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My Abusive Ex (lots of venting)

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  • My Abusive Ex (lots of venting)

    I'm sorry for all this in advance, but I really need to vent.

    I haven't been with my ex for 5 years now. Only recently have issues from my relationship with him been bubbling to the surface. I've been realizing that he was most likely emotionally abusive and definitely manipulative, probably through most, if not all, of our 5.5-year relationship.

    Within the first 6 months he was making subtle and not-so-subtle comments that would make me feel unattractive, worthless, and ugly. He would tell me things about his sexual experience with his exes that I told him I didn't want to know, but he kept doing it anyway. He would make little remarks regarding intimate details in our relationship to his friends while I was there also, which I thought at the time was only embarrassing but now realize how humiliated it made me feel. He would disrespect me all the time, either doing things he knew would make me feel lessened or promising me things and then disregarding them and doing whatever he wanted.

    He would almost never come out with me when I went to hang out with my friends or family. My friends used to dub him the imaginary boyfriend, because honestly some of them never met him. The only time he really spent any time with my family was on Christmas. I would always attend his family get-togethers unless I had to work. It was only when our relationship was on its last legs that he seemed to make any sort of effort to attend other family events with me.

    He never told me that I couldn't go hang out with friends or see family, but I think by refusing to accompany me it made me go out less. The few times he did hang out with my friends and I it was really awkward and we ended up not sticking around very long. I would hang out with him and his friends all the time, though. Granted, I had known many of them before him and I were together, but they were still more his friends than they were mine.

    It got really bad toward the end, once I started realizing that he might not be the person for me. A friend of mine passed away and I was really broken up about it. He brushed my grief aside saying that since I hadn't been super close with my friend that I should allow his real friends and family to receive the sympathy since they 'deserved' it more. Another friend, who is now my husband, was the one to comfort me and let me grieve for my loss. I think that was really the catalyst for the collapse of my relationship with my ex.

    Once the collapse really began and I started getting closer with my now-husband, my ex turned psychotic. He threatened suicide, he cut himself in front of me, he called me horrible names, he belittled me, he threatened my now-husband, he stalked us. One night he went over to my best friend's apartment and tried to get her on his side with his woe-is-me stories. He told my now-husband about intimate things that went one between my ex and I, and used vulgar language to boot. He admitted to me and my now-husband that he was a good manipulator. He was able to turn tears on and off in the blink of an eye. He was frightening.

    There was so much upheaval at the time, as well as love that was still there for my ex and all my emotions being tugged around, that there were a lot of things that I didn't realize. I think I buried them, and recently they've begun to seep through the surface. I feel like I was lied to and manipulated throughout my entire relationship with my ex. I feel like I was taken advantage of and frankly, I feel incredibly stupid. My husband likens it to someone falling victim to a con-artist who saps away a bunch of money. Only I happened to fall in love with an emotional con-artist who took my heart and emotions for a ride through hell.

    There's no doubt that he was controlling. I've even been wondering if his mom had been trying to control me in a way, too. I wonder if they both were trying to create a rift between me and my parents. My relationship with my parents at the time wasn't the greatest. I was in my early 20s and was still getting over my rebellious I-hate-my-mom teenage girl thing, and I look back and see instances where his mom may have been planting negative ideas and feelings in my head about my parents. Whether or not that is the case, I honestly will probably never know. And regardless, I am still responsible for my own actions and thoughts.

    Recently my husband and I have been having a few issues that we're working through, and I seriously think that some of them stem from my issues with my ex. And it pisses me right the fuck off to think that after 5 years away from that asshole he still has that kind of control over me. And I have no idea where or how to begin healing. I know talking about it will probably help. My husband and I have been talking about these things recently and I already feel closer to him again. I think that I had built up a wall around my perceived vulnerabilities in fear of getting so utterly hurt again, and that was also taking its toll on my relationship with my husband.

    Putting up walls is nothing new. I've dealt with depression for many years. I grew up with an alcoholic father who often chose the bar over being at home with my mom and I, a passive-aggressive mother who would sometimes make jabs at me in front of my friends, and both as a couple who I'm surprised didn't get divorced with how much screaming they hurled at each other.

    My relationship with my parents is actually really good now, though. I think that we've all grown up and matured. I won't say that I don't still hold scars from my childhood, because I do and probably always will, but I don't feel like that's as big of an issue anymore. I've done a lot of writing about this subject as well as some therapy years ago, and for the most part I hold no ill feelings toward my parents. I don't think they meant any harm, they were just dealing with life, too. I'm almost positive my mom suffers from some sort of untreated depression and I believe some of her actions stem from that. It's not an excuse for any less-than-stellar behavior on her part, but it's something I can sort of understand.

    My ex, though... I think he did mean ill will. I think he was actively trying to control me and use my vulnerabilities against me. And when I finally started breaking away, he cracked. Even his mom seemed like she was trying to help him control me. Almost 2 years after we broke up, when I had been dating my now-husband for a while, I saw her at a wedding and she told me point-blank that her son would still marry me in a heartbeat if I took him back. Seriously?! Who the fuck says that? And every time she would see me at my old job, she would make comments about how the family was doing and all that, in a tone that seemed to mean "See what you could still be a part of?".

    Wow, I'm rambling horribly. I apologize for the wall of text, but it feels good to get some of this off my chest. It's apparently been building for 5 years

  • #2
    15 years out of a controlling abusive relationship and issues still bubble up to the top and interfere with relationships. I don't know if there is any totally getting over it.


    • #3
      unfortuneately you really do not get over it unless you get heavy counseling.

      after a 20 year "marriage" that ended 6 or 7 years ago (offcially she moved out 5 1/2 years ago and the divorce was final 4 years ago) I still have anger issues surrounding Ex. nice little camealion she was. could turn things on and off on a dime (not tears but the emotional blackmail, manipulation, accusations of non trust, emotions in general, etc.)

      in some way she does still try to control my life through our daughter and my grandson. once she left I stuffed most of the "marriage" into a little closet in the farthest back reaches of my mind and locked a heavy door, yet it still leaks out. many unresolved issues

      a combination of manipulation, emotions, "false" love, guilt trips, and "false" spirituality all combined into one small package
      I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

      I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
      The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


      • #4
        Originally posted by Racket_Man View Post
        unfortunately you really do not get over it unless you get heavy counseling
        Even then it already shaped some of us.

        I recommend couples and single counseling for you and the hubby. You weren't only one who was lied to by the SOB.


        • #5
          I'm glad to hear you got out of that.

          Also, you are not stupid. And your husband is right: the ex is a con artist and you are well free of him and his mother.

          Good luck to both you and your husband working through these issues.

          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


          • #6
            Thank you all for your responses.

            I realize that this will take a long time to work through for both my husband and I. It's just so frustrating that years later that asshole is still in control somewhat But the fact that certain realizations are popping up and I'm becoming consciously aware of them will hopefully mean that I can work through them the best I can so they won't be so controlling anymore.


            • #7
              5 years yeah....

              i had a coworker who was a text book picture of non-physical abuse. just dealing with him for 3 years was enough to leave some residual problems. (M - the same one who was murdered actually... which really didn't surprise me cos sometimes he liked to wear someone down until they snapped and then jump on them for snapping)

              and one guy i use to have feelings for... the guy (i'll call him B) liked me a little, liked it when i paid for things, liked it when he got to have his fun... but when he didn't want me around he himself wouldn't abuse me but he'd never stop his friends from doing it. or he'd say "hey stop it" in a voice that said he wasn't really trying. but he'd never hang out with me unless it was around them... so i had to put up with the abuse if i wanted to spend time with him. the friendship finally broke when one of his roommates crossed the line to actually physically hurting me and ... I pressed charges. B had to pick between "friends and fun" and "PepperElf and doing the right thing". He picked the friends and blamed me for forcing him to decide.

              I had his "friendship" for two years. It took almost as long just to get over everything and to heal. And part of the healing came from the fact that my orders sent me to the opposite coast.

              So... I can fully understand still having feelings to work through. There's a lot of feelings to untangle.

              Hell, it's been 10 years since my friendship with B went to hell and I am over him... but part of me does like to gloat a little. ... At first it seemed a lot of the ship was against me, but as time went on and I healed I started to realize... it wasn't true. People were on my side, or ended up being on my side as they watched me heal. So yes, even 10 years later I gloat that B lost more than I did over the incident.

              The thing to do in my opinion is to just let it go through you. For a while I use to just write and write and write about how horrible I felt. I might still have the notebook in my storage unit but it's been so long now I wouldn't want to read it again. That's not me anymore. anything that connected me to that relationship is pretty much gone.

