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  • #16
    I would so never buy into a house with people I didn't plan to spend the rest of my life with, or unless there was a strong buy-out clause in the contract we had with one another.
    Yeah me neither. The only person I'd buy a house with would be my partner, but yeah, we plan to get married eventually .


    • #17
      How does "not allowed to have kids" work? How would they stop it?
      "My in-laws are country people and at night you can hear their distinctive howl."


      • #18
        Originally posted by HYHYBT View Post
        How does "not allowed to have kids" work? How would they stop it?
        I really don't know honestly, but that's what they told her. And apparently someone has said they think she's going to be a deadbeat and guilt people into giving her money for the baby, or into taking the baby because she wants to go party, which is just, I wonder if these people have actually met my friend, since she fits none of those characteristics. I mean really, now they're just reaching for reasons that don't exist.

