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Everything Is An Argument

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  • Everything Is An Argument

    I work with a bunch of people who seem to think everything can be....or should be, an argument. Or turned into one. I mean, the most simple of things.

    A couple of years ago, my infamous ex-coworker Mo (she's still there, I just don't work with her much anymore) started a full on argument with someone over the cost of Forever Stamps, if their prices ever change or not.

    More recently, someone started with me on unemployment the other night at work.

    I was just stating that I'd gone online and re-applied for my layoff week.

    Here is my best recollection of the convo, M= me C= Coworker

    C= Why didn't you just call?
    M= Because going online is easier, if you can get away with answering all the questions online, it saves time and besides, I don't get many daytime minutes. I've always done it online, every time we get put on reduced hours or have week layoffs.
    C= But HR told us at the meeting that we had to call and just say where we worked, and they'd know we all had to take a week off!
    M= You can call if you don't have internet. HR told us either was fine, but there are questions you have to answer before you can file.
    C= But WE were told you only had to call and say who you were and where you work!
    M= I get that, everyone was probably told something a little different, but it really doesn't matter if you call or go online. Some people have to call because they've never filed for unemployment before.
    M= You do realize that if you call unemployment, you can be put on hold for a really long time?
    C= But THEY SAID there's a special number we could call!
    M= There is no special number. Their toll free number is for anyone in Wisconsin.
    C= But THEY SAID it was a special number that was only for us!
    M= There is probably no such thing as a special unemployment number just for people who work here.
    C= YES THERE IS! They said there WAS!

    I hope that coworker enjoys not being paid unemployment for their layoff week.

    I'm not always right. I can admit when I'm wrong. But for the record, I have been in this situation multiple times. This person has never had to file before. You HAVE to answer questions, whether online or on the phone. Even if you do it every single week, you HAVE to answer a series of questions, or even if it's just a one time thing. You don't just magically get unemployment, and no, there is no such special number just for the employees at my job.

    Any other examples, ya'll?

  • #2
    Reading between the lines there, is it possible that your co-worker was arguing with you because they were overwhelmed at the process of applying for unemployment?

    Some people can't handle...well, anything. It sounds like this may be that kind of person. It sounds like they were desperately trying to get you to say, "Oh, it's easy. You don't have to do a damned thing", because that's what they wanted to hear.

    I have a co-worker that also argues with me about everything, and I have come to realize that it's worse when they are nervous or unsure of a procedure I'm explaining to them. Once they become competent and familiar with a process, they don't argue with me about it.
    Last edited by Boozy; 05-02-2011, 01:17 PM.


    • #3
      I don't think so. I think it's another case of "I'm never wrong!", or they misinterpreted what HR told us.

      I work with people who are always trying to correct me and say "Well, on MY SHIFT, we never do that!".....well, that's fine. We have a horrible miscommunication problem and lack of consistency at my job. I know people do things differently. I never argue with someone that that's not how we do things.

      In fact, I was just yelled at the other night by a freaking temp over something I did. I'm really starting to wish they'd get rid of all the temps and that way none of us would have to be laid off, if all they are ever going to do is argue with people who have been here for years and know what we are doing and are just doing our jobs.

      That was mean, I don't wish anyone to lose their job, but the last few days I had at work were not that great. I hate when people just want to argue. And it always seems like they want to pick the person who is the easiest to work with, to argue with.


      • #4
        You can get unemployment for one week? Wow....that thought never even occured to me.
        Great YouTube channel check it out!


        • #5
          I got unemployment for 8 hours when our hours were temporarily cut a couple of years back, 8 hours a week for a few months.

          Granted, it wasn't even half of what I normally made, but it was better than nothing.

          I won't put my hopes too high, but I may get significantly more this time because of all the OT I got in the past couple of years, versus last time, I hadn't had OT pay on a check in a while.


          • #6
            Sometimes my inquisitive nature comes across as arguing. Frequently people fail to supply me with all the information I need, so I'll ask questions, lots of times coming in from different angles, to get through to them the point that they're not telling me everything I need to know. If it's me and an "Arguee" or something...

            ME - So this is safe?

            A - Yes it's safe.

            ME - you're sure?

            A - Absolutely, yes.

            M - No possible way this could explode?

            A - Nope. Not at all.

            M - Completely fool proof? No way any of this could fail?

            A - Not a bit! It's 100% safe!

            M - So what if I accidently sneeze while I'm carrying it?

            A - Oh then it will explode sending out thousands of tiny infectious shrapnel everywhere.


            • #7
              I tend to argue a lot with certain people. Usually it's because I can't let stupid remarks go by unscathed. And these people make plenty of them. Like comparing when America had slavery to us being in Afghanistan. And then not giving any actual reason as to why they are the same. I just can't help but call "smart" people out for being really stupid.
              Violence has resolved more conflicts than anything else. The contrary opinion that violence doesn't solve anything is merely wishful thinking at its worst. - Starship Troopers

