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More things that irk me

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  • More things that irk me

    Just a few more randoms for the fun of it...feel free to argue, agree or contribute!

    1) People with a shitty sense of humor. Like you'll tell a joke. "How many Nazis does it take to change a lightbulb?" And they have to get all offended. "THE NAZIS ARE NO LAUGHING MATTER! THEY KILLED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

    2) The way that electrical cords and the like can get all tangled for no reason. It seems like that I could put two cords together in a box, completely straighten and immobilize them but within 24 hours they'll be tangled in a boyscout knot.

    3) People with an overly developed sense of responsibility. "Why were you late?" "There was a major accident on route 124 and it held me up." "THAT'S NO EXCUSE! YOu should have allowed for more time." There's a difference between taking necessary precautions and allowances, and being a psychic, which I know very few of.

    4) Things that just don't work the way they should. Like when someone has a special trick to make something work. "Yeah if you just do X and then hit Y it'll work." And you do it exactly like they did, and it doesn't work.

    5) Fear. I live with an abnormal amount of fear when it comes to fire and electricity. For instance, my furnace. No no, furnace isn't the word. I have a 200 gallon kerosene bomb in my house. I feel real safe with that.

  • #2
    Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
    3) People with an overly developed sense of responsibility. "Why were you late?" "There was a major accident on route 124 and it held me up." "THAT'S NO EXCUSE! YOu should have allowed for more time." There's a difference between taking necessary precautions and allowances, and being a psychic, which I know very few of.
    I once worked with someone like that. J just *loved* to give me shit about coming in late. Never mind that I live the furthest from the office. Nope, I was an idiot because I "wouldn't leave earlier" I had the following conversation with J more than once "1. You're not my boss. I *don't* work for you. 2. How does leaving earlier work...if the accident happened *after* I'd already left, and I'm within sight of my parkway exit?"

    Leaving home earlier doesn't always work. There are times that I've left super early, and I'm still late because I get stuck behind some idiot who won't go through a traffic light, or because some dipshit can't find their gas pedal. Also not helping, is that the city traffic reports suck. They don't cover about 99.9% of the roads that I drive to get to work!


    • #3
      1) People with a shitty sense of humor. Like you'll tell a joke. "How many Nazis does it take to change a lightbulb?" And they have to get all offended. "THE NAZIS ARE NO LAUGHING MATTER! THEY KILLED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
      All right, but don't leave us hanging like that; finish the joke!

      2) The way that electrical cords and the like can get all tangled for no reason. It seems like that I could put two cords together in a box, completely straighten and immobilize them but within 24 hours they'll be tangled in a boyscout knot.
      How does it happen, even for those that are wound or folded up? I pick up my laptop's power cord and sort of fold it in half a couple times until it will fit in the bag, why shouldn't it unfold just as easily?

      On the other hand, it can be worse: one of the things I hate is when someone goes along and ties all the cables for a computer together into one bundle. Sure, it looks nice, but it means that when I come along and have to switch something out I have to go chase down a knife first, or else try to chew through the thing with a key. And for what, so something nobody looks at anyway will be slightly neater? Even if they get tangled (and they might not, as both ends are attached to something immobile) it's far easier to unwind the one you're trying to remove than to cut off all those ##### tie things.

      3) People with an overly developed sense of responsibility. "Why were you late?" "There was a major accident on route 124 and it held me up." "THAT'S NO EXCUSE! YOu should have allowed for more time." There's a difference between taking necessary precautions and allowances, and being a psychic, which I know very few of.
      Exactly. If there's construction going on every day, you know to allow extra time. Hard to predict, though, that today you'll be stuck on a ramp for five hours because of an overturned truck blocking the entire northbound side of the Downtown Connector. (That was a fun day.)
      "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


      • #4
        1) People with a shitty sense of humor. Like you'll tell a joke. "How many Nazis does it take to change a lightbulb?" And they have to get all offended. "THE NAZIS ARE NO LAUGHING MATTER! THEY KILLED MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
        More like no sense of humour. Those type of people can't laugh at anything without getting offended. I understand everyone has their sour spots, but I think these people are just sanctimonious douches who like to have the so called moral highground.

        2) The way that electrical cords and the like can get all tangled for no reason. It seems like that I could put two cords together in a box, completely straighten and immobilize them but within 24 hours they'll be tangled in a boyscout knot.
        Yeah that's annoying. I have the same problem with when my laptop power cord gets caught in the DVD cord. It's even worse when the cords get mixed up and I end up plugging in the wrong cord.

        3) People with an overly developed sense of responsibility. "Why were you late?" "There was a major accident on route 124 and it held me up." "THAT'S NO EXCUSE! YOu should have allowed for more time." There's a difference between taking necessary precautions and allowances, and being a psychic, which I know very few of.
        Ooh I hate those people. Even the less extreme types of those people can get annoying. Like when I make a screw up that only affects me and some douchebag college professor acts so offended like I just slapped him or her in the face. And don't you just love how they always seem to pull a solution out of their ass? Never mind that it's in the past, and they weren't the ones experiencing the inconvieniance, they know what's best. You could explain to them your problem again and again and they'd give you the same bullshit.

        I hate "perfect" people.

        4) Things that just don't work the way they should. Like when someone has a special trick to make something work. "Yeah if you just do X and then hit Y it'll work." And you do it exactly like they did, and it doesn't work.
        Another one that drives me bonkers. I've experienced this far too many times. Sometimes it's something I overlooked, but a lot of the time it's just shitty luck. And I also hate it when the solution that should be simple is made more complicated by too many unnecessary buttons and functions. No, I don't want to use the mobile option, I JUST WANT TO CHECK MY FUCKING VOICEMAIL.

        5) Fear. I live with an abnormal amount of fear when it comes to fire and electricity. For instance, my furnace. No no, furnace isn't the word. I have a 200 gallon kerosene bomb in my house. I feel real safe with that.
        Yeah same hear. Fear sucks and it doesn't help that our news and advertising companies prey on people's fears to get them to tune in or buy their crap.

        Here's a number 6: Frost: and also that fog on the windsheild. Since I park my car outside, I have to deal with this 6 months of the year. I have to tell myself to leave 10 minutes earlier because my defroster takes forever. It's just annoying.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
          Just a few more randoms for the fun of it...feel free to argue, agree or contribute!

          2) The way that electrical cords and the like can get all tangled for no reason. It seems like that I could put two cords together in a box, completely straighten and immobilize them but within 24 hours they'll be tangled in a boyscout knot.

          5) Fear. I live with an abnormal amount of fear when it comes to fire and electricity. For instance, my furnace. No no, furnace isn't the word. I have a 200 gallon kerosene bomb in my house. I feel real safe with that.
          I think my cords are trying to mate they way they are always twisted.

          And I hate my furnace....thing scares the hell outta me...and it didn't help when the gas company tech came, looked an it, and said that he was suprised it still worked, seeing it was that old.


          • #6
            People who draw Christmas themed stuff and draw in HOLLY instead of MISTLETOE!

            Good God, people, do a freaking Google Image search.
            I have a drawing of an orange, which proves I am a semi-tangible collection of pixels forming a somewhat coherent image manifested from the intoxicated mind of a madman. Naturally.


            • #7
              1: It calls in to question who you tell what joke too. I hope you wouldn't tell a Nazi joke to a Holocaust survivor who for whatever reason, still has nightmares too. Everybody has different types of humor. Personally, I love all kinds of jokes, from gross out ones to clean ones. But it also depends on the person telling the joke. My mom's ex thought it would be great to throw a bunch of racist jokes at me when he first met me in hopes of impressing me. Which is fine, if
              A: The jokes were funny, which his weren't.
              2: It was by someone who didn't truely feel that way. Lonny was a racist however, and even spent nights out looking for N***** to beat the shit out off. (Being Portland, there are alot of people who generally don't care what you are, and even will be defensive towards you if your a being a victim of a hate crime. Lonny came home more times beaten himself then his victims).
              and SQUARE: If he knew me better. IE If he knew I'd be fine with it.

              Humor is just so subjective, is you can't expect everyone to laugh at any joke you throw out, and worst, be offended if they don't laugh. Would you like if it someone started doing a bunch of dead baby jokes at you, the day your own baby died/murdered? Or a close family friend's child?

              Point is, get to know the person and knowing its fine. Not saying you have to ask permission, like "Can I say a dead baby joke?", but you tend to figure out someone's type of humor within an hour or so of converstation.

              But if your going to strangers, and doing jokes like that, and getting butt hurt if they're offended? Ya gotta take a better look at yourself.

              2: MY GOD! What is WITH this shit? I see it all the time. I keep my cellphone charger, and my game boy charger near my clock and night lamp. Despite the only time I touch them is to charge one or the other, they WILL be mixed up together and tangled, usually within an hour. It's like... they move by themselves. I want to use an a camera over night to study this or something.

              3: I could go ether way. It's one thing to be late one time. Its another if your ALWAYS late. If your always late? You need to leave earlier. Just do. And if you get pissy because your late and causing your coworkers to work longer, it's you that's a prick.

              4: Eh. Happens to others then it does to me. Except woman. So yeah. I hate this.

              5: are not my father...I am not a bad son. I am vengence. I am the night. I AM BATMAN!!!
              Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
              I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


              • #8
                ...and it didn't help when the gas company tech came, looked an it, and said that he was suprised it still worked, seeing it was that old.
                That may not mean much. When this house was only seven years old, the furnace needed some minor repair and the repairman made a similar comment.

                Perhaps I'm an idiot, but isn't holly also an appropriate decoration for Christmas? You know, as in what the halls are decked with, etc.?

                On the jokes.... another variable is when and who is telling the joke. Something I might find very funny at home, or at a gathering with friends, might not work coming from a stranger or at work.
                "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


                • #9
                  I understand that some people may not find my joke funny...but what I see is that they know I'm telling a JOKE. People tell jokes I don't like too, but I recognize it as a joke and I don't go around throwing my shit into people's faces over it. I just realize I don't think he's funny but I don't cry like a little girl over it. It's just not necessary. If I tell a joke that mixes slavery and nazis together and you're a black holocaust survivor, I really don't give a shit. Hate me all you want, but don't go being a whiny ass about it. Cry me a river, build a bridge and get the fuck over it already.

                  Another good one - I got pulled over once, and it was like a late friday night, and the cop asked me if I've been drinking. Why yes officer, I replied. Then I showed him the the soda I had (alcohol free). It was merely a joke, but he's like "You think that's funny? Drinking and driving is no laughing matter young man!" Pffft. Get over yourself. It's a joke, he knew it was a joke, but he made a conscious decision to be a dick anyway.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
                    Another good one - I got pulled over once, and it was like a late friday night, and the cop asked me if I've been drinking. Why yes officer, I replied. Then I showed him the the soda I had (alcohol free). It was merely a joke, but he's like "You think that's funny? Drinking and driving is no laughing matter young man!" Pffft. Get over yourself. It's a joke, he knew it was a joke, but he made a conscious decision to be a dick anyway.
                    Should he have thanked you too for any flashbacks?
                    He very likely seen a dozen or so road fatalities, with corpses and gore everywhere DUE to people drinking and driving.

                    This includes children. Just cause your the one drinking and driving, doesn't mean your the one that's going to die.

                    It goes again, just because you think it's funny, doesn't mean it's comedy gold and all must laugh at you, or that it must mean they have no sense of humor.

                    Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
                    If I tell a joke that mixes slavery and nazis together and you're a black holocaust survivor, I really don't give a shit. Hate me all you want, but don't go being a whiny ass about it. Cry me a river, build a bridge and get the fuck over it already.

                    You even admit you'd tell a slavery nazi jokes to black holocaust survior and if they don't laugh then they need to get over it?

                    Look in a mirror dude.... You're not funny to them, get over the fact you can't tell some jokes to some people.
                    Toilet Paper has been "bath tissue" for the longest time, and it really chaps my ass - Blas
                    I AM THE MAN of the house! I wear the pants!!! But wife buys the pants so....yeah.


                    • #11
                      I don't care if they don't laugh. I said that. I don't care.

                      What's stupid is them getting all peeved about it to me. Acting all high and mighty like they're better than me because they have a crappy sense of humor. Like they're this perfect soul who would NEVER say anything to ever offend anyone else. Fuck off to all of them!
                      Last edited by Boozy; 01-21-2011, 12:27 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Plaidman View Post
                        2: MY GOD! What is WITH this shit? I see it all the time. I keep my cellphone charger, and my game boy charger near my clock and night lamp. Despite the only time I touch them is to charge one or the other, they WILL be mixed up together and tangled, usually within an hour. It's like... they move by themselves. I want to use an a camera over night to study this or something.
                        Ah but with a camera filming the night, the cables will have a case of performance anxiety and not be able to perform, hide the camera from them, or get them used to its presence for a while, say a week before actually recording their noctornal mating rituals.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
                          It was merely a joke, but he's like "You think that's funny? Drinking and driving is no laughing matter young man!" Pffft. Get over yourself. It's a joke, he knew it was a joke, but he made a conscious decision to be a dick anyway.
                          Over on CS we get a lot of clerks complaining about the people who get items that don't scan and the SC will laugh and say, "Must be free! Hyuk. Hyuk." Or those selling lottery tickets get those guys that say, "Make sure it's a winning ticket. Hyuk. Hyuk."

                          You did exactly that. It was novel to you. It stopped being novel to him his first week. Now it's just one more clown who thinks he's clever.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
                            What's stupid is them getting all peeved about it to me. Acting all high and mighty like they're better than me because they have a crappy sense of humor.
                            There's people being overly sensitive.

                            And then there's being a jerk with no tact.

                            It's a fine line to walk. Generally, if I'm afraid that what I say might offend somebody, I just don't say it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by DrFaroohk View Post
                              If I tell a joke that mixes slavery and nazis together and you're a black holocaust survivor, I really don't give a shit. .

                              If you already know the person is a black/holocaust survivor to begin with, why would you tell them a joke like that? What is the point?
                              If I can't bitch, I'll explode- blas87

