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Inconsiderate jerks on the road

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  • #16
    I hear that Norton...I hear that! Oh the problems those people cause....
    "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
    "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


    • #17
      Had this happen just this morning...

      Two semi trucks. One in the right lane, one in the left. "Holding hands" (aka, matching speeds). Both of them going between 60-65. Traffic was bumper to bumper going NOWHERE on the freeway because of those two trucks holding hands with each other, neither going over 65. It was a long drive home.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Colchek View Post

        Then there was a time my wife and I were driving the company minivan on our way back from one of my business trips, and this big motor home passes us. Once again, instead of making sure they're past us, they start to merge! I lay on the horn and have to go onto the shoulder to avoid be smacked.

        Some people on the roads need to learn to look where they're going.
        Ooh, we had something similar happen to us when the family was on a motorcycle vacation. We were on a 2 lane road behind a SUV, who in turn was behind a slower pickup with a utility trailer. Well, the SUV let several good passing zones go by without making a move, so we figured he was happy where he was, and we started passing one at a time at the next spot.
        Dumbass SUV owner finally came out of his coma right about when my eldest sister was pulling abreast of him and pulled out on top of her, forcing her onto the narrow gravel shoulder. How she kept that bike upright is beyond me, but she did, thank God.
        Mr. SUV got the finger and stinky poop eye look from the remaining 6 or 7 bikes that followed. (We are our own biker gang )


        • #19
          Oh my god everything mentioned here has happened to me so many times I can't keep track of them all.

          The most recent one was the past saturday when I had my partner's v8 car, with cruise control, my normal car doesn't so I have a tendancy to speed a little in it (ooops my bad), I was on the motorway and had set the cruise control to the required speed and was sitting in the middle lane so that if people wanted to over take me they could. Well I could see in my rear vision mirror a car catching up and was like if they want to overtake me they can. They proceeded to sit on my arse for a while and then decided to overtake me. They do and come back into my lane just before the speed increases another 10 k's. So I reset my cruise control to that speed, in no time at all I had caught up to these people and overtook them and proceeded to watch as they became a speck in my rear vision mirror. They also had this cat butt face on them when they overtook me yet I was doing the speed limit.

          The worse one though was we had just all merged onto the motorway and this minivan behind us seemed very eager to get around me and the slow car in front of me so they immediately jumped two lanes to overtake us. At the same time a big semi trailer behind them did the same thing. I also wanted to go around these people as they were going super slow. So I waited for the minivan to overtake them but no, they decide to match the damn car in front of me speed. Which causes me to get boxed in by the car in front of me, the semitrailer behind the minivan and another semi trailer who decided to sit on my arse, it was a very slow, frustrating and sorta scary drive.


          • #20
            That's terrible Forensic Waitress! I've had that crap happen to me, too!

            Today, I had a pickup truck try to run me off the road. I was on a two lane road. Everyone was stacked in the left I just stayed in the right lane. Of course, this put me in front of some of those left lane warriors when it came time to merge. This douchenozzle in the truck refused to let me merge over.

            I had to drive on the shoulder and speed up to pass the car in front of him because he just WOULD NOT let me in. Thankfully, I think the car guy had seen what happened and just let me over...I would have been in a spot otherwise.

            I mean really...teaches me a lesson...I should have been a super asshole and just cut the whole line off....Instead, I was trying to just merge peacefully...

            Fucking Jersey....
            "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
            "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


            • #21
              Originally posted by blas87 View Post
              Had this happen just this morning...

              Two semi trucks. One in the right lane, one in the left. "Holding hands" (aka, matching speeds). Both of them going between 60-65. Traffic was bumper to bumper going NOWHERE on the freeway because of those two trucks holding hands with each other, neither going over 65. It was a long drive home.
              Trucker here...I can explain somewhat why this happens. Semi trucks, especially company trucks as opposed to owner-operated, are usually governed somewhere around 63 mph to optimize fuel. No matter how hard you are on that accelerator in top gear, they won't go any faster unless they're going downhill. So sometimes it can take a while to pass another truck if they're governed maybe 1/2 a mile slower than you. Now, if I go to pass another truck and realize it's going to take a really long time, I'll back off and maybe take the next rest stop for a few minutes to let him get far enough ahead of me so he won't be bothering me anymore. But it's quite common to sometimes take about five minutes to pass. And in the world of trucking, being stuck behind someone that's just going a tiny bit slower than you are can make a difference if you're really pressed for time, so it's gonna happen. But if they're taking longer than 5 minutes to pass, then it's just annoying. Someone needs to back off. When someone's passing me really slow, I hit the brakes and let them get around me...but then half the time they slow down and I have to pass them...

              Watch the trucks that do this...I betcha it's usually Swift/MS Carriers or JB Hunt...maybe USA...they're usually the slowest


              • #22
                What the heck is up with those people who come down the on-ramp at a normal speed, but instead of merging into traffic at the end of the offramp, they simple stop and wait for an opening? As if it's easier to match 65mph traffic from a standing start than merging at speed from an on-ramp?


                • #23
                  Thing with driving is it dehumanises people.

                  If you bump into someone in the street or nearly do so that fleeting facial glance of 'sorry' or 'oops' goes such a long way in calming people down and immediately stops the situation from escalating. In a car there is no way of as quickly and easily expressing that same emotianal scale as effectivly, yes you can flash you indicators in the left/right combo that is currently favoured over here, or you can wave to say thanks, but without that face to face look so much meaning is lost.
                  The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it. Robert Peel


                  • #24
                    Gah, driving in NJ is just maddening. Some of the crap that I see:
                    • People driving in my blind spot. I'm in a pickup truck. Without a truck cap. I don't have much of a blind spot. Somehow, people drive in it. I look, I try to make sure nobody is in the left lane, and somehow I still get some jerk driving in my blind spot, and has been there for a while.
                    • The people who speed up when I'm starting to pass them. I see it happen all the time. My truck is doing 70 on 78. I catch up to someone easily. I get over a lane. I start to pass them. Suddenly, they're doing 75, until they are in front of me again. They slow down, I start to pass, wash, rinse, repeat. Until I floor it for a mile and go way past them, anyway.
                    • The people who jump in front of me just to slow down. They blow my doors off going past, get in front of me, and suddenly they're doing 10 under.
                    • Refusal to merge. Come on people, it's a simple rule: Merge as soon as you see that you're going to have to. If everybody did that, then traffic would go from 65 to 45, instead of from 65 to 25 (at best).
                    • Rubbernecking. WTF? Hello people! Because you have to try to see what happened, I get to sit in traffic behind your sorry ass for an hour to go 3 miles! Stop it! Drive!

                    And that's just the list that comes to mind. I *very* much understand why road rage occurs now. Wish I didn't, but I do.


                    • #25
                      Gah. I had an hour commute to do some stuff today. I HATE people who don't let you on the damn highway.


                      I almost ended up dead about 3 times today. (well, not really, because I was paying attention...)

                      One flaming asshole decided that while we were in the "yield" ramp, it was a good time to get up on my left and try to pass me. Mind you, this is a ONE LANE RAMP. Stupid shit for brains was blocking my view by sitting in the bend in the curve...thankfully the pickup coming up the highway saw me and slowed down so I didn't get nailed, cause I couldn't see shit. I just had to go so the douchebag slightly on my left didn't run me over....

                      I hate the drivers in my state.
                      "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                      "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


                      • #26
                        Howdy, new to this forum.

                        Back in college I was on a small back road with the speed limit at 35. There were about 5 cars in front of me.
                        I see in my mirror that a car is fast approaching me, very fast.
                        He gets behind me, doing that swerving, tailing, going nuts it seemed.
                        Well he decides to pass me, remember many cars in front of me, slow curving road.
                        He makes it to about equal to my car in the other lane when a car comes over a little hill coming toward us. The Jackoff next to me has to swerve back and hits my car near the left rear tire.
                        I was so pissed I hit my brakes to a stop causing him to rear end me.
                        I got out of my car and the asshat turned around and took off.

                        It was night so I couldn't see what kind of damage I had, there were car bits and pieces all over. I called the police from someones house. They gave me a flashlight. I checked and besides a paint scratch on the bumper my car had no dmg. So all the pieces were from his car.
                        That at least gave me a little smile.

                        Last edited by miyon; 05-19-2008, 08:01 PM.


                        • #27
                          Welcome Miyon!

                          Wow. That guy is a major douche. At least the damage was his.
                          "Children are our future" -LaceNeilSinger
                          "And that future is fucked...with a capital F" -AmethystHunter


                          • #28
                            My dad for whatever reason, had a trailer hitch on the back of his Oldsmobile Intrigue.

                            He and mom were driving downtown, and some crazy bitch was tailgating them (yes, sometimes dad drives like an old man, but he swears he was going at least the speed limit, and she was on his ass so close, he could see every detail in her "ugly ass Botox infested face"). They had to stop at a red light. Idiot woman didn't stop in time and rear ended my dad. No damage to the Intrigue except the trailer hitch was a little....warped......idiot bitch had a HUGE indent on her front bumper of her plastic piece of crap subcompact car where the trailer hitch had crushed into it and broke it. When she backed up, the bumper fell off.


                            • #29
                              Oh I forgot about another car incident.
                              I was on a 45 mph road. A pizza delivery guy came up behind me and was tailing me big time, swerving, flashing his brights. I was going 55 but because he was a jerk and it was hard to drive with his brights on, I slowed down more and more. He had plenty of room to pass me but he just kept freaking out behind me.
                              Finally I got to my turn on, making a left. Other guy was so pissed he stopped in the intersection and flipped me off. But the idiot must have forgot the pizza shop sign on the top of the car.
                              So I get home and call the pizza place. The manager knew who I was talking about right away. I don't know if he got in trouble or fired, but I can only hope.


