Exactly. If you buy wisely you have nothing to fear. Get a fixed rate. Don't buy more house than you need. Don't let someone sell you more house than you need. Speculate on the neighborhood. Don't buy so close to the projects a crackhead can carry your tv to his place without getting winded. If the market sucks, don't sell until it stops sucking. Improve it as best you can without pricing it out of the neighborhood. Use the equity to pay for home improvements. Overpay on that mortgage when you can so you chip away at the interest faster.
A house and/or land is only going to go up in value. Property may depreciate temporarily, but it won't stay depreciated. It WILL increase in value at some point. You have to be prudent when you buy, and prudent when you sell.
A house and/or land is only going to go up in value. Property may depreciate temporarily, but it won't stay depreciated. It WILL increase in value at some point. You have to be prudent when you buy, and prudent when you sell.