This got to me big time today.
I hate it when inconsiderate fuckwads go out of their way to cut you off, only to proceed at exactly 5 mph under the speed limit.
I mean, seriously?! This asshole was so damn impatient that he passed me on the right (which is illegal, but everyone in New Jersey ignores this) at the traffic light so he could OMG BE FIRST...and then he drove SLOWER than the goddamn limit. WTF???
To the jerk in the white pick up truck loaded with shit-
If you're going to be an inconsiderate fuckface and cut people off, you'd best go all the way and be speeding like NASCAR. Don't fucking get in front of me and then go SLOW. *mutters*
I had to get that out. I feel better now.
I hate it when inconsiderate fuckwads go out of their way to cut you off, only to proceed at exactly 5 mph under the speed limit.
I mean, seriously?! This asshole was so damn impatient that he passed me on the right (which is illegal, but everyone in New Jersey ignores this) at the traffic light so he could OMG BE FIRST...and then he drove SLOWER than the goddamn limit. WTF???
To the jerk in the white pick up truck loaded with shit-
If you're going to be an inconsiderate fuckface and cut people off, you'd best go all the way and be speeding like NASCAR. Don't fucking get in front of me and then go SLOW. *mutters*
I had to get that out. I feel better now.
