" for the game. So it's like...great, what am I supposed to do if I actually want to go out and watch TV? It feels rude to change it...and then what if they come back? Double argh!
        "And I won't say "Woe is me"/As I disappear into the sea/'Cause I'm in good company/As we're all going together"


        • #5
          In the case of the dishes, we all have our own so if one person runs out due to leaving a pile of dirty dishes in the sink for a few days, well thats incentive to do their own dishes.

          When I first moved in I bought a set of cook wear ASAP as I had nothing to cook with and one frying pan was left on the side for a month as one guy used it and just assumed someone else would clean it before they used it and again after, so it would be clean when he next wanted it. Wasn't going to happen, I had my own frying pan and so did the others afaik.
          The longest downstairs guy (mr I take a bath with the door wide open) has left his dishes in the sink has been a week, I've been tempted to put them in the downstairs bathroom as a hint.
          Years ago someone did that to another lazy cleaner who blambed it on the guy in the next room to mine, turns out it was the land lords handyman had to do something and put them down and forgot about them when he left.

          So if I were you, I would clean and confiscate your 1/4 of the crocery and cutlery so atleast you have something clean to eat off and leave the rest for Sam to deal with when she wants to sort out plates for snaks or whatever, esp if it means she has less plates to use.


          • #6
            We don't have our own dishes, unfortunately--there's basically two sets, and we all share. But it's still tempting to just do enough washing for myself, and leave her with the rest. I'm still a little bit ticked at her for not doing them. It feels like she lied to me.

            This is the final straw. This is...our whole suite needs to have a meeting. This is beyond unacceptable.

            Sam fractured a bone in her foot, so she had surgery today. As far as I know, she is still there. I really doubt that she's come home in only a couple of hours, you know?

            I almost locked the door behind her, but then I felt like...nah, they wouldn't come over today, would they? When their friend isn't even HERE?

            Yeah. THEY DID. I am beyond pissed. I'm not even dressed yet, so I'm not going out there, but I have to leave soon. And when I do...they are leaving, too. And I'm locking the fucking door. Seriously, who does this?! THEY JUST LET THEMSELVES IN. FOR ALL THEY KNOW, NO ONE IS HOME.

            What the fuck...
            "And I won't say "Woe is me"/As I disappear into the sea/'Cause I'm in good company/As we're all going together"


            • #7
              Oh, yeah, that is totally beyond even remotely acceptable.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                but it's break
                even though it's break it doesn't mean it's excusable to be pigs. especially to someone else's home.

                as someone with a legal right to live there you have the right to say "clean up your shit"

                and they LET THEMSELVES IN?
                wtf. tell them to get the fuck out.


                • #9
                  This is why I live alone. It takes almost an entire check, but the peace is priceless.


                  • #10
                    I'd have called the police on them for breaking and entering.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Akasa View Post
                      I'd have called the police on them for breaking and entering.
                      Same here. I'd have told them roommate is in the hospital, go visit her there not here.
                      "I like him aunt Sarah, he's got a pretty shield. It's got a star on it!"

                      - my niece Lauren talking about Captain America


                      • #12
                        well, entering if not breaking. cos the door was unlocked.

                        but still... you pay part of the rent. you have legal rights.


                        • #13
                          Hmm. Minor update.

                          We're all supposed to have a roommate meeting tonight. There's already been a list started on the dry-erase board about things to talk about, so I added locking the door and when/how long friends can be over.

                          Sam didn't do anything but wash some of her dishes. On the one hand, she DID just have surgery. On the other...her friends couldn't clean up after themselves at ALL? Right. She said she cleaned the floor, but I walked over it barefoot almost right after, and it was disgusting and covered with crumbs and stuff. So no she did not. She tried to pawn off the living room on me, but I said no because I'm not the one who made it such a pigsty. I did say I would get the vacuum for her [it's kept downstairs at the front desk], but ended up having to leave...and then our other 2 roommates did it anyway, plus mopped the floor.

                          This should be an interesting talk...
                          "And I won't say "Woe is me"/As I disappear into the sea/'Cause I'm in good company/As we're all going together"


                          • #14
                            yeah, Firefly kind of interesting I think.

                            i hope the roommates and the guests start pulling their heads out of their asses.

