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People Who Don't Clean Up After Themselves

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
    That's when you come back with, "I'm not your slave, either, so pick up after yourself."
    Damn, where were you 20 years ago when I needed you?

    Originally posted by telecom_goddess View Post
    They leave food crumbs and sticky shit on the counter instead of wiping it down
    My son spilled soda on the kitchen floor once, but at least he tried to clean it up. Unfortunately, he picked the wrong product to do so...

    My wife came into the kitchen wearing socks, and almost fell right on her ass. She asked my son if he knew about it, and he told her, "Yeah, I spilled some soda, but I cleaned it up." She asked him what he used to clean it, and he told her he had used the furniture polish.
    Last edited by MadMike; 04-22-2011, 07:04 PM. Reason: They're my posts, and I'll do whatever I want with them. ;)
    --- I want the republicans out of my bedroom, the democrats out of my wallet, and both out of my first and second amendment rights. Whether you are part of the anal-retentive overly politically-correct left, or the bible-thumping bellowing right, get out of the thought control business --- Alan Nathan


    • #17
      Originally posted by blas87 View Post
      I get what you meant originally the first page, considering my parents STILL tell me to "be careful" when pouring milk into cereal. Like I'm still a kid or something. But they aren't doing it to have one up on me or feel better about themselves, they keep forgetting that they don't have kids anymore, they have grown adult children. My parents even remind me to keep gas in my car and not lose my phone and other ridiculous nonsense, but I don't analyze it like that, it's just that they are hopelessly devoted parents.
      Stuff like that used to piss me off as a kid a lot. Like if a relative gave me a present or something, I'd take a breath to say "thank you aunt glenda!" but before I even got the first sound out, my mom or dad would be on be saying "SAY THANK YOU!" This annoyed me for two reasons. the first being that I was going to say it anyway, but now it's different. Before, I was saying it because I was an intelligent, well mannered little boy. but now I'm a spoiled brat who only says it because his father made him say it. The other reason is that they weren't doing it to make sure they raised a well mannered son. They needed to make sure the community thought they were wonderful caring parents.


      • #18
        On the flipside of this, neat freaks drive me insane. Now I do pick up after myself, but I don't expect my apartment to be spotless. There's some dust, we don't vacuum as often as some people think we should, and yes, sometimes there are dishes in the sink and clothing on the floor. So what?

        I hate being nagged to clean, I have more important things that I'm doing and being told that I should be cleaning annoys the crap out of me. As long as my place isn't filthy and doesn't have food sitting around stinking up the place, it's fine, I don't need to be organizing at every opportunity.

        If we have guests over we make sure the place is clean, especially when parents are coming over, but in every day life I'm not spending every day cleaning.

        I do have days where I want to organize everything, and get rid of clutter, but if I'm being nagged about it, those days don't happen. It just pisses me off and I'll make sure I don't do what the person wants. If I'm at someone elses house I make sure things are tidy though, that's different, as it's not my own space.


        • #19
          In my opinion, a place should be clean enough that you're not afraid to sit down for fear of getting something on your clothes but not so clean that you're afraid to sit down for fear of getting something on the furniture.

          That being said, I'll try to keep things picked up and at least looking halfway decent, but Martha Stewart I am not.


          • #20
            Originally posted by muses_nightmare View Post
            but in every day life I'm not spending every day cleaning.
            But if people just picked up after themselves, every day cleaning wouldn't be necessary. It could be weekly cleaning instead. If people picked up their clothes or food or whatever right after using it, what would they have left to clean? Not much. Certainly not enough that the term "every day cleaning" would pop up in their head.
            Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers


            • #21
              Land lord visits most Saturday's and this weekend hes having part of the garden graveled, I went down to make a brew at around 10am and on the counter, infront of the table top oven was a whole load of cooked pasta just dumped there, least it wasnt reguretated.
              I opened the back door and asked if he had seen it, "Three guesses who did it." I told him.

              The guy that did it, as hes the only one who eats pasta that I know of, leaves dishes, pots and pans etc in the sink for days, not in to soak, no water just festering.
              Uses the washing machine on the longest setting then never empties it, one time it was the same load sat in for over a day, if you take it out and wash yours, he will then stick his back in to wash again.
              Yes this is the same guy that cannot lock the bathroom door and sometimes walks through the kitchen NAKED (thankfully I've only seen that sight once)

              Myself, due to my work hours, I don't have the time or inclanation to prepare and cook a meal, I just live off ready meals. So my washing up involves forks only, so I wait till I run out of forks before I wash them, I have a dozzen and leave the empites in a jar in my room, but if I did have pots and pans and general cookware to wash after a meal, I would do it there and then.

              My room is a bit of a bomb site, but as no one else comes in, I don't have to worry about it, dirty clothes go into my camping rucksack and I take what I can fit into the machine and later the radiator down as and when its not in constant use, or I fill the thing and cycle to the laundrette.

              I'm sure I've already posted these next tales.

              Years ago another guy left his dishes in the sink for days and kicked up a stink that they had been put in the downstaris bathroom and we all thought it was the same guy that did it, turns out it was the handy man who needed to fix the sink put them down and forgot to put them back, still it got them cleaned in the end.

              And when I first moved in I bought my own pots pans etc and kept them in my room, which is just as well as one guy used a frying pan and never cleaned it expecting the next user to do so for him, as we all had our own pans that one sat there for what seemed like a month.


              • #22
                Landlords making weekly visits? UCK!

                It pisses me off that where I live, they walk right in if you're not home in the fall to make sure you've taken out your A/C unit and put the sleeve back over the hole in the wall, and they don't give decent notice that they'll be inspecting the places in the spring.

                I wouldn't rent anywhere where they'd want to come in on a frequent basis.


                • #23
                  He doesn't spot check the rooms, ever since his daughter closed her shop where most of us paid rent to, hes been round weekly or fortnightly, I normally only see him if its my one in 3 weekends off, like today and if my rent is due.
                  Normally as I work the other 2 weekends and might be working come rent day I leave the cheque with the guy upstairs.

                  Guy upstairs used to pay weekly, maybe still does and that might be the sole reason he comes round weekly, as I say, ever since the shop closed, before then you would never really see him unless there was a fire inspection due.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by blas87 View Post

                    It pisses me off that where I live, they walk right in if you're not home in the fall to make sure you've taken out your A/C unit and put the sleeve back over the hole in the wall, and they don't give decent notice that they'll be inspecting the places in the spring.
                    The a/c is in a hole in the wall, made especially for it, and you still have to take it out? wtf?? That's not the same as one that's in the window.

                    As far as why I keep my place clean...I don't ever do it for other people I do it for myself. I keep it as spotless as I can on a daily basis for ME cause I can't live any other way. And yeah if people pick up after themselves there's no need for daily cleaning. However here people do NOT do that so I have daily cleaning plus the weekly thorough clean.
                    Great YouTube channel check it out!


                    • #25
                      I've had people describe me as "neat as a pin," but I think those people are being generous. I actually am fairly neat, but my areas can get cluttered at times. I do keep the floors clean and the furniture dusted. My desks at work and at home are both fairly neat. However, I tend to be a bit of a pack rat, so they can get some excess clutter, but I try to keep the clutter organized (however contradictory that may sound). Also, I'll admit I do sometimes forget and leave an empty cup on my desk, but I try not to.

