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  • Hipsters!

    I can't stand them or what they stand for, but this goes beyond that.

    I have a coworker who is a hipster to the T. For the most part, he's an ok guy, except when he starts doing the hipster "act" where they get all ironic (part of being a hipster, right?) and act like they are original. The thing that really gets me about hipsters, is they should know that real hipsters began in the 40s, NOT just recently, and they are mimicking something from years ago and following a trend, and therefore, are as big of "sheep" as the people they accuse of being "sheep".

    Although I will admit, I think he's a fake hipster to a degree, because he's a big outdoorsy sporty type of guy, but he still tries to act so hard like he's this big indie rock simple life skinny jean hipster. He also regularly bathes and drowns himself in cologne, which is not a hipster thing.

    He has no qualms of calling me "fake" because of some of the brands of clothes that I wear, stating "You ONLY wear those because you see other people doing it and think it's cool", while he refuses to understand that he probably only dresses the way he does because it's how hipsters are "supposed" to look.

    I get irritated because I have a wide variety of style, and I never dress a certain way because I think others want me to dress that way, or it's because it's the style that fits the best stereotype of how others see me.

    He's also another fucking dipshit who thinks it's his job to tell me that I shouldn't color my hair or wear my makeup the way I do. Look, I don't look like a Jersey shore loser, so as far as I'm concerned, I'm fine looking the way I am. I'll wear as much makeup as I want, and I'll have my hair whatever color I want. I don't rag on you for your right to look as stupid as you want to look.

  • #2
    I'm surprised it took this long for a thread about hipsters to appear here (er, I lurk every day, just am too lazy to ever reply LOL). I've encountered some people who have that hipster attitude. Although the ones I've met are all about their "underground music". There's this girl that I work with who basically freaked out when she heard a Kings of Leon song playing on the radio at our store, shouting that she liked them before they had anything on the radio, and that they're too mainstream now and she doesn't like them anymore.

    Uh, what? So just because a band starts getting their songs played on the air means they aren't worth listening to anymore? I dunno, if I liked an underground band, and they started becoming more famous and soon everyone knew of them, that would be pretty awesome, cause that would mean more people like their music. I wouldn't start hating them, that just doesn't make sense.

    As far as fashion goes, I don't really get why people wear certain things just because everyone else is wearing it, unless you're desperate to fit in. Shit, I just wear whatever's comfortable and not butt-ugly. Also, if I see someone wearing, say, Silver brand jeans, I don't assume that they're wearing them just because they're what the cool people are wearing. Maybe that's the only brand that fits them properly. Who knows.


    • #3
      Ugh, hate hipsters. They're all over this freakin town. Part of them are college students, some are just vagrant/trustafarians, and all of them (with few exceptions) are well funded by Mummy and Daddy from the rich suburbs of KC. There are cafes and shops downtown that I refuse to go to because they're popular with that crowd, which leaves a constant smell of BO/marijuana/patchouli that's just disgusting. There was this one hipster kid in the class I TA (thank the gods he was not in my section) who came to lecture in a wrestling unitard. And a coat. In November.

      And since quite a few either aren't college students or don't go home for the summers, there's no reprieve. Them and the more-traditional-hippie eco freaks drive me bonkers. (Actually, those guys are a bit more irritating since they're more apt to get involved in politics. Y'know, trying to prevent a chain grocery store from remodeling a location in an underserved neighborhood. Or basically throwing a shitfit anytime a restaurant that isn't local, free-range, vegan, cruelty-free, etc. tries to come to town. Look bitches, I want a freakin' Olive Garden, okay?)


      • #4
        You noticed that too, Admin? They try to act all poor and like they live such simple lives, yet they are far from desolate and desperate for money. This kid lives with his parents, most hipsters here are college kids on a free ride to the uni.

        The music thing, that drives me bonkers as well. This guy had the nerve to tell me that one of my favorite bands sounds "too much like everything else", and that I need to listen to more indie rock and more independent bands. Oh, fuck off. I've heard him singing music that can be heard on the top 40 radio stations. If you hate mainstream, how do you know the words to every Bruno Mars song?


        • #5
          I hate pretentious douchebags too. They are so caught up in being 'original' and an 'individual', but can't grasp that some people actually like mainstream stuff, or at least don't want to go out of their way to be 'original'. I mean, did it ever occur to them that the mainstream stuff may be popular because *gasp*, people like that stuff! And if everyone was into these guys select tastes, than it would be mainstream, and they'd probably hate on it too.


          • #6
            It's ok for hipsters to sheeple other hipsters... somehow that's not following the flock.

            Anyone who makes decisions on what music they like that is even partially based on the popularity or obscurity of the band in question is a completely and utter twat and probably lacking in anything resembling good taste.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Originally posted by blas87 View Post
              He has no qualms of calling me "fake" because of some of the brands of clothes that I wear, stating "You ONLY wear those because you see other people doing it and think it's cool", while he refuses to understand that he probably only dresses the way he does because it's how hipsters are "supposed" to look.
              the only thing worse than a "brand whore"(which you are not by any means), is someone who refuses to buy something that may be totally amazing because of the brand.

              as in-"oh those pants are amazing, but they're x brand"

              Originally posted by Andara Bledin View Post
              Anyone who makes decisions on what music anything they like that is even partially based on the popularity or obscurity of the band in question is a completely and utter twat and probably lacking in anything resembling good taste.
              fixed that for you
              Registered rider scenic shore 150 charity ride


              • #8
                Thanks everyone, I knew I could trust that you guys know I'm not some fake poser "sheep" that he accuses me of being.

                I love the *sick* irony that it's not alright for any other person to ever follow a trend (knowingly or unknowingly), but it's totally ok for these foul little "original" people to all dress and act the same!

                Another amusing detail is that I once got pissed off at him for ripping on me and asked why he insists on living like a hipster when he's just the same small town Wisconsin boy that everyone else is, and he said he lives this particular lifestyle to save money.

                Bwahahahaha? I save plenty of money by budgeting and making good financial decisons, not aligning myself with a certain stereotype or "look".

                Want to know what's even better? Unlike "real" hipsters, he eats lots of meat. He's a hunter and a fisher, just small town America good boy. He eats meat and all kinds of foods that are from animals.

                I'm so amused by him, when I'm not holding back from punching him.


                • #9
                  Im sorry wtf is a hipster? are we talking preppy people or am I thinking something else?

                  I love when people criticize that my wardrobe consists of shirts I had before college that I got on sale at the one department store, shirts with borderline inappropriate sayings but NSFW and free shirts I got in college. I have no style, I don't dress up I really don't give a shit, if it is comfortable I will wear it, unless it is pink, I have a thing against guys who want pink to be a manly color it is only a manly color if you go home and spoon your boyfriend.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by insertNameHere View Post
                    I have no style, I don't dress up I really don't give a shit, if it is comfortable I will wear it, unless it is pink, I have a thing against guys who want pink to be a manly color it is only a manly color if you go home and spoon your boyfriend.
                    Pink used to be a boys color, not for girls because it was considered to have too much energy for delicate little girls.

                    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                    • #11
                      Nope, hipsters are not preppies.

                      Hipsters are supposed to be today's version of the hippie, I guess is the most simple way to state it. They pride themselves on wearing "vintage" type secondhand or whatever clothes, ALWAYS skinny jeans, old tennis shoes, usually are quite unkempt and smelly looking, usually have longer or shaggier hair......up in arms about the enviornment and not eating foods that come from animals, etc etc etc etc. They also pride themselves on their "unique" sense of more underground or "behind the scenes" indie rock and similar music.


                      • #12
                        All of the worst fashion choices of hippies, none of the style or flair, and completely missing the point of the freak movement as a whole. >_<

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Correct you are.

                          At least hippies stood for something. They may have been a bunch of stinky unshowered potheads, but they had a cause they believed in, and it wasn't just to be a herd mentality or just to be different or obtuse just for fun or irony. And hippies were peaceful people who didn't go around mocking others who weren't like them.


                          • #14
                            I think you guys are romanticizing hippies.

                            The vast majority of them just smoked pot, made fun of "squares", and listened to shitty music.

                            The only difference between hipsters and hippies is the decade and the size of the leg opening on their jeans.


                            • #15
                              Really? Wow. Gotta let my parents and their friends know that most of them were in it for the drugs and to be all counter-cultural.

                              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

