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Reviews of crap you don't own

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  • Reviews of crap you don't own

    The review below annoyed the hell out of me because the guy does not own the product, and only has some vague thoughts on what it should be capable of, I for one still have good old NTSC from my cable company. And don't think a products review should get lowered by some jackass who has never used it and doesn't like the promotion of it. I mean really to me, in order to review a product you should have at least bought it or used a friends, not looked at the specs and said, wow that is a bad idea. Plus he missed the fact it is a dual tuner that can still do two simultaneous recordings, but i totally expect that oversight from a moron who reviews shit he hasn't used.

    Rating: 3/5Pretty much a one-channel tuner now

    Pros: Don't own; came to comment on usability.

    Cons: Don't own; came to comment on usability.

    Other Thoughts: With analog NTSC nearly vanished now — Comcast analog channels are down to 26 here in Northern Virginia, half of which aren't worth watching, with more being chopped every month or two, and Verizon FiOS channels are all digital, no NTSC at all — the analog tuner is nearly useless, and on FiOS totally useless. That leaves the digital tuner input, which can receive either ATSC or ClearQAM, but not both simultaneously, so you're limited to over-the-air ATSC or unencrypted digital cable ClearQAM, essentially making this a single input tuner.

    You could use the NTSC tuner input to receive the analog output of a set top box, but that seems pointless unelss you want to record the analog, since most set top boxes can directly feed a monitor. And anyway, the digital versions of the SDTV channels give much better video. For ATSC this card should do fine, but that's only half-use. There may be other ways to use more of the dual input capability of this card, but I can't think of any

  • #2
    I was looking up something last night and more than half the reviews were from people who either hadn't even used the product yet or had been using the product for maybe a couple days. Also, the website doesn't let you give a "no rating" and the default rating is 1 star out of 5. So all those people were giving the product a rating of one with replies like "I just ordered the product then saw some of these reviews and now I'm wary to use it". How can you possibly give it a total crap rating if you haven't even received what you ordered five seconds ago? Even more annoying was the "I've been using this product for two days now and I haven't seen the results I wanted! This product is total crap!" Really? A whole two days and it hasn't done a ton already? This is a surprise. Double bonus for those who posted in their review that they weren't using it correctly.
    Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


    • #3
      This reminds me of a particular section on TV Tropes and it drives me nuts too. I see it all the time in reviews for books and movies. People go rant and rave about how awful the book/movie is, but at some point mention that they've never read/watched it and never will. Drives. Me. Nuts.


      • #4
        Firecat this reminds me a LOT of the furver over the Harry Potter books that still rages even today.

        all the extream religious nuts had to hear was the words magic, witchcraft and dragons and "fantasy" stuff to "condemn" the series. BUT when asked what the story entailed they could not answer because they "would never read the Devil's work".

        HMMMM magic does not exits in their little world????? What would they consider the "miracles" performed by Jesus, the "wonderous" things performed by God and all of the unexplainable things that are detailed in various holy books

        Authur C Clarke: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistingishable from magic

        sorry for the religious side-tracking
        I'm lost without a paddle and I'm headed up sh*t creek.

        I got one foot on a banana peel and the other in the Twilight Zone.
        The Fools - Life Sucks Then You Die


        • #5
          Don't knock it until you've tried it!

          Hubby used to always complain about how disgusting garden burgers were, though he'd never tried one! It was very annoying. I finally got him to sample mine. He didn't like it, but at least now that he's tried it he has a valid reason not to like it.

          Don't knock it until you've tried it; don't complain about politics unless you've voted; don't argue a topic until you've gathered your information and are generally informed on all sides. That's my philosophy.


          • #6
            That brings me to a little pet peeve of mine. "You don't know till you try it." Often to homosexuals about having sex with the opposite sex. Of course they usually counter "How do you know your not gay? You don't know till you try...right?"

            There are somethings a person knows they do not want to experience before they 'try it'. I know I wouldn't want to jump into a raging bonfire without having actually ever jumped into one. I know I have absolutely no desire to go see animals slaughtered at a slaughterhouse without ever stepping into one.

            Do I think that a viewpoint is more valid when somebody has experienced something? Absolutely. Do I think people can not have an opinion on a matter just because it has never happened to them? No.

            A lot of people have never experienced say the horror of being raped. Does that mean they can not empathize with somebody who has? Or not know how horrid a thing it is?

            Now, it is a slightly different matter then what the OP was about, and I apologize. Because despite the above I do think that before you say how terrible a movie, book, etc is .. you should have to watch/read. That doesn't mean you can't say "Have no interest in it, and from all I heard would not be something I am interested in." but hating without experiencing something like that?


            • #7
              This seems to be the main bit about the human centipede, aside from the phaleous review, it seemed no one here had seen it (although one peep has I would have to check back on the name) when meantioned in the worst movie ever thread, having seen the review, I can't see it as being vomit inducing or anything as to the gore, just the god awful story outlined, not a movie I would waste £20 that HMV were asking for it, hell even £10 is £9 too much.
              Perhaps people automatically see "hostel" like gore in their minds eye and go *squick* "not gonna watch it" yet seeing three people in bandage nappies and jokeresque face cuts makes me think that is the highlight of the special fx budget.
              Short of torrenting it (I'm not wasting good money on what I've seen so far) I cannot say for certain, only those that have seen it can confirm, perhaps if this was anime everyone would be all over it as I think the premis and scenes shown lend themselves to that media more.

