I'm sure some of you have seen the Mercedes E-Class commercial where Mercedes owners admitted to not paying attention and that the driver aids in their cars saved them from an accident. Almost seems to me that the ad hints that if you own that particular car you can pay less attention to the task of driving and the car will take care of you. I personally think if people were better trained as drivers then driver aids like this would not be necessary. Instead it seems like the driving public is being dumbed down and the cars are being made "smarter" to compensate.
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Driver aid technology in cars
I agree. I was discussing it with some of my viking eve online buddies and they think it is absolutely absurd. They see it as an aid to the alert driver at autobahn speeds, nit for american idiots chatting and texting while driving. They have some pretty cutting remarks on what they think the average american driver is like. I was driving around Germany last summer with one, and he confessed to me that he was very nervous about it until he saw how good a driver I actually was. I have to agree that I think the vast majority of american drivers would probably not qualify for a license in europe.
Originally posted by AccountingDrone View PostI have to agree that I think the vast majority of american drivers would probably not qualify for a license in europe.
I'm glad other people think the car that keeps stupid people from meeting darwin is over kill, just pay attention damn it
I, for one, think that a car that coddles inattentive drivers is downright dangerous and should be banned.
What happens when the device goes out, malfunctions, or the driver gets into a car that doesn't have it?
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
I get aggravated when other drivers do stupid things, and it happens all too often. Most of the worst offenders have a cell phone plastered to their ears. Heck, I even saw one guy clearly reading a book propped on his steering wheel as I passed him on the highway.Let's not enable them to think they can get away with being even more stupid and careless.
One driver's aid I would like to have is backup cameras for driving in reverse, especially parallel parking. I sometimes have trouble guaging my distance when parallel parking. Aside from that, paying attention and common sense are about the best driver's aids you could have.
I caught a rental car driver with a map across his steering wheel. I called the agency to complain, and they totally blew me off saying he had to do that to get to where he was going. >_<
Back up cameras are awesome. Forward bumper cams would be useful, too. And, one of the best driving aids ever is the dash cam. Most people think they're good drivers because they don't have evidence to the contrary; a dash cam with monitoring software can give them cold hard evidence of how poorly they drive so that they can learn how to avoid making those mistakes.
^-.-^Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden
Originally posted by AccountingDrone View PostI have to agree that I think the vast majority of american drivers would probably not qualify for a license in europe.
I've heard some people blame Americans (alleged) bad driving on the vanishing manual transmission. They may have a point. After all, a stick shift does kind of force you to have to pay attention. However, I'm not sure that we Americans are really as bad at driving as some others make us out to be. I drive quite a bit, and I usually don't have that many problems with other drivers.
Originally posted by guywithashovel View PostI've heard some people blame Americans (alleged) bad driving on the vanishing manual transmission. They may have a point. After all, a stick shift does kind of force you to have to pay attention.I actually *prefer* a five-speed manual over an automatic. They're more fun to drive, and I don't have to worry about certain relatives borrowing my vehicles
Also, in many areas, driver's education is a joke. I've heard quite a few stories about how there's not really any instruction required to get a license--just drive around some cones and you pass. No wonder people are such idiots behind the wheel! Then we have the dipshits who insist on messing with their phones, mp3 player, or other distractions. Hang up and drive, assholes!
I think this is more to counteract the idiots who ALREADY do things that stupid...And I don't see this feature making things any worse, honestly. It will help protect US from the idiots, though, IMO. I had to pass a German-style test given by my parents before they'd let me take the 'real' given by the state, so I understand the difference...and I know I drive assuming the other person is *trying* to hit me...so cars like this make me happyHappiness is too rare in this world to actually lose it because someone wishes it upon you. -Flyndaran
I think if you went as extreme as to execute those dumb enough to try and take a phone call while on their driving test. And yes i once met a girl who was pissed that she failed her drivers test because I mean it was about an important date she HAD to take it..... REALLY, the drivers test is between 10-30minutes, I doubt it was that important, and seriously someone stupid enough to be on the phone while having a state highway patrol officer SITTING NEXT TO THEM GRADING THEM really has no business operating anything.
Originally posted by Evandril View PostI think this is more to counteract the idiots who ALREADY do things that stupid...And I don't see this feature making things any worse, honestly. It will help protect US from the idiots, though, IMO. I had to pass a German-style test given by my parents before they'd let me take the 'real' given by the state, so I understand the difference...and I know I drive assuming the other person is *trying* to hit me...so cars like this make me happy
Originally posted by aurelemsrealm View PostOne driver's aid I would like to have is backup cameras for driving in reverse, especially parallel parking. I sometimes have trouble guaging my distance when parallel parking. Aside from that, paying attention and common sense are about the best driver's aids you could have.Normally he is quite a good driver, but parallel parking is his one problem.
Last edited by XCashier; 04-02-2011, 12:11 PM.
A comic (I forget who) suggested that the cure for bad driving would be to weld a spike in the center of the steering wheel. Guaranteed people would pay attention to their driving then.
I do think that more intensive driving classes would help, but I also know that everyone has brain burps, moments when they just lose the thread, and having those safety features makes those moments less dangerous.
The trouble is, they're also likely to train people to depend on them, so I'm of two minds about them.